Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Off Topic

I make it a point at every home or public bathroom I visit to switch the toilet paper roll so it comes out from the top. 


Cathy said...

I make it a point to touch as little as possible in any public bathroom.

sandybrook said...

I try very hard never to have to sit on the throne in a public bathroom and if I do it gets wiped down frist with water at least before I sit on it.

Lady Heisenberg said...

My sister in law recently posted this on my brother's facebook wall with a full explanation of how he does it the wrong way and why this way is the only way. He married her anyways.

In actually scary news, @pumpkintits alerted me to the clowns terrorizing Bakersfield. I blame juggalos.

Jordan T said...

Hahaaaa! Seriously

Jordan T said...

The juggalos are always to blame.

Brian said...

I'm a bottom when it comes to toilet paper

Mal said...

Ewww. I touch as little as possible in public restrooms. Then I bathe myself in Purell.

Brin said...

So you're the one.

Sherry said...

@LadyH....Ellen..Is that you?

I so would post that too...I am completely anal retentive so it's no cake walk to live with me...The Opster fucks with me and turns the knives around and upside down on the magnet knowing it kills me..LOL!

And Senor Salty..I'm a top all the way. Ha.

Evil Kumquat said...

I do the same in friends' homes, but I never touch public stalls if I can help it.

Pip said...

I make it a point to make sure everything goes down the toilet after flushing. At home or in a public restroom. It is disgusting when people leave pieces of poo, toilet paper, and pee in the toilet for you to deal with. I also hate when assholes leave a drops of pee on the toilet seat. How difficult is it to wipe up?

CoBe said...

The drops of pee come from people who hover over the seat.

I'm not saying how I know this, but I know this.

Unknown said...

Cathy - which is why the toilet paper should roll from the top- so you don't have to.

mystic chic said...

I lived in NYC for years and this was ALWAYS the case. And the women would not wash their hands...leaving pee on the toilets always made me feel as if whoever follows them in the stall are peasants who should clean up after the high and mighty. I love it Enty...keep the rolls of toilet paper properly pointed in the top position. Maybe squatters might take the hint...

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Fuckin' hoverers...

CoBe said...

meh. You can't blame ALL hoverers. You have to blame the FIRST one.

If you hover over a clean toilet, you are an asshole. If you hover over an already spritzed toilet seat, you are simply going with the flow, so to speak.

Eros said...

In the process of changing the tissue, I hope you know that you are getting fecal matter and bacteria all over your hands, Enty.

So anal retentive of you, Enty. No pun intended, of course.;)

Sherry said...

If you're going to stand and per like a man, lift the seat. Otherwise clean up or use the ass gaskets provided. Sadly I don't believe they are law in every state but we have them in CA.

Seven of Eleven said...

This sounds like the creepy guy in "Sleeping with the Enemy".

OTOT: Next time you're in a public bathroom, snag one of those toilet paper covers (before use, obv). Cut it into squares and voila, free blotting paper!

auntliddy said...

I always adjudt the to too. And fold the towels and wipe off counter. I do it without thinking! Lol. As for women hovering over the toilet sear, that could not be more germy and disgusting. I have sat in someone elses pee a coupla times. Disgusting!!!!! If youre gonna hover over seat like a ufo, CLEAN OFF THE DAMN SEAT WHEN U R DONE!!!!!! Youre fussy???? So are the rest of us!!!!!!

Seven of Eleven said...

LOL @auntliddy! "Hover over the seat like a ufo" almost made me spit out my tea!!

Lady Heisenberg said...

OK seriously everyone? All of our problems could be solved if we just moved to Switzerland! LOOK at their amazing self-cleaning toilet robot technology! I almost screamed in delight when I saw that magical throne of a toilet when I came off of my Ambien filled transAtlantic flight. It's my favorite thing of theirs next to their chocolate of course!!! ;)

PugsterMom said...

I don't actually switch it but it bugs the crap out of me (!!) when it doesn't come out from the top.

Gayeld said...

I have a free floating TP stand, so you can turn it around any way you damn well please and I'll flip back the right way next time I'm in there.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

The only thing I do with TP when I'm outta home, it the fake turd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0ozfA2P3yk

And when I'm in an English speaking country, I do the Cornholio. My accent fits greatly.

OKay said...

OMG people! Public bathrooms absolutely aren't any worse than any other public area (assuming no spray or anything), money or any item that gets mauled regularly by children. Live in your germ-free bubble. It will take the superbugs less time to take you down.

Greengrl said...

Omg, this never really bothered me before but now I have some house guests who do the under. I'm so used to over that I don't even think about it but then I noticed that my house guests change it, how rude! I'm letting them stay with me rent free, it was only supposed to be for a month & now we're going on 3, the least they can do is leave my tp alone.

Greengrl said...

I'm a hoverer even when I go to friend's & family's homes but I make it a point to wipe down if I sprinkle, no matter where.

BeckyMae said...

I used to work at a company where there were signs on the back of every cubicle door with a diagram of a lady with both feet on the toilet seat, squatting over it with a HUGE one through it because we had a lot of Asian (predominantly Indonesians) employees who were used to squat toilets. They found it hard to use the loo any other way.....I used to find broken toilet seats with footprints on them all the time!

Oh and I'm with Enty....TP must be at the top...I can't function any other way....

all points pilates said...

Exactly what I was going to say. I do think it should be over the top though.

all points pilates said...

How totally rude to change it at someone's house though. Suck it up and relish in your over the top tp when you get home.

Lady Heisenberg said...

They may just be onto something @BeckyMae ;)

auntliddy said...

Lovely-perhaps but as far ss i know, all thats involved is flipping it back!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Fair point, CoBe.


Kat has left the building said...

Anyone who leaves their pee on the seat for the next sucker is a complete jerk. It's as arrogant as asking 'don't you know who I am?' My next pet peeve is the water all over the sink counter. I always wipe it up bc it's so freaking gross. Water is what bacteria grows in, so if you're so worried about germs in there, you're contributing, not helping! Bathroom attendants have such a yucky job as it is, why do people act like they're their personal servants? It's so mean. Treat it like you treat your home.

Unknown said...

At a former workplace we had issues in the ladies room with squatters who left pee drops, the owners posted a sign "if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie". It solved nothing.

Alita said...

You don't know what you're wishing for, LadyH. They actually changed public toilets in many places to be stainless steel one-piece type affairs because of the standing on the seat and breaking it issue. And believe me, years of practice they may have, but aim hasn't improved (just like men ;). Imagine if you will going into a bathroom stall and finding footprints on the seat, and pee everywhere. Now imagine the other stuff you might find literally slopping over the seats. Ugh.

One I've experienced when I was on the cheap in SE Asia - no toilet paper. Just a pot of water and a ladle. You're meant to wash yourself down but there's no drying apparatus. I guess in the tropics things dry quickly!

Lady Heisenberg said...

I'm not wishing for people to put their dirty feet on top of the toilet seat too LOL
I just saw an article recently which suggested that humans are better off pooping in a squatting position and that this has some health benefits. That is why they are recommending the Squatty Potty, which allegedly puts you in a comfortable squat position without requiring that you stand on the toilet.

PS- I could imagine that going very very wrong. Imagine drunk people trying to accomplish that. Thanks for that though, it crackede up! Lol

PugsterMom said...

Nothing... and I mean nothing bothers me more than 1. Seeing pee on a toilet (you filthy PIG!) and 2. Watching people exit a public restroom without washing their hands (you filthy PIG!)

Jennmcn said...

I do it at other people's houses but avoid public restrooms like the plague. One night, I did it to all 5 bathrooms at my ex-inlaws house during a party. They mentioned that someone switched it to my ex on Monday morning at work. They couldn't figure out who did it. It's a compulsion with me, I just can't leave it alone.

Jennmcn said...

I do it at other people's houses but avoid public restrooms like the plague. One night, I did it to all 5 bathrooms at my ex-inlaws house during a party. They mentioned that someone switched it to my ex on Monday morning at work. They couldn't figure out who did it. It's a compulsion with me, I just can't leave it alone.

Unknown said...

I've found chicks toilets to be filthier than the guy's. It's disgusting. I hate when people leave empty loo rolls & don't replace.

Unknown said...

Gina Z we also have signs in doors at work. They get ignored. I hate walking into a loo and someone's left a corn dog floater in the bowl.

Unknown said...

I also avoid public loos. Years of pelvic floor exercises. I'm also a germaphobe & carry hand desanitizer everywhere.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ha!@Senor. A bottom huh?


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