Saturday, March 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 15, 2016

This outspoken Fox news host who has his own issues, says that Gretchen Carlson is getting old and should be grateful her boss hit on her.

Bill O'Reilly


  1. nancer12:35 AM

    i would expect no less from him. misogynist pig.

  2. After he hit on her too and she told him to go phuck himself

  3. Sd. Auntie1:22 AM

    Pompous Ass.

  4. Non-college educated.
    Enough said about him.

  5. Jennifer1:55 AM

    His own kids hate him. What more is there to say?

  6. I just saw his bio and knew he mentioned Marist, then college in London, Masters from Boston Univ and another degree from Harvard. So not uneducated! Ego yes

  7. melissa3:43 AM

    My mom is college educated, I mean she even got one of those smart people scholarships and man she is an ASSHOLE. An alcoholic, abusive, narcissistic asshole. But I guess we should 'forgive' that all cuz she has a 'college degree'?
    LOL...every asshole has a college degree these days, they mean NOTHING.
    I on the other hand, do not have a college education (only one sans degree is my whole family) and I am not only the most successful but also the most decent, self reliant, independent and hard working one of the lot.
    In fact, the most successful people I know don't have a 'college education', my friend retired at 42, worth 15 mill, worked on Wall St as a trader WITH NO COLLEGE EDUCATION. Nicest, most hard working, honest man I know. A true success in every sense of the word.
    Let's remember people like...Kourtney Kardashian and J WOW went to college LOL guess that is what we should all aspire to be...'college educated' like them?
    You live in a fantasy world if you think being 'college educated' makes one better at any aspect of life. Except going to 'college'.

  8. Guesser4:48 AM

    @david ,where did you get that from? Even people who know little about him know he is well educated.

  9. sandybrook6:48 AM

    A lot of the crap that comes out of his mouth, like Rush Limbaugh, is orchestrated for a large paycheck. He writes a weekly news opinion column that is quite different than his TV persona and I find it very interesting and informative.

  10. Hortensia11:28 AM

    Melissa is officially a jackass. Congratulations! And you're you're full of bull shi-.

  11. Hortensia11:29 AM

    You adore a bullshit jackass.

  12. A jackass because she's telling the truth?

  13. Sd auntie1:53 AM

    So Melissa but obtaining my college education was the best thing that ever happened to me. Sorry you have such a negative opinion about it and your mom may have something else going on.

  14. Sd auntie1:53 AM

    Sorry Melissa...

  15. Jennifer2:43 AM

    Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Sir Richard Branson have no degree. Branson didn't even finish high school. I think the point Melissa is trying to make is that having a degree doesn't automatically make you smarter than someone else. You can achieve education just as easily on your own.

  16. Long Island Girl7:00 AM

    Hey Horensia, I'm not sure she was speaking about anything other than David's obsession about those who do not have a college education, but I could be wrong.
    I've wanted to confront him before but hadn't bothered

    Bill O'Reilly is a disgusting piece of shit. Trump learned much from him where he speaks out of his ass, lies all the time and makes up 'poll numbers' that don't exist.

  17. Long Island Girl7:03 AM

    How is it negative to call out someone who thinks that the only intelligent people in the world had the ability to go to university?
    Good for you that you were able to and that it was so positive. I mean that.

  18. Sd auntie7:17 AM

    Thans, it,was,a great time and it has enriched my life both financially and spiritually.

  19. Hot Cola8:15 AM

    Did we realy expect anything eles of him?

  20. Hot Cola7:33 AM

    And for an old guy that pa yes for every p*ssy he gets, he's really not in a position to talk. Gretchen maybe old, but what did he think, that allí tjis young pussy Hes f*cking is beacuse his charming personality or young body? Or because of his wallet?
    He's really in no position to call woman "Old"



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