Friday, June 08, 2018

Blind Item #11

This A list foreign born dual threat actor did what he was praised for doing. The thing is though, it was still kind of shady that his PR team insisted on holding back releasing it for well over six months until he needed a positive publicity boost. So, when he got some negative press, boom, it was out within days to change that narrative.


Tricia13 said...

Hiddleston returning to Night Manager?

sandybrook said...


Alex said...

Cumberbatch fending off some muggers from attacking a deliveroo guy.

Leanne Norman said...

Sounds like Cumberbatch trying to deflect from his run in with the paparazzi

Zebra Seasoning said...

PR firms should all DIAF. Cumberbatch's especially- they're just this side of incompetent in handling his brand.

Lunchpaillefty said...

That’s my guess, the preying mantis

Brayson87 said...

I'd consider the scales balanced with that one. I don't think anyone is going to object to trading paparazzi for innocent civilians.

IanPhlegming said...


nonyabusiness said...

Perhaps I'm in the minority but I like B.C.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

I do, too, nonya. Altho he DOES look like an otter.

Zebra Seasoning said...

@nonyabusiness - I like him well enough. He's talented, and seems amicable enough. I just dislike the hoops he jumps through for PR reasons. Even if you believe the marriage is real and not a PR thing, there's the shilling of everything from tires to watches to vegan suits, then there's the continual flogging of Sherlock- the show is OVER.

He just seems thirsty, which is a shame, since he doesn't really need all that to have success.

Amy said...

Watch Patrick Melrose to see how much talent the man has. His job is acting. As long as he isn't raping anyone or interested in children-he isn't hurting anyone. He does his job well.

Leanne Norman said...

I like him too not sure why the hate he is a great actor, if you haven't seen it check out a film he made with Tom hardy called Stuart - A life backwards, truly stunning performances from both of them.

Alice H. said...

The news wasn't released for 6 months because the case was still active. It became inactive and showed up in the police reports. No conspiracy is involved, folks.

Zebra Seasoning said...

Not buying that. Other celebs have done "good deeds" that ended up in police reports, and it hit the news almost immediately. Tom Hardy and Daniel Radcliffe come to mind.

IanPhlegming said...

Remember when Tom Cruise was performing a rescue a week for about a month? I wasn't even 1/10th as cynical then as I am now, and I still didn't buy it. said...

Daniel Radcliffe Became a Real-Life Hero by Helping a Mugging Victim

Kate12 said...

Radcliffe and Hardy were in broad daylight in a busy area with a lot of witnesses.

Alice H. said...

Were there open investigations going on with those other guys?

Kate12 said...

Hardy, no, because he caught the guy in the scene.

Radcliffe is unclear but that one had a crime author as a witness and went right to the press.

Kate12 said...

My theory is the Uber driver finally told this story to the right person. 50-year-old men aren't usually up on what tabloids will pay for.

That aside, what is this bad press supposed to be? Hardly anyone saw the pap video, and most people don't give a crap about paps anyway.

More Cowbell said...

I don't know. It's sounds to me as if he actually has a smart PR team.

Unknown said...

This is CDAN. Everything is a conspiracy to these people. Real life doesn’t exist on CDAN. Anything that happens has to have a conspiracy behind it lol

plot said...

BC is a good actor but he's becoming a US commercial slut with a terrible PR team. He needs to dial it back and remind us that he can act, not simply be tabloid fodder.

Alice H. said...

hamburgler1985 said...

It's weird how the Tumblr loons think literally everything Cumby does, wears or eats is being "shilled". LI=ike oh he's shilling veganism now. No, there was a rumour he was vegan, that was confirmed by people working with him. He's not going around banging on about veganism (which a million other celebs do) and even if he was, it's hardly "shilling". Like he's not exactly being paid by BigVegan, ykwim? He's done a few marketing campaigns and it's really obvious to tell when a celeb is being paid to wear/advertise a certain brand. I haven't seen Cumby doing any shilling of anything except his work in a couple of years. But apparently simply breathing, or wearing his wedding ring, is all a concerted effort to send a message directly to four overinvested middle-aged women on Tumblr!


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