Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Blind Item #3

If nothing comes up, than this former Oscar nominee who is an A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family has a good chance at another Oscar nomination or win. The problem he is facing is we already know he likes underage girls. It is on record. Nothing happened to him before. Now, there are going to be others who are underage going on the record again. A few years ago we somehow let him get away with it, but he won't this time and all that Oscar buzz will be gone. 


Spider Rico said...


Tuesdi said...

Ditto Spider

MontanaMarriott said...

Casey Affleck?

Tricia13 said...

Janes Franco

Drama said...

Damn, everyone racing past the server lag today! Guess those DB articles had some impact. Agree on Franco.

Tricia13 said...

New movie is getting good buzz and he directed/stars again... looks really good and it’s an interesting backstory. He’s definitely talented— sketch AF but talented

ronan pellen said...
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MicDrop said...

Jake Gyllenhaal

Tuesdi said...

There is Oscar Buzz for Disaster Artist

Khaleesi said...

I agree Tricia, looks really good and he is absolutely talented. It's only a matter of time before more things come up on him, I feel like we're all just waiting.

ronan pellen said...

ok it's Franco, we know he likes underage girls indeed

Biboh said...

James Franco

Janet Elizabeth Swainston said...

Shame about Franco but hey, you do the crime you get the shaft.

Victoria said...

Whoever it is, good! It's pleasing to hear that not only do you have to be talented but a decent human being to win awards. I'm so glad Hollywood is cleaning house.

Alexandria said...

I read about Franco's creepy school, he's pretty messed up.

Colonel Blake said...

Franco. Wonder if the group of students who go together and confronted his "school" in NY who got the place shuttered will go public more about it. Just occurred in October.

GDswamp said...

Seems it's Franco? Wouldn't mind if it was Casey Affleck.

Glue said...

That twerp Affleck or it might be weirdo Franco. I thought someone mentioned there was a blind or something about Franco and all his sick perverted games coming out into the open. Looking forward to it. Both of those degenerates make me sick.

Unknown said...

Where can I read about Franco's school? Thanks in advance. Long time lurker and supporter of this site. Hello to everyone!

Khaleesi said...

I'm trying to find info too, @Cherry. I can't find a single thing about the NY one, except the statement on his site saying it closed.

Anonymous said...

If it's Franco, it's a shame but not shocking. I realllyyy want The Disaster Artist to win an Oscar in order to create the biggest, sweetest irony in Hollywood history, and I want Wiseau to accept the award. But... not at the expense of these victims.

ReallyDonna said...

@Khaleesi and @Cherry: Wiki about "Studio4" Franco's "school"


Unknown said...


katsm0711 said...

Here’s a
Reddit about the school but I haven’t gone through it yet...

longtimereader said...

If franco is involved, what about rogen?

Do Tell said...

Franco is about to be taken down. Another actor I liked.

Unknown said...

It's almost pitiful, for all his talents his particular turn on is underage girls, he's deeply insecure and needs to feel superior in the bedroom, because his acievments outside of it don't give him the same kick. Another man felled by his penis, there's a lesson here fellas.

Khaleesi said...

Thanks for posting the Blind and Reddit thread about it! I'll dive through Reddit tonight post-children being in bed.

CrysMeth said...

@longtimereader: IDK if this was ever solved,but the popular guess was Seth Rogen.

Himmmm said...

Franco shut down his schools where he used them as feeder farms for his perversions.
Then the douchebag just sold his house (on the other side of the hill from one of mine - uggh). He's hired new PR people too. Looks like he's gearing up to face charges of something.

Tricia13 said...

I know people (myself but included) that walk on the other side of the steet when he’s coming (or did I’m no longer there).... his days are numbered. So odd people would find him -attractive- It’s... sad really

Tricia13 said...

*myself included

Unknown said...
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beebopcowboy said...

franco and his acting school as ground zero (shuttered early October...)

hothotheat said...

Casey's victims were not underage. This is Franco.

jacklecatch said...
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Crazycatlady said...

Yes, what about Rogen? Ugh, Franco...

Land Manatee said...

@Himmmm - Do you think his brother is in the clear of all this? Seems they are thick as thieves.

Unknown said...

Thanks for info guys.


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