Monday, December 04, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Kristin Chenoweth was honored last night with an award.
Armie Hammer and his wife came out to see it along with
Jessica Chastain is in Spain promoting her new movie.
In London, Jon Hamm and Michael Sheen film their television show.
Aubrey O'Day and Joanna Krupa returning from a trip together. That must have been expensive for someone.
Kate Hudson and her boyfriend hiking yesterday.


Florin said...

Does the rain in Spain fall mostly on Jessica Chastain when she's on the plains?

sandybrook said...
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sandybrook said...

Fergie is higher than the plane that just flew over my house.

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Jon Hamm is at his most dad rock with that ash gray workout ensemble. Points given for the elastic around the ankles which land those sweatpants squarely in Chatham, circa 1985.

Sd Auntie said...

Fergie just looks ridiculous! THANK YOU Jon Hamm!!! That's a man👀

Colonel Blake said...

All the money these people have, great bodies/looks, and they dress like crap in public. Sure doesn't look like Kate is wearing Fabletic ware.

Count Jerkula said...

P - Fergie - a line of meth for each of us, she climbs on top of my cock, and in 45min to an hour, I see if she needs a smoke break.

M - Chastain - is it me or did she put on 20lbs of hip weight for the role she promoting. It is OK though, I'll only see her from the tits up.

B - Hudson - Her lil buttocks are 2 of my faves, but if she shows up brunette, I'm going to go light on the lube, and tell her why, while I'm strokin in her O-ring.

Colonel Blake said...

@Count: Chastain is beautiful yet she constantly dresses frumpy...don't get it.

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Question: what is the celebrity status/credential list letter grade cut-off point for people who have to have their Twitter accounts independently verified? I have a feeling that not all Tweeters with that blue checkmark next to their name would even qualify as D-list, but maybe I'm wrong.

Janet Elizabeth Swainston said...

Kristin Chenowith looks lovely

Unknown said...

Kristin Chenoweth looks like a princess. An old very skinny princess.

Unknown said...

Was John hamm in a blind recently for rape

ForSure said...

Apple News Flash (via iPad app) 2:14 pm PST

Bryan Singer fired from Queen biopic, via The Hollywood Reporter.


Count Jerkula said...

Auntie Histamine: It is probably a self destructive FU to the patriarchy.

BayAreaGirl said...

@Count & Auntie, I like that dress. I'd wear it. Enty has hinted that Jessica is trying to conceive. Dunno if she's pregnant, but fertility treatments can make you gain a little weight. I hope it works out.

hothotheat said...

I bet there's an article about him about to be published (the same as with Weinstein, Lauer).

fionafab said...

Kristen is a Goddess! Her voice brings me to tears every time she sings. But in a good way! So much talent in such a tiny body! Love her!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Enty's snark re: Aubrey and Joanna is epic.

Itttt said...

Fired from the Freddie Mercury biopic, how apropos!

AAaaaaaand another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust!

Bye bye Bryan Singer! WHO’S NEXT!!!!!!!

Enty quote from the DailyBeast article: “My site has always been about the underdog and the victims.”

Never stop! Never stop fighting until the fight is done (and won). And remember, GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!

Doug said...

Sorry to go off-topic, but this situation seems to be developing. Floodgates might be opening now.

The A List said...


Mstyles said...

They all look AWFUL.
And they all look like trannies.
The jawlines of Cheno and Chast are straight up MANLY.
Fergie looks like a melted face tranny, no hips, man knees, nah I am not buying this anymore.

Surrender Dorothy said...

I just saw the Daily Beast article - I actually got a Google alert about it! I almost peed myself in excitement! Yay to the CDaNers and thank you Enty for exposing these creeps...and Himmmm too - so happy to see all this finding the light of day!

Do Tell said...

Here we go. ACHTUNG, kids, here comes the Bryan Singer avalanche!

Surrender Dorothy said...

@Do Tell, just this morning I was reading about Singer and wondering how soon his reckoning was coming...let the avalanche begin!!

Fifi LaRue said...

Thanks for bringing back the photos!

Do Tell said...

^5, Dorothy!

Himmmm said...

Surrender Dor...You are most welcome ;-) You guys/gals are the cake though - OurHIMMMMselves and ENTY are just the nuts sprinkled on top :-) Not that I'm downplaying the importance of nuts. Or Enty's nuts.
Wait...that did NOT come out right.
Not even remotely.

mistang said...

Fergie was out of her damn mind at this event.

I kept telling my husband that Singer should be going down soon.

kj said...

Nickoleon hasn't gone down in flames yet. So Enty and HImmmm still have some work to do. But it is great to see how this has gone. I have the following quote on my IM at work. It is relevant here:

The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.

AJ said...

Adore Chenoweth. Have for years and years. She’s starting to look like Broadway Barbie tho.

Danielle said...

Hey Enty! I type “crazy days” into Google to get to the site. I was thrilled today to find The Daily Beast article! I have been a reader here for almost 6 months. I just cannot do those other sites like TMZ that are clearly being paid by celebs (access “news”) and tha show one side of the story. I have read the other article about you a couple of times. I’m so thrilled that there is something new where you get the credit you deserve! Keep the truth coming!

B said...

Anyone think Jon Hamm will face any harassment allegations?

lucy said...

sorry but I must disagree with majority I think Kristen C. looks horrible in that dress. even worse because I looked her up and she is 49 wtf. that is acceptable wear for a 12 year old headed to cotillion, maybe
do I see a crown?

Anonymous said...

Enty and Himmm are righteous crusaders! I was so frickin' proud to read the Daily Beast article and see Enty, and by extension, Himmm, get the props they deserve for being fearless in their quest to rid Hollywood of its vermin. Their cause is aided, of course, by the most excellent CDAN sleuthing community. Pretty great stuff.

bookworm at play said...


BlissBoo said...

+1 @PattiJoy, agreed! Next up, flushing out all the pedos. Let's make the studios SAFE again!

Misty said...


MC98033 said...

Kristin has the "mutton dressed as lamb" look down pat.

MC98033 said...

Fergie ferg needs to try a little harder, she's not putting in any effort lol

MC98033 said...

And Jon Hamm's big package is back on display I see...

Sd Auntie said...

HOORAY. Hate Singer!!! Burn in Hell

Sd Auntie said...

Thank you Himmmm. So happy justice will be served!!! No more bribes or coverups!

Unknown said...

@MC98033 How does Hamm not fall down?


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