Thursday, October 05, 2017

Blind Item #11

It is amazing how good the PR team of this just about permanent A list mostly television actress is. Amazing. She has the world convinced that she is not to blame for a franchise ending. The franchise would end if she was not involved. Anything else can be written around and honestly, not many people would care. She is being the one with the demands but has the entire world focused on someone entirely. Well played.


AvignonVagabond said...


Riven said...


sandybrook said...

Kim Catrell?

skipper said...

The way they are throwing Kim Cattrall under the bus is unfair and insane...!

sandybrook said...

Riven said...

although I'd like it on record that I do not think she is permanent A list. Also hiiiiiii to Kim Cattrell's PR team! Big Trouble in Little China will always keep you permanent A list in my heart.

MontanaMarriott said...

Yeah I know SJP's character Carrie is supposedly SATC. For me the real star has always been Samantha (Cattrell). SJP really needs to stop being such a greedy chick and share the wealth with her castmates.

hothotheat said...

The franchise could survive with Samantha. SJP's character is the one that could end the franchise. This is SJP.

BrennAstotle said...

They never should have thought about making a third movie. That thing has run its course. Let it die.

longtimereader said...

Kim was in the original police academy movie, that makes her a legend in my book.

Mstyles said...

As a former SATC fan now in my later 30's I say this as I look back, Samantha was by far the best part of that show. And SJP knows it.
Samantha was fun and she dressed well and bedded hot men.
Carrie was just a hot mess.

KTVerclempt said...

#1. SJP not fooling anyone xc herself

#2. Just stop. SATC was RIP when they released movie #2. Don't bother pushing for 3, no one cares and you won't break even.


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