Monday, December 04, 2017

Random Photos Part One

It's that time of year again. Beginning next Monday I will be posting reader photos in the Random Photos each day and then post them all again on Reveal Day, January 1st. If you would like to include your photo, e-mail it to

Two parts.

Mel B and her youngest headed to church yesterday.
Rita Ora has learned to play an instrument.
I believe Eric Roberts is calling lost and found looking for his clothes.
Reese Witherspoon and her husband tale their son to his soccer game.
Selena Gomez doing the morning show rounds today.
Scarlett J and her ex spend some time with their toddler.
Sienna Miller spent yesterday in NYC.


sandybrook said...

Jesus f'n Christ Eric you look worse than the fat Russians in Speedos I used to see on Brighton Beach.
I think Sienna lives in NYC now so it's not strange to see her there. She's been there at least a full month.
Even with that dumb fuck on the beach, thanks for bringing back the randoms Enty!

Tricia13 said...

I can never ,ever undo the horror inflicted upon me(us) by that pix of Eric Roberts 😰it could only be made worse by having Kim K “spontaneously” bumping into while idly (and totally un self -consciously) walking by in a thong and tank:(

Tricia13 said...

Or one of Kanye’s “masterful “ designs like Gym pants and stilettos

Count Jerkula said...

P - SellyG - I want full, luscious, dark bush on her. If she's waxed or bleached her bush too, I'm gonna have to spank her tushy so she learns the error of her ways. That said, sweet caring love making, bareback, firing live rounds in the honeypot, hoping one takes.

M - Reese - Pretty mouth, hope she's drunk and gives some schloppy good head, jizz on her face because she's cunty to people and she needs a reminder of where she comes from, some guy's testicles.

B - ScarJo - Sturdy hindquarters, with exquisite buttocks, on this animal. 95% chance of Brazilian wax, 50% chance of premature ejaculation when I bury my face between her butcheeks to tongue prep the O-ring for insertion. If she wanted to challenge me, she could leave these pants on and tell me I only get access if I can tear a hole in em with my teeth.

Count Jerkula said...

P.S. As a reminder, don't worry, I don't sexually harass the Reader Pictures w/ this P/M/B nonsense.

ForSure said...

Is Eric Roberts going to start a male body positivity blog soon?

Sd Auntie said...

Mel B wore a street walker shirt to church!!! At least wear a blazer for God's sake! Hate Selenas hair but love the dress. Those Shoes are not for me!

lucy said...

"gym pants and stilettos" lmao! nice. and so funny because it is true!

Barbara RiceHand said...

Mel b is literally a walking dead Whitney Houston. She looks awful

Tricia13 said...


Unknown said...

Please...Mel B goes to church?

ForSure said...

Pretty sure the church comment was a joke, y'all.

Colonel Blake said...

@Tricia: I STILL don't get where ANYONE thinks Kanye is a genius. Not in music and CERTAINLY not in clothing. You'd think you'd see his family the "K's" dressed in his crap, but they won't even be seen in the garbage.

Janet Elizabeth Swainston said...

No Chris Evans/Jenny Slate photos of them apartment hunting in NYC this weekend? Hrm...can't be true then

Tricia13 said...

Preach Auntie H....
While I think his promise was solid and freshness/gift impressive when he emerged.... he he became another casualty and contract player in the ktrash/Greek tragedy in the making...-but I believe he has much to hide or gain as well from that..:
His “fashion line” however/ just um, stop . Please
“Fashion school Dropput” lol

fionafab said...

The total ensemble Ms. ScarJo is wearing costs in the thousands! It costs major bucks to look so casual. Love those gloves!

fionafab said...

sandybrook: When I returned to NYC 20 years ago after being gone a long time, I ended up living in Brighton Beach because the rent was cheaper there. I remember inviting a long time friend to come out and have lunch with me at one of the Russian restaurants. As we walked into the lobby area talking English, the big, ugly man behind the desk rushed towards me screaming, "No! Out! For Russians Only! Go! Go!" My friend grabbed me when she saw the look on my face because she knew he was about to get my famous, "Do you know who I AM!" speech. I was furious! "Boo, Ivan doesn't give a ---- if you have two Signers in your family! There's a Burger King down the street!" Good times!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...


hunter said...

Thanks Jerkula, that's oddly comforting. :)

sandybrook said...

@Boo 20 years ago they were arrogant like that, later on they realized our money was worth the same as the stuff the Russians were handing over and the rents skyrocketed and they needed cash. But they dont like Americans.

Misty said...

Thanks for the humour Enty 😂

Count Jerkula said...

Hunter: i dont want to inhibit participation. That would be wrong of me.

Count Jerkula said...

Boo, you remember which restaurant it was?

Count Jerkula said...

Sandy, 16yrs ago was the immigration gamechanger, 9/11. No more constant stream of moneyed Russian immgrants buying work visa's to come over here. Now we just got a never ending stream of Chinese.

Guesser said...

@hunter,Count has even gone after some of the trolls who "face shame" or whatever you wish to call it. These are not the regular posters, they only show during that time.

fionafab said...

Count Jerkula: Turns out it was a Russian Mob owned place. I asked the lady who owned the laundry place I went to about it and she said she was so sorry he showed such disrespect but that there was probably a mob meeting going on inside and the last people they wanted to allow in were Americans they didn't know. She was from Bosnia, I think. One afternoon when I was there she was on her phone setting up johns with her girls. In English! She winked at me when she realized I was listening in. I was stunned!! "Isn't America wonderful!" she said as she hung up the phone. She was a really sweet lady.

Count Jerkula said...

Boo: alot of the restaurants were mafiya hangouts, but not mafiya owned. When they would hold their meetings, they would eat the menu, swill Stoli and Johnny Walker Blue, and the guy who owned the place would have to eat the $3k-4k cost of everything.

When i was a kid, maybe 19, i walked right past the well dressed goons out front, who were watching all the Benzs, Beamers and Lexuses, and walked right in to a reastaurant. This was like 11:30AM. Big round table in the middle of the dance floor with 10-15 guys eating and talking all loud. When they saw me, the room fell silent, forks stopped inches from mouths and they all stared. The scared shitless squirrelly waiter was sweating bullets when he turned to look at me. I waved and kept walking to the basement so I could take care of what i needed to. He turned back to the table, told them who i was, i worked in practically every store down there, and it was like someone immediately cranked the volume back up to 11.

When i came back up to get paid, waiter was still sweating bullets and hands shaking as he paid me. Probably 50% scared shitless he would piss someone off, and be found floating off Coney Island, and 50% still frazzled that he was worried someone was there for a hit, before he realized it was just me. LOL!

All the Euro whores in Brooklyn are junk. Fake pics in the ads, lousy service. They must keep the hot ones amongst themselves and advertise the junk to Americans. Asians same thing.

kj said...

Enty and HImmmmm. I have to wonder if the bad press you got in 2012 and the redesign of your website that drove a lot of people away from you, was the result of the dark forces trying to shut you up. Somehow you dealt with the issue and are now out from under their thumbs. Keep it up!!

Count Jerkula said...

Thanks, Guesser. Sometimes i forget how nice of a fella i am.

Diana said...

No comments on Selena Gomez and her new look?

Diana said...

No comments on Selena Gomez and her new look?

MC98033 said...

Mel B lookin like tan mom in that pic

MC98033 said...

Not loving ScarJo's most recent incarnation as a homely 80's secretary.

MC98033 said...

Eric Roberts just made me grateful I'm losing my eyesight. Reconsidering my upcoming eye exam.

longtimereader said...

Count does have a proven record of being gracious towards fellow cdan'ers unlike a certain former poster who insulted the moms who read this and most other gossip sites.

lucy said...

I actually would welcome counts titillating trifecta however I just don't want my face forever immortalized on interweb. those moments are reserved for my neck down pornhub account. just kidding! but I do look forward to others photos as it's nice to put face with a name

Count Jerkula said...

Link to pornhub profile page or chaturbate page, plz bb? Tkns4bhole bb?


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