Thursday, April 06, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 2, 2013

"I started doing this little girl voice when a producer of the show I was auditioning for really responded to it. It turns out he liked it better when we were in bed together. Since then I have kept it because guys seem to like it." (Almost A list celebrity/singer/actress talking about her big break when she was a minor from a man three times her age)

Ariana Grande


  1. Do Tell2:28 AM

    As opposed to her regular, Ernest Borgnine-esque voice?

  2. sandybrook2:28 AM

    So instead of being proud and happy bitch should have reported him to the cops maybe?

  3. AyyPapi2:48 AM

    Dan 'hold her tighter, she's a fighter' Schneider

  4. Susan Lice2:54 AM

    Hey, she needed a check.

  5. James3:18 AM

    ewwwww so Dan "dirty Dan" Schneider may be the answer that man is disgusting its been a rumour for years that he's a perv

  6. Guessing3:45 AM

    Not really. She's a rich kid from Boca. Went to a super expensive school.

  7. Jessica4:17 AM

    This has been revealed already, as a few different pppl now.

  8. Jennifer4:49 AM


  9. June\'s Better Looking Younger Sister6:50 AM

    It takes 2 to tango. The pedophile should have known better.

  10. She needed fame.

  11. Melissa7:52 AM

    She is a typical rich, spoilt, bratty whore who has NEVER truly worked a day in her life.
    She is fucking repulsive on so many levels, just looking at her make me feel dirty.
    Pure trash this one.

  12. Wendy2:00 PM

    Remember, she hates us Americans too lol

  13. Dumblesnore2:54 PM

    Her career is shit at this point. Who wants to see her tired ponytail and tacky ass white go-go boots anymore? Even the tweens who bought into her trash years ago have likely outgrown it. I'm sure the producer wasn't the first older man she had slept with as a teen.

  14. Martima12:42 PM

    What? A 46 year old guy was attracted to a good looking 16 year old chicks wearing a school girl miniskirt and thigh high stockings or leather boots? I'm shocked!

  15. Donna5:17 AM

    You, nailed it. That's the perv. I always wondered what was the point of that character's creepy voice? Now, I know. YUK ! That was way before, I knew about Dan Schneider, and his pervy ways. I am adult with nieces, that's how I started watching these shows. I hate the fact that my 11 year niece, still watches Nickelodeon, and this perv's shows, but how can you tell a child, something like this ? Childhood, is over in a blink of an eye, you know ? I still feel creepy watching these shows with her, knowing what I know, now. I guess that's the burden of being an adult. I do not blame any child that's being sexually abused, or exploited by an adult. The adult should know better.



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