Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 14, 2017

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress does have a long dormant franchise. She also freaked out when a reporter asked her about this cable actor she had been/is dating. When a fan of the actor asked the same question a few minutes later, the actress lost her s**t and told everyone to leave her alone.

Diane Kruger/Norman Reedus


  1. Wound up to tight.

  2. sandybrook1:13 AM

    I wouldn't admit I was dating him either if I was a woman.


    In her delusional mind she IS dating Norman. In reality she knows she's not. Must be confusing.

  4. More like Norman would rather die than go official with her for whatever reason.

    You can't really update people on your relationship status when your relationship status is: "I've been having sex with this guy for over a year even before my break up but he refuses to be a official couple let alone walk the redcarpet and call the paps which is what I used to do with my ex and what I want. He already said he'll never do it cause he likes his costar more but I insist."

  5. I'd hazard a guess this is why she set him up and called the paps on him.

    She tried to move on after Paris and even then it was coming back to haunt her.

    After Paris she actually stopped trolling this indicating she was dumped as per the blinds.
    But then she's still asked and realises most of her press relies on his name being attached at this event.Freaks out of being asked but also realises she needs his name to be relevant .Few days later she calls him and the paps turn up but hold the story a week later until Oscars Weekend and she spends hours trolling his fans on IG. He issues a denial, her people bring forth another fake story to keep it alive.


  6. information desk1:33 AM

    She is a foreign born booty call

  7. lol the stunt she made after this is incredible. how can someone be that low? I'm not saying reedus is a saint here either, but girl she embarrassed herself. like i would prefer to rip an arm than being associated at a guy that doesnt want to assume me because he have another person.
    She needs to work and maybe she will be talked about and be productive.

  8. dating is reaching...i think she is 'seeing' him and even that i dont know if 5 fucks a year count as that, but that just me. maybe i am picky.
    And after going trough all that trouble he denies everything and even then she thinks adding a 'eyewitness' is going to make it better...like i cant even right now..! lol

  9. Raina2:53 AM

    Lol 'five fucks a year'... Definitely doesn't seem like he wants anything resembling dating or a relationship (though she clearly does). But I think poor Norman forgot how the whole fwb/casual hook up thing is supposed to work. I thought you're supposed to be friends, for starters, and the whole point is it's *less* work, commitment and drama than a relationship. She doesn't exactly seem like the self-assured low maintenance type, to put it mildly.

  10. Thirsty much. The thirst is real with this one. Who is she anyway? Maybe the most manufactured actress in Hollywood.

  11. Sarah6:32 AM

    Diane is an idiot to let Joshua Jackson go for this bag of dicks. Like honestly. She had a man who was great to her and committed and she messed it up for this fool who is honestly not even half as attractive. If I were her I'd be freaking out too, especially since Josh seems to be doing fine.

  12. Raina6:56 AM

    I suspect maybe her and JJ were on the way out before whatever was going on here even started. Because if her main goal is attention and someone to attach to her arm for red carpets and parties...why risk losing JJ to begin with? Unless of course she already had.

  13. I agree with you Raina, i think her and JJ were already in a bad place before all of this happened. what i think, is that she wants someone to parade with and to be seen and talk about, because if she doesnt have that what is left? she doesnt do amazing in her movies, her movies are not big hits, she is not know for being nice...so she only have her romantic life and that is why i think she made the stunt she did with norman right before the oscars. to be talked about. to have something to say. but i think she was not expecting him to deny everything else either, which to me is even more funny. just show that she is not even his friend...at all levels. that is just my 2 cents in this.

  14. Lauren7:23 AM

    After what happened last week, she should really just move on. If the guy doesn't like you enough to be public with you, there is no reason to insist. Let go.

  15. But what about Josh Jackson:

  16. http://blindgossip.com/?p=83755

  17. marlo5:35 PM

    It's interesting how nearly always, some of the most beautiful women in the world, are also the most insecure, needy and pathetic.

  18. This blind item should be described more as ... "this foreign born C- mostly movie actress with a franchise that won't include her in the 3rd installment who was shot down by the B+ guy from that hit cable show after she set him up in her garage & tried to out him as her boyfriend bc he prefers his co-star more than her! ?



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