Thursday, December 07, 2017

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list mostly movie actor has a little vanity project. He is by no means the only actor or actress who would rather be on the road singing rather than acting. Strange thing about this actor is that he is heterosexual when he is in LA or working on a film, but when he is playing in that side project, he prefers the company of guys exclusively. 


Tricia13 said...

Jaime Foxx?

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Lt. Dan?

Sandita said...


Mag said...
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Unknown said...

Lt. Dan did a lot of T.V. maybe Kevin Bacon but it doesn't say married

just sayin' said...

+1 tricia

Mag said...

@Tricia13 - I think you got it. Can't remember where it was that I read gay rumours about him, but most likely somewhere here ;)))

Marlin said...


No Wuckin' Furries said...
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Tricia13 said...

I think he and Jonny Gill had a thing for years... I’ve witnessed him in the company of guys in Miami....super nice dude.

Boldblonde said...

Jaimie was filming Europe, these past few weeks. A guy I vaguely know was with him, they were joined at the hip, all throughout the trip....

AJ said...

Jaime Fox seems like the best quess but Kevin Bacon Sings too as does Billy Bob Thornton. Both have bands that they play with.

Boss Mare Eventing said...

I hope its not David Duchovny!

Glue said...

I thought of Leto too Marlin. Something about him is so off and pretentious and assholish and insincere and douchey - now don't get me wrong, I don't care if you are gay, bi, hetero, trans, etc...whatever you want to be and do, that is your prerogative, but something about Leto is very dark. Not a good vibe at all.

Don Kieballs said...

Jamie Fox Vanity Project
White Famous is an unfunny vanity project: EW review

Truthseeker said...

Not Leto, 30 Seconds to Mars is more than a vanity project, and he is well known to like the younger female groupies on tours. Hate to think its Jamie Foxx, but whatever makes him happy!

Scribblescrabble said...

Steve Martin?

Guesser said...

I thought Jamie was your friend Enty!

Colonel Blake said...

@Don: Good find!!

Joshua said...

Is Foxx perm A-list due to Oscar? I'd definitely call him A-

Dena said...

John Lithgow

CrystalPhallus said...

Bruce Willis

Sus said...

@Glue I agree 100% with you on your description of Leto

Count Jerkula said...

Steve Martin sing or just play banjo?

Fred84 said...
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Khaleesi said...

@Fred - Enty would have mentioned he were married, if it were Costner.

Rafael said...

It´s Mario Gomez

longtimereader said...

Wasn't johnny gill rumoured to be with eddie murphy in the past?

Dog Mom said...

My first instinct is Dennis Quaid with the side project being his band.

But, Count's guess of Steve Martin immediately flashes a neon sign to me. I think its weird he waited until his 60's to have a kid. I don't ever remember him being a ladies man, but I do not know that much about him. I think its nice he is doing his banjo thing as he seems very happy with it. I am actually going to his concert next year and looking forward to it.

BayAreaGirl said...

Whoever it is, if they're consenting adults, live & let live.

Clarisse McClellan said...

Permanent A-lister is Johnny Depp.

Hollywood Vampires is his vanity project that he "plays" in, as the blind states. He plays guitar, and not particularly well.

Dk52 said...

Jamie has been dating Katie Holmes. Knew about the gay rumors. Why does she hook up with these guys? Seems like she’s so insecure, she can’t just find a regular Joe that would appreciate her.

TMN said...

Why would anyone think Leto is straight? Alexis Arquette spilled the tea on that. That said, I don't think the blind is him.

Count Jerkula said...

Debra: probably because she's nuts. That is why she won the audition to be Cruise's wife and bear his fake child. No sane broad is gonna subject herself to that.

Nawlins Jim said...

Leto is bi/pansexual, but apparently chases underage (female) groupies on the road. Defintely a douche but too much of an indiscriminate chaser/abuser for this to apply. I don't think anyone would be shocked by Johnny Depp having liaisons with men, but he was photographed getting handsy with women on tour after his split with Amber. Jamie Foxx seems to be a good possible fit...

Hollywood Outcast said...

Keanu Reeves

Jeff Macauley said...

Just because I saw that he did a show at B. B. King's in Times Square not too long ago and I think he's hot, I'll go with Dennis Quaid.

Glue said...

Not Steve Martin. Not sure how he came into this blind, but it's not Steve Martin. Mr. Martin is very composed. Nothing like his characters. He is very reserved and very well mannered. He has more interest in art work not hollywood games

Danilo said...

I did not know that men were as strange as women when it comes to sexuality. I thought the woman changed her sexuality more often...

Boogieman said...

Jamie Foxx most likely. He got in a row with Howard Stern and Stern threatened he knew a lot of dirty laundry on Foxx he could talk about if he wanted to and hinted pretty strongly that Foxx was gay.

hunter said...

Foxx is closeted. Relationship with Katie is a PR push for his image. the "secrecy" of it is part of the PR package to make it appear more real. It is known.

Unknown said...

He plays with Marilyn Manson sometimes and they seem to have a lil bromance thing on stage, but who knows if it goes further.

crapbag said...

Jamie Foxxxxxxx- I think he's only pretends straight for s & giggles. Who cares about his sexuality... He's not a good guy. So far from it actually. He's part of the whole "turning em out" for play. It's ugly.


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