Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blind Item #6

The eggs are hers, but there is talk that the sperm donor is someone else other than this A lister for this A list couple's impending parenthood.


  1. George and Amal?

  2. Tricia1312:02 AM

    George and Amal Clooney?

  3. Another more credible Blind website than yours doesn't agree with you.

  4. Barbara RiceHand12:08 AM

    I'm thinking it's Matt Damon's sperm.....

  5. In NYC12:09 AM

    +1 to George and Amal. My question is why?

  6. JustReading12:11 AM

    Lemme guess...Assange?

  7. BG has stated more than once that Clooney has undergone sperm extraction, which is a real, painful, and often unsuccessful attempt to remove viable sperm from the testes of a vasectomized man. Now, it's possible the procedure didn't work, and they had to use someone else's, but only the principles know for sure. I'm still stunned that Clooney has done this 180 with his life, as he made it clear for decades he had no intention of marrying again, and he disliked children. Is he really out for a politcal career? Somehow, I just don't buy that. Is he hiding from something behind the respectable veneer of a traditional marriage? Who knows?

  8. Guessing12:33 AM

    Also, fraternal age is linked to autism, bipolar and ADHD. Fathers over 40 are 3.5% x more likely to have autism, 13x more likely to have ADHD and 25 x more likely to have bipolar.

  9. French girl12:47 AM

    I dislike how Enty wrote it like if it was shameful

  10. i think beyonce bc they already saw how jay-z's genetics uglified that blue ivy thing...these twins will be getting a shot at looking halfway normal at least

  11. Guesser1:02 AM

    @p,, good one,but I think Jay wouldn't allow that. Fortunately, Blue is looking less like him as she gets older.

  12. information desk1:12 AM

    Yeah there was talk a few years ago that Beyonce wanted a different sperm donor bc blue is so Jay z it hurts

  13. BETTY BOTOX1:18 AM

    Guessing: Thank you for bringing this up. So true. Over the years some of my girlfriends have had kids with men in their 50's and 60's and held their breath till the kid arrived. One daughter was born with autism and a boy arrived with neurological problems. Both kids are in their 40's now and it has been an uphill battle for the moms since Day 1. I lucked out big time. My baby daddy was 56 and she arrived healthy. Big blessing.

  14. Ever Duchovny1:24 AM

    I read about Clooney undergoing a procedure to "extract sperm" too, but that doesn't mean it was successful, or if it was, that they were successful inseminating her with it.

  15. information desk1:43 AM

    Supposedly they blame trumps age on baron having autism too

  16. Truth Time3:23 AM

    Drumpts son has high functioning autism but drumft is too ego centric to admit it. Anyways his son has a team of nannies to guide him not like regular parents with autistic kids. Drumpt was an over fourty dad which increases autism risk immensely but he makes fun of disability, is stripping disabled people of their rights as we speak and blames his sons problems on vaccines and not his old sperm. Just one more reason to admire our new potus.

  17. M.D. Wife3:37 AM

    Women over a certain age get told all the time that our eggs are too old but it only makes sense biologically that men's sperm goes through changes. People like Halle berry may even have different sperm (than their husbands) and eggs from a younger egg donor implanted. When it works for the wealthy we think oh I can do that too with no consequences. No you can't. Stars have umpteenth amounts of dollars to spend getting achieving their perfect babies through science. It's a booming business.

  18. Autism spiked 90% the year Botox became legal.

  19. Get Lost, DumbA$$6:03 AM

    Drumpt...how clever of you. Did you come up with that? Kudos.

  20. Zilla18:11 AM

    Barron Trump does not have autism no matter how hard Rosie O'Donnell and Daily Kos insist otherwise.

  21. If that site is Blind Gossip, that's a big HAH! on being more credible.

  22. James9:10 AM

    Maybe aspergers . Hard to identify sometimes till kids are older. Google melania and Baron's high five at inauguration. Awkward.

  23. Autist9:28 AM

    Why can people easily accept that older parents can have biological denigration in their genetic material which can result in higher cases of Down's syndrome , bi polar disorder, schizophrenia, even according to documented clinical studies higher incidences of certain childhood cancers. But when it comes to autism it's vaccines, chemicals in the air, botox, genetically modified food...etc. Drop the age of first time parents to 1950's levels and autism rates will fall accordingly. Also a little bit of autistic tendencies as in the case of aspies is not so bad. Aspies see the world in a different way and can have many savant like qualities. Aspies have contributed many positive things to the world, especially in technology. Inventions and the like.

  24. i just watched it, top comment on youtube "boy needs to upgrade from dial-up internet, serious lag" Am i going to hell for laughing at that? Sorry kid not your fault your dads sperm is 60+

  25. Sd auntie1:53 PM

    Yes @guesser. Also schizophrenia. So scary

  26. Martini2:34 PM

    Just here to drop the science aspect. Women are born with all of our reproductive eggs. No more. Men produce sperm well into their 70s, given viable testes. Men solely provide generic information during conception. Our DNA is like a dubbed tape (seriously...lol) you never get the beginning of the song. Just imagine using that same tape over and over to make copies. It just so happens youthfulness is the first to go.

    With that...Jay Z / Beyonce

    "The eggs are hers..." Do tell...IVF?

  27. Martini2:35 PM


  28. marlo5:39 PM

    Only the lowest forms of 'intellect', will ridicule an 11-year old and accuse him of having some sort of genetic/mental problems - while there is no proof whatsoever - as a way to get back at his father.

  29. Camal191:47 AM

    If it's Beyonce and JayZ...it would be smart if she got a different sperm donor. His genes seem to be stronger than hers, and Blue Ivy looks exactly like him...poor thing. It's most likely Amal and George. I think there have been whispers out there for a while now.

  30. Hawaii5:10 AM

    George Clooney never had a vasectomy. It was just a story to explain why he was a lifelong bachelor and never had kids. Now that he has political ambitions he wifed up a beard and she did ivf. Ivf frequently results in multiples.Twins and even triplets are more common. Some couples choose selective reduction and just have one. Some go for the twins. Why does everyone think Hollywood, especially older moms and dads have such a high level of twins. Put two and two together everybody!

  31. M.D Wife9:00 AM

    The rise in autism, adhd, all mental health issues, allergies even directly correlates to the rise of the age of first time parents. Down's syndrome would be much, much higher as well but 89% of parents whose fetus tests positive for Downs in utero chose to abort the fetus. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Also many Hollywood women freeze their eggs before the age of thirty. Because they can afford to. That's why julia Roberts twins are healthy and yours are not. Again sorry for the blunt truth.

  32. I'm freaking out can I freeze my sperm



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