Monday, June 05, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 22, 2017

Despite a flurry of positive publicity for this pro athlete, that blackballing is really hurting his chances of getting work.

Colin Kaepernick (donated $50K to Meals On Wheels)


david said...

Joe Thomas said it best when he called Colin a 'distraction.'

If it's all about you, then don't become part of any team.

sandybrook said...

A team desperate for QB help will eventually have no choice but to at least work him out. Seattle is supposed to work him out.

longtimereader said...

yet wife beaters are allowed back and that's okay!?! he is good enough to get a job.

Green Carmen Ghia said...

The NFL has no scruples. If Kaepernick can deliver, they'll hire him and gleefully suck his sock every morning before their Wheaties. Look at animal abusers/murderer Michael Vick--hired by the Eagles fresh out of prison for running dog fights. May Vick and his NFL overlords rot in a hell in which they have to fight for their lives by tearing each others intestines out in a sand-filled pit.

Lurky McLurkster said...

Sure, I guess the blackballing completely ignores the fact that he isn't an accurate pocket passer

Lurky McLurkster said...

and his progression reads suck. Always not seeing wide open guys because he was throwing on the first or second read.

Marlin said...

He burned his own bridges. No sympathy. Let him go play in Canada.

RenShaw said...

Aside from being a distraction, he regressed in performance. But he got no help thanks to the 49ers incompetence, specially when they let Harbaugh walk out the door. I couldn't believe it. Colin will get a job after the preseason when starters or backups get all banged up. I have the feeling he will lit it up and then we will hear the I told you soss which is BS.

Guesser said...

wife beaters, accused rapists, animal abusers,etc. Kaepernick is basically a decent guy, but he went about it the wrong way. He also didn't have the clout to get away with it.#RenShaw is right, he will get signed after the injuries add up, No way of knowing how well he will do, but he won't be getting the money he would have.

Sarah said...

NFL cares nothing about reputation--look at all the awful people (i.e. Michael Vick) they have let come back. If he wasn't performing well AND had a PR problem, then no team will want to touch him. If you're going to have PR issues then you have to be amazing and perform consistently. Not that hard to see why he's struggling to find work.

maitland said...

he is better than 95% of qbs on teams right now.

maitland said...

ALOT OF nfl cleaners in the comments....

texasrose said...

They did but Carroll just said they probably wouldn't sign him at this time. He then said he was too good to be a backup?? Sounds like he would like someone to sign him to let him off the hook for getting his (kapernick) supporters hopes up.

texasrose said...

He'll get signed by someone whose QB gets injured. Whether he stays signed or plays for someone else will depend on how he plays and also on how he acts after getting signed. Any further distraction and he is done forever.

sandybrook said...

Yeah I saw that later on NFL Network. They said the guy they signed signed for the minimum pay and is basically the third-string QB and kaepernick would cost too much for that role. They agreed he's going to have a problem finding a team willing to pay him a lot.

pudlucker said...

Maybe he can hold a press conference with Lisa Bloom to boost his image.

Unknown said...

The Kardashian girls all have lots of experience of blackballing
And it doesn't seem to have done them any harm.


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