Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Blind Item #17

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress has a great career going right now but she is listening to her foreign born jealous actor boyfriend who would cheat on her in a second if given the chance because he wants her to "focus on their relationship," while he will continue to focus on his career. Basically, he wants her to follow him around and not work and then if he gets a job on a set with an actress he wants to sleep with, to have her stay behind so he can focus on his craft or some crap. 


Anonymous said...

Lily James and Matt Smith

fionafab said...

When I read this blind I immediately thought of Al Pacino in the 70s and 80s. He seriously dated three or four actresses who were on the verge of stardom who gave it all up to live with him and follow him all over the world while turning down lucrative film & TV work. All thinking they would be the one to drag him to the altar. By the time they woke up and realized he really didn't want to get married their careers were gasping their last breaths. He is almost 80 and never got married. This actor in your blind is the rule, not the exception. Naomi Watts was incredibly smart. She had her cake and ate it too. With cherries on top.

Nummi said...

+1 Lyla

Unknown said...

I immediately knew it was Lily and Matt after reading the first two lines! She’s so beautiful and talented, I recently saw Cinderella and she did an amazing job. She’s finally getting good roles in America, why would he want to ruin her future? I hope she breaks up with him because he’s only dragging her along until he finds someone new. He’ll then dump her and she’ll be left with nothing.

Brayson87 said...

+1 Lyla, Run Lily run!

J said...

Sounds like his plan is pretty good.

Ladylaw said...

Gotta love a blind about potential future scandalous behavior.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I thought this sounded like Kruger/ Reedus.
But I guess there's no shortage of assholes in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Great guess Sara! He prolly wants her to tend to her bun in the oven!

Lucy said...

If you go by what Enty says, Naomi definitely wasn't eating her cake with Liev. Quite the opposite, actually. Enty made it sound like she was desperate to get him to settle down, but all he did was cheat on her left and right and then dump her for a younger woman in the end. As a matter of fact, there was a blind just the other day alleging that the new woman is telling everyone Liev is dying to start a family with her whereas NW had to practically beg him to have babies.

Anonymous said...

Agree @Lucy. Some men's entitlements are mind bending!

Anonymous said...

I've always loved her with Edward Norton.

fionafab said...

Don't agree about Naomi and Liev, girls. I lived in NYC a long time and they were seen constantly together before and after having their boys. They had a real life. They were able to go about their day like normal people. Just because couples don't get married doesn't mean they wanted to in the first place. She was still hurting from her relationship with Heath Ledger when she met Liev. They were very good for each other and still are. I, personally, never got on the Liev Bandwagon, but millions did. Since Enty knows far, far more than I do, I an only expressing a NYC opinion.

yepthatsme said...

In his heart of hearts Matt Smith wants to bang cocktail waitresses 2 at a time! He doesnt care if players couldnt get drinks at the table!

Lucy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJ said...

+1 Unkown

Cinderella is a GREAT movie. Didn't have the box office success it deserved, probably because it wasn't edgy enough for critics and other media.

Lu said...

he is not worth it, one of the worst doctors

John the peon said...

The cheating husband of river Song

Mo said...

I know someone that did work in their NYC home. She didn’t even know LS & NW were together because he was never there.

Amartel said...

Just tell him "no" and be on your way. This does not have to be a big deal.

Amartel said...

When you KNOW he's a selfish spongec__t, that's the time to LEAVE. Dont' drag it out. Just go. Hanging around is a wast of your time. Nothing will come of it. LEAVE.

Anonymous said...

Eff him.
Also-- did anyone watch the A Star Is Born trailer? I was absolutely stunned that it was a good trailer, after all the blinds here about how horrible it is. lol

Mischief Girl said...

@KatieScarlett, I just watched the trailer. I shared your thoughts exactly. But then I suppose anyone can cut 2 1/2 minutes of film together and make it look good. From the trailer, though, I want to see it!

Anonymous said...

@Mischief Girl-- true! Gaga looks incredibly different doesn't she? Better in many ways I think. Younger. Healthier.

OB said...

Agree about the Star is Born trailer--it looks good! Though for the elders among us it reeked a bit of the Kristofferson/Streisand version, which was incredibly cheesy. The part in the trailer where Bradley rolls down his window for "another look" is lifted right from it. And mega cheesy

Though for any Kristofferson fans it was the height of his beauty

lutefisk said...

I am friends with a few of Liev's cousins. They are all extremely bright, very intense, and a little odd. I see exactly how similar they are to each other. I don't believe he is a bad person.

More Cowbell said...

Lily James is so beautiful, intriguing, and talented! I loved her in BABY DRIVER. I hope she gets back on track!

Mango said...

Lily James was wonderful in Downton Abbey and in Cinderella. I've never watched a single ep of Doctor Who but I find Matt Smith kinda creepy as Prince Philip in The Crown. Because he looks creepy I totally believe this blind is about him. ;)

Mahogany1 said...

Chris Hemsworth

BRAD PITT said...

imagine the fights between Theron and townsend


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