Monday, October 13, 2014

Blind Item #3

This B list mostly movie actress who makes her living almost exclusively from a franchise at this point has a great PR team for her sending out a Tweet a day, while our oft troubled actress hides out in rehab after her latest meltdown. The studio said they would find someone else for the franchise unless she got clean.


Tricia13 said...

Mi Heller Rodriguez

Violet said...

Michelle R

Tricia13 said...

Michelle R

sandybrook said...

Or Michelle Rodrieguez even

FSP said...

Zoe Saldana

Jen said...

Mi Heller is actually a terrific nickname for MRod. Golf clap, Tricia.

Tricia13 said...

Kinda fits...or hellraiser Rodriquez

cubsfan1990 said...


Unknown said...

Tara Reid (2 franchises!)

Fluffyisgone said...

Michelle Rodriguez makes sense. Have not seen her papped recently.

Fluffyisgone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Murphy said...

Dude, get it together, they can't kill off Letty AGAIN

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Michelle Rodriguez has a Tumblr, and while she doesn't post on it every day, she has been recently, and this is not the sort of thing a PR flack would be posting. Often confusing, lots of vintage Hollywood stuff, lots of Buddhism and other "spirituality" related stuff, lots of "mind-blowing" animated gifs and lots of glamour models, sometimes nude.

I believe it's really her.

The Real Dragon said...

Good for her.

Sherry said...

Got to be Mitchie...she's been absent as of late.

Unknown said...


NomNom83 said...

I think we all need to follow Tricia S and just stick with referring to Rodriguez as Mi Heller!

The Real Dragon said...

Michelle is in Monogolia tho. how is this her. Unless rehab is there.

PDgirl said...

Not Zoe Saldana. She is pregnant with twins and has been out to multiple premieres lately.

mooshki said...

Jaimie Alexander.


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