Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Mr. X Blind Item #1

Which slowly slipping to B+ list pop star is about to be exposed in a homophobic scandal? She was caught on tape a few years ago joking with some family members about some of her fans and she uses the f-word every few seconds. Surprising coming from someone who has dabbled with the ladies. Her fans will probably turn on her if they found this out.


Tricia13 said...

Katy Perry

MontanaMarriott said...


MontanaMarriott said...

Demi L?

KrisWhyte said...


Shalene said...

Katy perry. Yes they will turn on her. Katy is a hypocrite so I'll say her. She has more liberal fans.

Selena- yes I could see. And what fans?

I can't see Britney doing this unless drugs was involved. And no her die hard fans are not going to drop mostly people raised in church. Although most church p I know would be turned off by the f-g word too. That's an cruel & ugly word. They don't spread "HATE" They just say god has made it clear through the Bible what he believes and it's up to u.

Christina - I doubt

Gaga- I doubt. Seems to be a caring person all around. Butt She needs help.

Jennifer said...

I hope it's Katy Perry. She's annoying as fuck.

Evelyn Farkas said...

Please let this be Katy.

Shorny said...

Nikki Minaj

8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob said...

I thought f-word meant FUCK to you wanker sanctimonious americans, and faggot, fag, and others had no preposterous euphemism.

Sd auntie said...

Nikki hates everybody...

Yaya said...

This behavior SCREAMS Nicki Minaj. But would you refer to her as a pop star or a rapper? She's more known for her singing/pop hits than rapping skills

Bobbi Newhart said...

Either Xtina Hagmalaria or Katy, which makes sense considering her Christian pop roots.

If it's Katy, meh, people change.

Huh? said...

What has just happened? ANOTHER change in layout and all?

shakey said...

I know. But I quite like this.

shakey said...

If this is Katy I'm sure she'll explain it away as "fitting in" with her family because they don't understand, or some such claptrap.

Farmgirl said...

I like the new format

texasrose said...


texasrose said...

I think it is a pain in the butt to have to enter validation code for every comment. I don't think bots are commenting on this site or, at least, I haven't noticed them.

Parker said...

oooh...Miley...i like that guess..

Mingbot said...

I'm going with Gaga too. That would be HUGE.

Hortensia said...

I don't like the new format.

AyyPapi said...

" Surprising coming from someone who has dabbled with the ladies."

Makes me think of Katy Perry (although is she really slipping to B+?) or maybe Selena.

Andy said...

I think Enty changed the format to make certain only legit people are writing. The verification code is a easy way to track an IP address. I am guessing Lady Gaga or Katy Perry. Not surprised I find it sillly how some gay men fawn over female celebrities.

LiveYourLife said...

Enty basically refers to Katy Perry as an A+ singer in another blind (says "this A+ singer not named Katy Perry"), so it's hard to imagine he's referring to her as a B+ here. I don't think this is Katy. Miley might be a better guess, but hasn't she been referenced as A-?

The only person in the tabs recently that might fit is Halsey, but is she B+? Anyway, as usual, Enty's rating system is a source of some confusion, but I think Perry is safely not the target this time.

Mr. Knowitall said...

It is for sure not Miley. She is incredibly supportive of LGBT causes.

Ontoward said...

The only thing I love about this new format is I can see the most recent comments first, and I know what guesses have been ruled out by the time I've come here to read the blind :). You are all extremely savvy and the best!

Opela68 said...

Christina aguliera

Sunni said...

Nicki Minaj. Her star is falling

Frank Reynolds said...

Perry was brought up in a christian cult. They don't like gays or real art

Oh fudge said...

C'mon people. Katy is a list. So is rhianna so is miley and so is Gaga. I'm thinking if someone who is blist like Meghan Trainor? I think I read somewhere she's from a pretty conservative family. Also Enty's alphabetical rankings are off but in which world would Katy rhianna miley and Gaga be b-list ?


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