Thursday, March 02, 2017

Blind Item #3

Apparently his days of monogamy and celibacy are behind this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who has an action franchise which can bring him up to A. On the set of his new movie he has had sex with a different woman each day of filming. They stay all day on set in his trailer having sex with him and then a new one appears the next day.


jack said...

Keanu Reeves

French girl said...

I feel Enty Is jealous

Tricia13 said...

Dwayne Johnson?
(However I don't believe it if him and women).

Ryan said...

Hope they use protection.

Sd. auntie said...

Colin Farrell. Maybe he got a vasectomy and wants to celebrate.

Guesser said...

Dwayne was born in California, but this again sounds like another he is so not gay cover blind, since the actor claims to be celibate or monogomous.

French girl said...

My guess also

French girl said...

Oops Keanu Reeve is my guess also

Tricia13 said...

True-thought Canada(he has dual citizenship )....

Lurky McLurkster said...

Hell, I am jealous too

Guesser said...

The only one that makes sense is Farrell, the other guesses,Keanu,is and has been A+,and the Rock, Dwayne Johnson is he top Star in the world. And US born.

Putzywutzy said...

Thought Dwayne is in a very happy relationship with his baby daughter's mom. I also live in a fantasy world, so it could be him.

Kate said...

I don't get it! What the heck is he on? My husband and I have what I think is a very active intimate life (both in our 40's). Without TMI (too late), 5-6 times a week. Neither has ever abused drugs or alcohol ... and we don't take any daily medications. BUT, we can only go twice a day about once a week. What in the world is he?! Sex superhero? And who are the girls willing to service him in succession... just eeew do the sheets get changed?

Catfished said...

I guess if he's single and using protection then the floozies know what's up. There are women who will do anything to suck a famous dic*.!The only cure for this is to raise your daughters with some self respect and self esteem. Prepare them for college from the time they are in preschool. Call your daughters smart, tenacious and capable instead of squealing oh aren't you a pretty little thing !!! everytime you see them.

Sd auntie said...

Colin was celibate for a period of time and announced it in some interview. Rock and Kenau are born in USA.

RenShaw said...

This is def. Keanu who was born in Lebanon to a US dad and English mom but claims Canadian citizenship and maybe US citizenship too. I would have thought he is A+ already.

LiveYourLife said...

What 'action' franchise does Farrell have? He could have been in the new Potter series (not action), but his character was 'killed' off (or rather, transformed into one that Johnny Depp is scheduled to now play).

LiveYourLife said...

I agree that Keanu makes the most sense. His action franchise that could raise his status (or his status via Enty's ratings, anyway) is John Wick. He was born in Lebanon. And, the most telling reason, he's been in the press a lot of late (and when you're guessing blinds, true or fictional, recent publicity is often a good indicator).

texasrose said...

Wasn't he in blinds about lacking personal hygiene?? Hope that has changed also.

information desk said...

Didn't Colin go celibate bc he had hiv

whoknew said...

This is probably meant to be Keanu however neither he nor Farrell are filming at the moment. Unless Enty is talking about filming on a movie in current release.

Taron Egerton heads up the Kingsmen franchise but has never talked about being celibate.

Hothotheat said...

I don't want this to be Keanu :(

karen said...

On set all day having sex? Surely Keanu is working.Also, based on his age and the level of stunts he does I imagine he would be looking forward to an ice bath and a nap rather than a tumble.

I Shaven't You said...

If it's Keanu, somebody give me directions to that trailer. But when did he ever claim to be celibate? Also, ice bath/nap/etc. per @karen.

Hothotheat said...

@karen I agree. He's never displayed that behavior before why start now?

Sheepie said...

McAvoy with X men franchise? Dont know new movie. Hes split from his wife. Sad if thats the case. I dont think being a ho brings you peace


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