Monday, October 14, 2013

Miley Cyrus And Hollis Jane

Hollis Jane has been getting some press the past few days. She is one of the little people that took to the stage with Miley Cyrus during the Video Music Awards. Generally I always stand behind anyone who comes down on Miley but in this case I will have to take Miley's side.

In case you haven't read what Hollis said on Reddit about the performance here is a quick summary. She went to the final dress rehearsal and was shaken and crying and never felt worse as a human being. "After our first dress rehearsal in the costumes with the crew, publicists, performers etc watching us, I walked out of the Barclay Center shaking and crying."

She also said that she had never been in something where she was someone to be stared at or gawked at like an animal in a zoo or a side show act.

I agree that this was the purpose behind Miley's inclusion of little people in her performance. Here is where Hollis and I don't see the same side of the story. Hollis walked out of dress rehearsals and felt awful but she still came back for the show. If it was so awful for her then why did she go back? If she felt so strongly that she was a piece of meat then why did she go back? No one forced her to go. It isn't like she was going to keep working for Miley after the performance. She says that she was asked to go on tour and declined so then why go out there for the show? Did she take the paycheck for the rehearsal and the show? Yes. Did she keep it? yes. If she felt so strongly about it why she did keep it? It is all well and good to come out and talk about how you felt demeaned and if she had gone through the dress rehearsal and not gone back I would totally be on her side but she did go back. Also we are taking her word for it that she was asked and declined to go on tour. Maybe she wasn't asked and this is how she got back at Miley.


Meanie Rhysie said...

Oh, look! It's judgey Enty!

Maybe she didn't realize she'd feel bad...until, um, she did feel bad?

Now! said...

She's a working performer and she needed a paycheck - fair enough.

What I don't understand is why Little People choose to go into the entertainment industry. If she'd trained to be a kick-ass accountant, machinist, HR professional or programmer, her size would not be the daily issue it is in entertainment.

Most of the roles Little People play in entertainment are somewhat demeaning. There is only one Peter Dinklage.

Bacon Ranch said...

She looks like she would strangle you with your press pass while screaming "MY PRECIOUS"

Patty said...

Girl's gotta pay her bills and she did commit to this job. So she followed her work ethic and pocketbook. Not like she's earning Miley $$$. How many of us have really bad days at work and go back because we basically have to...until we find another job?

Kelly said...

I call someone wanting publicity.

auntliddy said...

She got the job, she did the job, she got paid for job. End. Of. Story.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Did anyone see the hot little person guy who was a guitarist for Miley's acoustic performance on SNL? I would definitely do him! ;)

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Here is the acoustic performance I mentioned. Advance the video to about 1:04 to see him. :)

Sarah said...

She looks like the small version of Lorde, I hope she's doing Royals as part of her not degrading act

gee-gee said...

Like everybody else in the business she:

1. Needed the paycheck and now she:
2. Wants some more attention.

Just Another HR Lady said...

Agreed @nuttyflavor....she chose to go into the entertainment world as a specialized performer (Little Person for hire), kind of hard to feel bad that she was then used as entertainment.

Yep, Peter Dinklage seems to be the exception, he's a real actor. (And awesome)

Tali said...

I think no matter how you look at it, Miley/her team isn't hiring little people based on their performing talents but rather their shock and novelty value. And she acts like she's doing them a favor. This girl was probably excited to have a gig at the VMAs and get paid, so she took it without realizing what it entailed. And she stuck with it, because that's what professionals do. For those of you who have never had to work a demeaning job to pay the bills, I commend you. For the rest, maybe meditate on your job shame a little before getting nasty on this girl. Also I don't think Enty read the actual blog post. For those interested, here it is:

Anonymous said...

Its showbusiness folks. If you dont like it then dont be a part of it. Boohoo.

Anonymous said...

Okay, but Enty posts stories of women who feel forced to be unwilling victims of sexual harassment and assault. He posted one in the past few days, yet in this case he gets judgey? What the FUCK Enty?

Just Another HR Lady said...

Sorry, but she knew exactly what she was getting into from the first meeting about the job. I'm sure it was all laid out in black and white what Miley wanted and planned. If she really felt harassed, she wouldn't have done it, period. And if she didn't want to do it, someone else would have gladly taken her place.

Btw, it is possible to get jobs that pay the bills that don't involve working for Miley Cyrus, she had a choice, as we all do. I have had no problem serving coffee when I've had to, to pay the bills.

Just trying to extend her 5 seconds of fame, and no doubt she wanted to pocket a big lump sum of cash.

Just Another HR Lady said...

Btw, she also went to audition for a spot on Miley's tour AFTER that show. Interesting behavior for someone who felt harassed...

Lux Luthor said...

Whoa. Dat face!

Seven of Eleven said...

Thanks, Tali. Once again, newE has skewered the story. She specifically states that she had computer and car problems, accepted "Miley money" and then felt like complete crap about the whole situation after the performance. She's not using it for future fame and glory.

Tali's link to Hollis's blog

HannahBanana said...

THIS^^^^^ it has always bothered me that little ppl are used as gimmicks. They're humans & as such have a right to general courtesy. Idk what happened here but, I'd say the woman needed her paycheck (don't we all?)...& afterwards when she actually saw it on tv, maybe it was even worse than she had assumed.

Nia Scott said...

First time commenter, this is my godsister and someone I grew up with. I'm honestly disgusted with the comments on here when it is made clear that she ultimately decided that it was not worth doing more work of this nature when it made her feel degraded. OF COURSE she accepted the money from working - we have all worked jobs we've hated only to decide later on it isn't worth it.

Sherry said...

Nia: Welcome to the blog. And thank you for your comment. Word to the wise for any celebrity or family member thereof - you will not always read glowing remarks. Be prepared for the criticism. And remember, if you believe the good stuff you have to believe the bad stuff too.

And in light of that you should thank Tali and the others who took the time to bring the other side to the story. Not ALL comments were bad.

(And nothing personal but I have never heard of a "Godsister")

hunter said...

Uhhhh... Hello? Everyone?

What's being left out here is that pretty much ZERO people who saw Miley's VMA performance even realized there were little people in the short pink bear costumes.

No one even noticed and no one could see there were little people inside.

So I really fail to see how she was objectified as a little person - surely the hot blonde little person dancer chick Miley is performing with in the skimpy outfit is rocking her socks off.

She's being objectified too but she seems to be owning the shit out of it, in my opinion. Completely different as she is front & center. Wonder if that would have changed this girl's feelings.

Thighofchickenissues said...

From other articles I've read, she is passionate that being an actor/creating art/ being an interpreter of artistic story telling to the masses, is her calling. I have mad respect for the struggle of actors(not famewhores).
To make it in Hwood, w/out trust funds and being different, must be disparaging. There are countless rich kids with family funds that can't crack the code.
She took a gig to pay some bills. She didnt walk out once hired as to not burn bridges. Don't tear down a truly unique and dying breed of actual thespian. Again, I'm nobody and would rather eat glass than live in the Hollywood nightmare. But thanks to all that do.

Thighofchickenissues said...

What I don't understand is why Little People choose to go into the entertainment industry

Tried to put quotes around your quote, but apparently, challenged. I respect your opinion. But do you think that in saying that little people shouldn't pursue careers in entertainment is right?
I agree that society and life has shown us all what flies and to be the one to buck the system only to fail and then create controversy to make a point, takes away from validity. However, it takes all kinds of kinds in this world.

Thighofchickenissues said...


*girl said...

To all of those questioning why a little person would go into show business: maybe, because they WANT to act?

All sorts of people want to act. It's a passion to create. And they shouldn't be forced to go be an accountant or whatnot if they want to act.

Is their road tougher? Absolutely. But it is as well for people with small heads, who are overweight or unattractive...

How many attractive people get used on casting couches? Sometimes you take jobs, or do things that you learn from and you don't do it again.

Go on Hollis, get yours.


Thighofchickenissues said...

So much more eloquently stating my thoughts as well!

Diana said...

enty doesn't understand why she went back or why she even kept her paycheck? Really? LOL Wow, enty is deeply stupid.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I hate Miley, but have to say this:
Working as a silly stageprop as a little person only helps keeping prejudice about little people alive.
She herself is part of the problem.

If you don't want prejudice, don't take silly jobs as 'the funny midget'. Instead go the Tyrion Lannister road, play a role with value and a backstory.

Yes I realize these are very hard to get and I understand that walking away from a job that pays is not possible for everyone. But then don't complain about it later in the media, exactly during the time everyone is talking about Miley (aka easy coverage).

Count Jerkula said...

Porn whores go through the same thing. The performance always lasts longer than the money. Once the reality of that sets in, it is often followed by bitterness and regret. No sympathy from me. If you live in the moment and cash the checks, thems the breaks.

Unknown said...

Don't forget Warwick Davis! He's a great actor and been around for ages :)

Just Another HR Lady said...

Oh right, Warwick Davis, forgot about him...great actor!

Nia Scott said...

@Sherry I am new to commenting, not new to the internet - I am well aware that not everything said is going to be positive, thanks.

If you've never heard of "godsister" (mainly a term that is used in religious families), google is an option rather than suggesting I shouldn't use it.

Tali actually read her piece and it's obnoxious to me that people who haven't read it are suggesting she shouldn't try to follow her passion even if that means making some mistakes such as taking on a job she ended up not being proud of. She said it's her opinion and that she doesn't deserve to only have opportunities to be a side show piece because she isn't average height.

Sure, not everyone will agree with that, but I am not here for Enty's asinine arrogance over her blog post.

Anonymous said...

Never forget Wicket! I mean Willow. I mean, Warwick!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who's a dwarf. Do you know how fucking embarrassing and annoying it is whenever we go out (she's v attractive & outgoing) when drunk guys (and once, 2 middle aged women who kept patting her head) tell her they've always wanted to "fuck a midget"? Or they make Oompa Loompa jokes? And yes, they like all of us have bills to pay and do shit that erodes the self esteem. Doesn't make it right to objectify them like that.

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know, probably because she signed a contract. Fuck this, Enty. Fuck you.

Unknown said...

Us little people know what it is like showing up for work with feeling described. Clearly 'Entry has not


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