Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Blind Item #12

I know that it is an extremely popular reality show and the season premiere was very recent, but it is getting really old that we are to believe one of the stars is not gay. They try to do everything they can, including ridiculous story lines to make us believe he is straight. He isn't. There are too many men in this town who have paid too many dollars to him for sex that will tell you otherwise. Don't even get me started on one of his cable bosses and what they have done together.


Tricia13 said...

Jax Taylor/Vanderpump Rules

Tricia13 said...

And Andy C an even bigger fraud.../ maybe they are soulmates?

MZ said...

I always thought one of the Tom's (not the married one) was also.

Craig said...

I don't know anyone on US reality shows. I've never seen a Kardashian in anything ( other than her birthday suit and it was hideous) I download US shows to watch here in the UK because most of them are either not on Netflix/Amazon which I pay for or on my cable TV service in England or on that same cable TV.

I guess my point is that these names in this arena are complete blanks for me. That being said this just reads like someone is absolutely chomping at the bit to out a gay man now that he's become someone in the public eye and that's a pretty shitty way to behave.

Khaleesi said...

@Tricia, what is some of the dish on Andy? I've read a few comments on here recently indicating he is racist, but what else is there to know?

AJ said...

Craig. I’m in the same boat as you. I am not a fan of reality TV and boycott anything Kardashian related. Honestly the bulk of my TV watching consists of streaming British TV shows.

Tricia13 said...

Been trying to respond sorry!
Yes- he’s hugely unpleasant to work for considering he started (and prides himself) on doing everything from interning blah blah... The opposite of day Ed Burns who actually did and is a gem to ALL.
Also-Kathy Griffin was right(and I don’t love her)- he’s misogynistic

Colonel Blake said...

@Craig: You no likey here? Then take your two-paragraph postings and go somewhere else. Some of us like this stuff.

Colonel Blake said...

@Tricia: Andy's book he wrote was a good read--couldn't put it down. My take-away was he was all into himself. Not that that's all bad considering the business those people work in, I guess. Seems a dog-eat-dog world. I was SHOCKED when he got a dog; he actually had to take care of something other than himself, which he so admitted!

megan00m said...

Maybe he was planning on eating said dog.

Tricia13 said...

I love that you recognized that too! It’s like the dog was for “whimsy “ photo ops in the Hampton’s with Ripa and Anderson Cooper lol. And I’m a dog owner/resume so grrr.
But I’ll hope for the best with that one maybe he’s responsible... people though? Can’t believe he makes his living off his “personality “ and the ones he throws in our face (though I watch some) southern charm is my kinda obsession... than VR

lynn said...

Teen mom OG - Tyler Baltierra

Kate said...

Me too

texasrose said...

So Cohen had Jax visit his storage locker in the basement:):)

angie said...

@Craig, food for thought and you're entitled to your opinion. Condescending blog police are a drag. Ignore it.

Karen Walker said...


Sleuth said...

James Kennedy

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Calm down, Auntie HistAmine. Take a Benadryl. ;)

Matt said...

Todd Chrisley?

Matt said...
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SkittleKitty said...

I thought of Crisley Knows Best (?) or whatever it is. I haven't actually watched it (or the other popular guess), so I'm not a good guesser for this really... LOL

Suz said...

Yes !

Cubs Coach said...
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MatineeIdolx said...

Shep Rose?

sandy2319 said...

@Craig If you had ever watched the show you would see Jax Taylor who is closeted dates young women and is very abusive towards them. That show really is a *show. They support Jax in his constant emotional and psychological abuse of women and attack any female who tries to defend herself. That being said you would also see a lot of female on female bullying.

Her Majesty Sue O. said...


Peopleknow86 said...

Oh my god this one is tough bc there are so many questionable dudes on vanderpump rules. I don’t for a second think andy Cohen would touch Jax w a 10 ft pole. He seems utterly disgusted by him. But maybe I’m wrong!?

Peopleknow86 said...

I’m going with James. It’s gotta be VR bc season premiere was last night and James oozed homosexuality w that montage of him and his friend.

hunter said...

Thank you Sandy, I don't watch much (any) Reality TV either so the synopsis is helpful. I manage to keep track of all this crap (minus the teen moms) via blogs so I can't help but know WAY too much about the Kardashians without having ever watched an episode. The times I've caught a few mins of them I was bored to tears and horrified at America.

Real Housewives can be entertaining, Below Deck wasn't bad, and I think I caught a Southern Charm once and liked it. Okay so I've seen some Reality TV, whatever. ;)

lucy said...

I like Hells Kitchen that is extent of my reality tv! back when I had cable I did happen to watch real housewives of orange county. saw up until Vicki's boyfriend was accused of faking his cancer. kinda pieced conclusion from internet although I would have liked to view it. would never admit to any of it though. andy Cohen is terrible NEVER liked him. total tool

LuLu said...

@ Auntie - dont listen to them. Feels like a new group trying to push their own agenda...

Realistically Rachel said...

This is totally Todd Chrisley. His marriage is such a sham.

Unknown said...

It's James. Andy supposedly loves twink bottoms

Jenko said...

I’m going to go with Jax Taylor in Vanderpump rules. His hyper masculinity is comical plus remember when he visited his old ‘model agent’ who the cast were teasing him about kissing? They were VERY friendly.

angie said...
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angie said...

@LuLu umm no. Long time reader and rare commenter encouraging Craig to ignore the agenda of chasing off people for expressing an opinion they disagree with.

Peyton Lane said...

Shep Rose is a really good guess. His new show with a ridiculous bachelor premise fits the clues. I understand the Jax guesses, but I don't really think he's really been in as many ridiculous scenarios as Shep.

astrogirl said...

Its Jax Taylor. I was watching Family Guy the other day - Stewie had a signed poster of Jax on his wall. As we know Seth speaks the truth through his cartoons.


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