Saturday, April 08, 2017

Mr. X Blind Item #1

What A+ list songstress who will probably release an album later this year and sweep the Grammys for 2018 is seriously considering coming out as "sexually fluid"? Her PR people are warning her against it fearing fan backlash, so this is definitely a wait and see scenario. If she does come out, it won't be this year.


  1. sandybrook3:19 AM


  2. Kathy3:46 AM

    Celine Dion.

  3. Choke the patriarchy to death4:01 AM

    Why do pr people live in the 1950's? It's so bizarre . A lot of millennials identity as bi sexual. I personally think it's possible to fall in love with a woman or a man. A person is a person. What's the big deal?

  4. tswift just come out boo

  5. Just4Fun4:16 AM

    I have trouble imagining Swifty would even be considering this & I don't think Adele is ready for another album so soon. There aren't that may A+; I can see it being Celine. The only other A+ I can think of would be Bey (not gonna happen) or Ri Ri and I don't think her people would freak about it.

  6. Sd auntie4:17 AM

    It's ok Taylor.. Come out and be open with Karlie.

  7. CastingGirl4:40 AM

    I think it's easier for a woman to come out...esp in music...If you a romantic lead, impossible!

  8. Closets R 4 clothes4:48 AM

    Sexually fluid and bi are the new go to for gay people who want to come out but want to preserve that ever important heterosexual privilege. It's even more repulsive. Get your shit together and come out or just keep collecting your mountains of money for faking heterosexuality. Don't ride the middle, weak asses.

  9. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:51 AM

    I, for one, do not think Swifty is a dyke, just asexual and childlike like Michael Jackson, or cold and sexless like Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, or Ivanka Trump (I imagine these people boning like in the Victorian era, lights out and just out for having kids).

  10. Jennifer4:56 AM

    So obviously Taylor. Except why not come all the way out dear and just admit you don't like penis at all? Why come out with this fluid nonsense? It's a cop out really.

  11. Jennifer5:00 AM

    It's abnormal that's the big deal. Choose a side and stay there.

  12. Taylor goes both ways. She loves both the D and the V.

  13. I'm with you, Kathy. Celine doesn't need any more fame whereas Taylor is all about image.

  14. Alicia smith

  15. French girl6:49 AM

    Many guys can say you that Kidman is not cold and sexless

  16. Jennifer7:06 AM

    Your screen name amuses me.

  17. Dannette7:08 AM

    "if she does come out it won't be this year"

    Lol! I'm interested to hear about Gaylor Swift SWEEPING the grammys

  18. Ontoward7:21 AM

    Lady Gaga?

  19. Blue\'s clues8:42 AM

    Lady Gaga, katy Perry, madonna and Miley Cyrus have all already come out as bi so it can't be any of them.

  20. Probably Taylor, but total nonsense. She won't be coming out, at least not for a good 10 years or so. Plus she'd never do anything that her whole team of PR people wouldn't approve of.

  21. oL Ro9:18 AM

    I hope it's Tay Tay ?

  22. Abnormal how? To you? Do you always bash minorities? Is that your thing? Folks can be bisexual. It makes up the largest block of the LGBT group. You don't make the rules Jennifer.

  23. PSDoctorPS10:54 AM

    Kelly Clarkson. Leaving her dirtbag cheating husband and then coming out as fluid.

  24. It pisses me the hell off because it means that genuine, true bisexuals and pansexuals are ridiculed and dismissed as "greedy" "going through a phase" etc. Don't use someone else's real, true orientation as a placeholder or to cushion the blow for yourself because you're a chickenshit or a snowflake.

  25. You obviously haven't been around here too long or you'd know bashing ANYONE who's a minority, vulnerable, sexually or gender diverse , mentally ill, addicted (and a thousand other things) is basically all Jennifer has to contribute.

  26. I hope so, I feel like TayTay makes the rules on 'outness' in that group and rules them all with an iron fist. Glad to see people branching out and getting down with their bad selves :)

  27. I don't agree with the tone of the comment or everyone on the list but yes, same category as Tom Cruise. I think asexual, laser-focused, so extremely ruthless, tightly-wound and controlling that she's not really capable of normal romantic love or romance. She simply can't let go enough to vibe on an equal level with another person. It's really quite sad. I hink it's good they've channeled it into the arts rather than military dictatorship.

  28. Hot Cola1:51 PM

    If TyTy thinks shell be able to corner to her self some market segment by doing this than she wI'll come out.
    Preferably, one that will 'Mature' with her ( be with her for the next decade)
    Other than that i really dont see her aboundon her Hetro image at all.
    She'll probably pop two children, a labrador, picket fence and a pecan pie.

  29. Bobbi Newhart2:57 PM

    She's running out of men to exploit for her songs.

  30. wiper3:17 PM

    Cause's she's not gay, you delusional stan.

  31. wiper3:21 PM

    "Sexually fluid and bi are the new go to for gay people who want to come out but want to preserve that ever important heterosexual privilege"
    Or they are genuinely bi/pan/sexually fluid. Ever thought of that?
    Plus there's a ton more straight girls ans women that label themselves bi/pan/sexually fluid these days, cause it's cool, than gay people.

  32. wiper3:23 PM

    Another made up blind item.

  33. Blackdunhill7:33 PM

    dear wiper: you're probably straight (clearly no gaydar) you're the delusional one if you still think she's straight !!! she's super extra gay & she's been with kloss for more than 3 years now !! wake up & open your eyes !!!
    i really hope it's her & that they'll go public at some point, bc they're super cute together & it's clearly serious.

  34. Entry doesn't call Lorde A+. He still calls her one hit wonder

  35. dontfakeitbaby12:23 AM

    defining herserlf as sexually fluid would be faking. TayTay's 100% gay and has always been.

    quote (just turned 16):
    My name is Taylor. I am not clingy. I do not want a boyfriend.

    I do not show signs of wanting a boyfriend.

    I do not make hints leading on to the fact that I may want a boyfriend

    Myspace, 2006 - TS

  36. Sd auntie12:30 AM

    +10000000000. Thought i was the only one!!!!

  37. I believe there are straight ppl, and gay ppl, and very VERY few who genuinely EQUALLY like both genders.
    Experimenting does not mean somebody is gender 'fluid'.
    It just means experimenting. That's it. It still does not change your innate preference.
    And I also think that all of a sudden, all of these genderfluidiots are just sad straight or gay idiots, who want to be more interesting because they're just boring AF. It's a trend, it's fashionable, it's cool to be sexually 'weird' nowadays, and whoever doesn't accept it, is a *&%#*@*! and becomes a punching bag for all their misplaced, sad, idiot, boring-life anger.
    Just like pink or blue hair, and hideous leave tattoos, and hipster beards, it's for followers who have nothing to offer, but running after the latest fad.
    But the sexually questionable bathrooms, now that really takes the fucking piss. Every institution that has those half man-half woman toilets, should be closed down immediately and fumigated for motherfucking stupidity.

  38. Who said that all bi people love both sexes EQUALLY. You're lost.

  39. Deathsong1:29 AM

    Ah.....someone who just does not want admit it herself and then go off to other people to make herself feel better, ah?

  40. Marlo1:47 AM

    Actually I'm very comfortable with myself. I know exactly who I am, and what I like and I'm confident enough not to be some brainless follower, slapping the newest label du jour on my empty forehead.
    You're the one who's lost, if you believe suddenly every Tom, Dixie & Harry are 'gender fluid'.

  41. Blackdunhill2:19 AM

    well, wiper you seem to be new here, it's ok, if you take the time to read all the blinds related to Swift (& our dear Karlie) from the past 5 years, you'll see that i'm not the only one knowing it to be true :) and if you're someone working for Josh, well,don't bother, yes we know he's also as gay as a wet noodle,but it's ok :) Many of us commenting here usually cross these blinds with other sources. Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about and you believe what tabloids sell,so sad ! Cheers from a 30ish y.old gay model who knows a LOT of people in the fashion industry :)

  42. RenShaw6:34 AM

    I hate these blinds because I want to be diplomatic but I just can't with some of these idiots. I also get some of what Marlo is saying with the "I'm sexually fluid" monikers. I think it devalues genuine LGBT concerns, and it's f*cking disrespectful trying to ride on LGBT's back after you've checked which way the wind blows. And if this is Tay Tay, GTFOH, it's cowardly. Grow a pair and come out or stay in, but really, STFU. Reminds me of when she tried to get on the women's march back by sending "I better participate tweet" and she was checked for it.

  43. RenShaw6:43 AM

    Too many things in your post. But I agree with the "I'm sexually fluid" thing. I think some celebs are being self serving and Rachelly Dolezeally with this.

  44. Because it invalidates the bearding contracts...
    We all know majority of the guys she's dated are gay but this would just confirm it, sexually fluid allows her to date women but also doesn't break the bearding contract.

  45. Parker12:54 AM

    I'm confused on how Celine Dion got brought in to this...

  46. Grad school student1:22 AM

    Tater tot has bearded herself into a corner here. The dilemma is HER WHOLE ENTIRE CAREER is based on pr dating closeted gay men. Then writing "heartfelt " songs about her pretend relationships that her pretty pink princess hetero fans can relate to. She can't throw the closet door open now because she's a Hollyweird bearding juggernaut. She and her lesbian model squad are like a bearding corporation and she's the pathological liar CEO. I hope she spent her time off in intensive therapy to figure out where it all went wrong. Only a pathological liar who's overly invested in image and revenue generation would be as flippant as she is with her lies and insane level of media marketing and manipulation.

  47. Blue is the warmest color1:58 AM

    People who think Taylor will ever come out are truly delusional. She doesn't have the guts. I predict a lavender marriage and some turkey baster babies and a long term fake marriage like Celine Deion. It's her only option now .

  48. Vermont2:24 AM

    She's been closeted for years and has a long term girlfriend. Her lavender marriage to her 105 year old husband/manager was for image and to produce children. Happens more than you know in Hollyweird.

  49. longtimereader2:57 AM

    Nope, she loves money and power too much. Like Barry, in about 40-50 years she will come out.

  50. Sharper Teeth6:21 AM

    I like that adjective

  51. Or maybe cause she's straight, like Celine Dion is.

  52. Completely agree with you, wiper.

  53. I didn't mean lost about your sexuality, genius. Lost with garbage you are spewing. Some bisexuals are more attracted to the same sex, some to the opposite while there are the ones that are attracted to both sexes equally. All three are still bisexual!!!

  54. It's pretty obvious that you lack the capacity to understand people who do not mirror you. That's too bad. You should open your mind to the fact that you just don't know everything about life.

  55. With other sources? What are your other sources, L-Chat and DataLounge? Ha ha. I repeat, you shippers are mentally ill.

  56. Okay. Because you say so. smfh

  57. @Dee
    Yet, here you are dismissing whoever this blind is about (which makes your statement even more hilarious) without knowing if they are genuinely pansexual or not. Oh the irony.

  58. @Closets
    You are extremely arrogant. Do you realise that you cannot possibly know who feels what or how? There are over 7 billion people on this planet. Think about that for a moment.

  59. tell us how you feel about Taylor

  60. Blackdunhill8:05 PM

    i said reliable sources in the fashion industry, i don't need DL or LChat to prove my point, like many other ppl here .Have a nice day :)

  61. SissyGirl8:38 PM

    Some of us know/strongly suspect Taylor reads these blinds (so does her PR team ;) so i guess we should show support : most ppl commenting here would be very happy for her to finally come out (wether it's as bi, fluid or gay) and to be open with Karlie. Please guys don't push her deeper in the closet with your comments

  62. Chattybuddy8:45 PM

    +10000 i couldn't agree more,
    you're not the only one with that kind of good sources

  63. Another tin hat, I see. Lol, you probably believe she is secretly communicating with you.

  64. She is straight. That lesbian sister duo, Tegan and Sara, said Taylor isn't into women. They actually know Taylor, unlike the datalounge freaks who make up stories.

  65. Willam Haines stood up in 19277:13 AM

    Outing people who everyone knows is gay is not necessarily going to help them come out. Let people come out on their own time.

  66. Using lies as alibis3:03 AM

    Strongly suspect Zac Enfron and Swifty will embark on a fauxmance soon. He's still, yes still, closeted and she will need to reverse the curse and prove the "realness " of her previous fauxmances. So zac and Tay reloaded coming to a tabloid near you!!!!

  67. Uh huh6:00 AM

    Taylor will never ever ever come out because she has bearded so many gay men (because she herself is a closeted lesbian just like her friend kendull jenner) if she came out the delicate Elite bearding money making structures would be shaken. Homophobia, bearding and industry closeting should be something these people are standing up against but they aren't. They are all feeding into the constant lies knowing in their hearts they are nothing but fakes. This year will bring more and more pretending to be straight babies from many stars who are scrambling to hide their sexuality . The closet will never die in Hollyweird/ music industry because too many of them are crouched in there. By the way Asap Rocky and jenner? FAKE as her new lips. They all all just going to keep popping out ivf babies to hide under. What happens when these kids figure out exactly why they were conceived? So mom or dad could stay straight acting and appearing?



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