Friday, June 08, 2018

Four For Friday - She Didn't Go

It was supposed to look like a murder/suicide. That had been the plan all along. The plan that had been in place since March. Then, as she began to get more and more attention and acclaim, suddenly her schedule was too busy and she couldn't make it. What to do, what to do? Improvise. Do what they always do. Make it look like all the rest they have done, but also make sure they send a message to her. Apparently they sent her a picture with no words. Just the picture. I'm guessing she got the message. In the next few weeks we will see if she ignores the message or continues to be brave and fight the good fight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're not suggesting Asia Argento and Anthony Bourdain are you Enty?

    1. I knew immediately when I heard it was a suicide. No way he killed himself. The plan was both of them dead. Instead they just killed him to send a message.

      Does justice even exist anymore ?

  3. This sounds like the Anthony Boudrain suicide and Asia Argento as the #metoo whistleblower.

  4. asia "the btch" argento? .... come on other conspiracy? ..-.. she cheated on him ...

  5. Exactly what Enty is suggesting.... oh my.??

    1. This was my theory the second I heard about Bourdain this morning.

  6. But, in whose interest is it to go to this much trouble to silence Asia Argento? It's not like silencing her would save Miramax or Weinstein.

    And who / why would someone want Bourdain dead?

    Argento was with another man in Rome (looking rather romantic) when Bourdain died. I hope that wasn't part of his decision, but who knows?

    1. @SkittleKitty

      Bourdain has supported #metoo & has spoken out against Mario Batali. Bourdain never forgot where he came from & stood up for the underdog.

      May he be in God's loving arms.

    2. Amen 🙏🏻😪❤

  7. She posted a photo saying Fuck Off -- You Know Who You Are (and a weird graphic that kind of looks like a man hanging) two hours before news organizations broke the news. I have to admit, I did immediately think of all the comments Bourdain has made recently against HW and in support of his accusers.

    1. He's also made a number of derogatory comments about HRC re: her flacid response to her buddy Weinstein's charges. Another HRC murder to add to the body count imo.

    2. I didn't see mention of a suicide note anywhere in the early reporting, haven't had a chance to see if there's any mention in the afternoon coverage.

    3. My first thought also. What did he have on Hillary? Epstein's island maybe?

    4. @Bleu the majority of suicides do not leave notes stop with your bullshit.

    5. Oh fuck yourself.

    6. Seriously. Telling someone to "stop with your bullshit" because they have a valid point?
      Agreed, Bleu: Fuckoff skeptic

    7. @rosie and what is that valid point you stupid cunt? Did you know that most people who commit suicide do not leave a note? Meaning that it is very common for there not to be a note and very uncommon for there to be a note. Of you course you didn’t know that because you’re a vulture, an emotional vampire, a stupid twat who doesn’t know shit and has no problem spectulating about other people you don’t know and taking advantage of other people’s grief for your own entertainment. Kate Spade left a note yet you think that’s a murder too, right? You guys are fucking morons. Get a grip.

      You spout off bullshit without taking the time to learn anything about the subject you’re running your stupid fucking mouths about. These people all had people who love them and tried to help them. There are still millions who suffer and who don’t get help because stupid bullshit like this adds to the stigma of depression and mental illness.

    8. People on this site fall for these blinds. Apparently a suicide is never just a suicide in the entertainment world. There’s always some crazy conspiracy behind it. Even though suicide is one of the most common deaths. Regular people kill themselves. Celebrities always get murdered and there’s always a huge cover up. The writers on this site sound like failed script writers who take the lowest hanging fruit of conspiracy theories and the people here gobble it up like it’s true with zero proof. It’s fascinating to see.

  8. Who is the other her? Rose?

  9. The pic on the shirt was Sid Vicious, of whom Anthony was a fan.

  10. At least he was a known punk rock fan, not necessarily Sid specifically.

  11. Another conspiracy ? For once,it is not about Hillary Clinton killing the former Vice President or others.
    I am disappointed by Enty.

  12. I knew Enty was going to do this bullshit.

    1. Apparently Enty knows about a murder plot a day after it happens. How does enty know about a murder? Did the hit men or those who hired them call enty up to post the blind? I mean really. Do the people who read this site even use any logic at all? If enty knows this for a fact then they should be going to the police. Not posting about it on their website. But it’s bullshit. A stupid plot written by a failed scriptwriter using real life people’s lives as if they’re fair game for their lies.

    2. Not the day, hours. Even more suspicious look at comments on other blinds where people were basically begging for a blind about Bourdain and lo and behold within an hour some bullshit made up blind shows up giving the idiot masses what they crave. Lies.

  13. And Asia deleted the tweet with the pic, which makes me think it was indeed directed at him.

  14. My heart is with Eric Ripert, who found him and will bear the burden of seeing his friend dead, and his young daughter. Please reach out if you are hurting.

  15. Oh God,in the moment I read the news I knew it, he didn't kill himself.
    This is heartbroken.

    1. Same! I just knew in my gut it wasn't right.

  16. "Make it look like all the rest they have done." I know Chris Cornell (R.I.P.) and Chester Bennington (R.I.P.) hung themselves, which is how Anthony Bourdain's cause of death is being reported. To me, it sounds like this blind is implying these deaths (and others?) were actually murders committed by the same perpetrators. I don't know, this is a weird one.

  17. I don't know, I think Enty's right. I'm not entirely sure AB's tragic death wasn't homicide.

  18. Agree. He loved his daughter and was seemingly happy... you never know... just didn’t think he’d seem like the type to go that way

  19. Maybe its because of what has been happening but the first thought I had about AB suicide is that it felt off. He always struck me as someone who hasnt got time for death, he is too busy living. Out of all of them its the one that makes the least about of sense. That said, its something I am not in the mood to think about right now. Too soon for me.

    1. I honestly don’t ascribe often to conspiracy theories but this is next level unsettling and wreaks of foul play . And I agree if your thoughts on him....and that it’s too soon.
      How does she fight any harder than she has—- and won’t Rose McGowan surely suspect this?
      My head/ heart:(

    2. You only saw what he chose to show the world. You never know what someone is struggling with internally.. it’s very easy to hide your sadness and put on a brave face for the world.

  20. I don’t know, but my first thought was that he has a host of demons and the pics of Asia in Rome just pushed some buttons, Regardless, I’ll miss him. He was a rare, genuine talent.

  21. After advocating so strongly for Asia to speak her story and then she perhaps cheated...

  22. Rose has already posted a sobbing video.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Cringe.. Rose looks like she has huge issues

    2. She has major issues and honestly needs help. When I saw her video I couldn’t help think she was making yet another situation that has nothing to do with her.. about her! The focus should be on Anthony’s family and his legacy

  23. Oy @ this blind. Yes, too soon.

  24. Tricia, I agree with you. Most of reddit is completely questioning this. I am sure he had shit in his head but it seems weird. He always said he would do it with heroin. He also said he could never do it because of his daughter. There is something weird about this, someone or something is getting close to the source of a lot of bad shit and it feels like they are getting nervous.
    Argh, dont want to think about it. Too sad.

  25. Asia Argento, def something more sinister going on with these apparent suicides..... just my two cents

  26. There was a blind where people were guessing that Anthony was cheating on Asia with Rose McG.
    I wonder if that's why there were photos of Asia in Italy(?) holding hands with a man named Hugo Clement.

  27. That Rose McG video on Twitter will not win her any new fans and probably lose a few of the dwindling number she's got left. Train wreck.

  28. "to be brave" makes it sound like Rose, not Asia.

  29. Brave is the operative word in all this. If she ends up dead I am becoming a monk and leaving this shitty world for that of prayer.

  30. If this about Anthony Bourdain or whoever its about & anyone knows that it was murder & not suicide has to go to the police. Hey I like these blinds but some of them hopefully have been reported to the police before posted as a blind.

  31. Yep - I had the same thought as well. I think the news media is starting to wonder, too, with one posting the comment "There have been an alarming number of suicides in Hollywood lately."

  32. Wasn't Anthony B a Brazilian ju-jitsu expert?

    Overpowering him would have been no easy task. Be interesting to see if the toxicology report shows signs he was drugged in order to subdue him before rigging the death. Assuming, of course, he was 'suicided'.

  33. Good point John Smith

  34. What, it's totally normal everybody hanging themselves all of a sudden, everyone has inner suicidal depression/dangerous sex games, nothing to see here move along.
    Why TF would anyone with any financial resources strangle themselves to death when they can go for a drive in a garage or take a bottle of pills and drift peacefully away? These are not the quick neck snaps of the gallows.

    1. The demons come on at night. Anything else takes premeditation.

    2. @brayson because money is not the only reason people kill themselves.

  35. If she got a photo of him dead, she should go to cops immediately....who is after her, the Italian Mob, or Weinstein/Hollywood cabal, and why why why can't an autopsy tell suicide from Murder...Mark Salling as well?

  36. I get what you all are saying, but remember a recent blind also tried to tie Burke Ramsey to the forensic psychologists murder. There were four murders total and it was some guy going through a bad divorce. Had nothing to do with the Ramseys. When I saw the news on Bordain, I knew enty would grab onto it. He attributes conspiracy to every death lately. Even a nobody old guy in Canada.

  37. Every time a celebrity dies, a blind about some murder conspiracy is published ... it's getting old

  38. RIP— you wii be missed.

  39. Pigsteun has no money so who bnb is going to work for him? It's all over for him anyways...nobody wants him professionally so just plead guilty schmuck

    1. Pigstein. These damn videos change my sentences!!!

  40. This is what I think has happened:

    They were supposed to be killed because they were vocal about Weisntein going to jail. Weinstein is probably best friends with Geffen and they dont like it when one of their friends go to jail so they had to send a message to all the people accusing Weinstein of rape to shut the F up or you will be next.

    Gaffen, Weinstein are pedophiles - this could have gotten out and if could have brought them down. - they didn't want that.

    remember weinstein having an ex mossad agent following an accuser? well, now you know who did the dirty job.

    Mossad, Clinton Foundation, Geffen....all connected.

    also remember that Argento's father is probably a Freemason. If you look at his films, it has a lot of occult /freemason symbols.

    And Kate Spade was also murdered by this ring of pedophiles/traffickers.

  41. Brayson: partial hanging suicide is quick. Takes maybe ten seconds to lose consciousness. Most PHSuicides don't have access to gallows.

  42. Rose McGowan is beyond extra! I can't STAND HER!!!

  43. Whether this is true or not (I personally believe the latter), it is way to soon and extremely gross. The fucking guy died a few hours ago, you couldnt at least wait a day to post this conspiracy bs? Have some respect for his family and loved ones, you creep.

  44. Seemed weird to me when the news broke also. Sorry. Not one for conspiracy theories but it seemed odd/off. For people who get super emotional about these assumptions maybe it's good not to assume everyone is "broken." and maybe something is going on.

  45. @Dav games so if it was a murder, you feel that with murders nobody should look into it or be suspicious right away? Criminals must love your mindset.

  46. "Way too soon" is one of the propaganda talking points in every political consultant's manual for when a hot-button topic has had an event occur that might move the needle with the public and you want that shut down asap.

  47. Someone posted this same theory on Reddit on r/anthonybourdain and now this is here.

  48. Again,check the song on his last Twitter. When is it no longer coincidence?

  49. Hanging is the new Arkancide. It's all the rage. Everybody's doing it.

    The Toronto police were content calling the hanging of Barry & Honey Sherman a murder/suicide, also. The family didn't buy it.

    There is something which connects all of these people. They are being silenced. 'They' are tying up [loose ends.]

  50. @Unknown You're right. I look forward to the results of Crazy Days and Nights official investigation of the matter, and I hope these murderers are sent off to prison! This is a gossip website not the fucking FBI. The goal of this website is to get ad revenue, not serve up justice. If there is a real suspicion, I hope it is investigated immediately by the police in a private, honest matter. Using it as tabloid fodder is what is "too soon". Yeah I'm sure the guy's 11 year old daughter is so grateful that a mostly bullshit gossip site conceived a theory backed up by the same Reddit basement dwellers who discovered the boston bomber.

    1. No point talking logic, Dav. People will believe what they want, even when overwhelming evidence proves the opposite of the belief. It's one of the more frustrating aspects of human nature.
      Bordain killed himself. Only he knows why and he's gone so the rest of the world will never really know why. All one can hope for is that he and the thousands of others who leave this world by their own hands have found peace.

  51. Dav Games,

    if you dont like what you read here, create your own blog...and create your own fascist rules.

    this is whats called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

  52. This is ridiculous. Just kill her and make it look like a suicide.

  53. None of us know this man (and very few of us have even met, much less genuinely know any of the celebs mentioned here) outside of his public persona.

    And yet now you're jumping to the conclusion that he was murdered because it "doesn't feel right" to you? Based on what? What do you really know about him beyond what you've seen on screen or read in books & magazines?

    You don't know shit about what he was feeling. The fact that everyone is jumping on this so soon after his death is really ghoulish and disappointing.

  54. Blank,

    take a xanax.

    this page is for people to speak freely.

    stop getting so emotional

  55. I don't need any, thanks for offering though. And we totally agree, this site is for speaking our minds & expressing our opinions! Free speech fucking rocks!

  56. Blank, you are walking contradiction.


  57. @ Silly, I was being serious, but um ok. Whatever you say, LOL.

  58. Who the fuck is asia argento? First of all: that sounds about as fake of a name as blacc chyna, second of all: it is suspicious that suddenly there are so many suicides of famous people like seriously A LOT of them... and also the hanging pattern is worrying..
    Also wondering about the whole "she couldnt make it" part.. what was she supposed to do exactly and how do you improvise whatever is suggested here when ur not there`?

  59. @Dav games, it seems you're emotional about it, sorry for that. But if only the world was the kind of place bad things don't happen. I'd be glad to know if there was suspicion around a death if it was somebody i loved, not everybody just assuming one way or another.

  60. I agree @Blank_Profile it's the same after every celebrity suicide people acting like they have some true insight in to it when in reality they are just speculating.

    It's sad that Enty is acting like he has some insider information so soon, if he wanted it to be a little more believable he should have waited a few days.

  61. Anonymous3:05 PM

    People hang themselves to ensure the suicide is successful. It has a high success rate. OD'ing runs the risk of not working for various reasons.

    Gonna go watch comedy as a pick me up. What a day!

  62. Bottom line: the Patriarchy killed him. His girlfriend stepping out with another guy had nothing to do with his depression. I'm sure he loved when she did that.

  63. @Leanne Norman, it's not anyone thinking they have special insight into celebrity lives. it's the details around the circumstance that seem off.

  64. There's NO WAY Anthony Bourdain killed himself.
    NO WAY.

    Bourdain liked himself too much.
    Full of himself.
    No issue with those things but people who are fond of themselves
    the way Bourdain was
    don't go down by way of suicide.

    With all of his travels, charity and links to CIA CNN,
    who knows what kinds of activities he was involved in or bore witness to behind the scenes?

    Money laundering? Bearing witness to illegal activities?
    Did he know too much? Who knows?

    Was it speaking out against Harvey?

    That's a definite possibility.

    Someone killed him and that's a sad f+cking thing.
    RIP Anthony.

    F+ck you evil assholes who killed him.

  65. As soon as I heard it, it didn’t pass the smell test. I can’t see him wanting Ripert, his good friend, to live with that visual for the rest of his life. He once said in an interview that he would gladly go back on heroin if he got a bad diagnosis. The perfect place , a provincial French town. I seriously doubt they are set up to do a thorough investigation. No mention of a note either. I can’t believe he would leave his daughter without some kind of explanation. Maybe I just read this site too much, lol.

  66. Definitely NOT "too soon". Give me a break. This is a gossip site, we talk about everything here. If it smells like BS, then let's talk about it! If he was murdered, and others are being murdered, LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.

    Talking about it gets traction, and then perhaps coverage so these sick fucks can be taken out once and for all. Weinstein and Co weren't taken down in a day, it took decades, but it FINALLY happened. Still MANY more to go, can you hear me Geffen?

    1. This was my original belief. The Velvet Mafia strikes again. I just am not able to connect discernible dots between Geffen/Fat ass Harvey in all their vile ,rampant corruption. They’ve rarely been paper together; perhaps wisely so

  67. Anthony Bourdain found hang. And this must Asia Argento!

  68. Some fixer is making hand over fist. I'm not sure of the count but it seems like oding is the way to go here in the states and hanging over seas. Never would I think I'd wake up to AB making headlines in this way. God bless him. Rip

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. C'mon, I personally know tons of people who killed themselves with a scarf and a doorknob. Don't you??

    Actually, of my hundreds of friends and relatives, and probably thousands of acquaintances, only 1 has committed suicide. A he used a handgun to do it. This is a sudden 'epidemic'. And scarves (Red?) seem quite popular this year.

    All these people saying you're unconscious in 10 seconds with this method are nuts. The brain will function fairly well for several minutes after the oxygen supply is cut off. And good luck getting a total cut off with a scarf by yourself.

    And lots of people kill themselves right in the middle of a field shoot at the peak of their career. *Lots.

    1. @Southernman all you need to do is cut your airway off to the point of being unconscious from that point your body weight will continue to cut of your airway and do the rest. If you are motivated you can kill yourself. Btw the way people do it is they tie the scarf to the doorknob on the other side of the door then throw the scarf or whatever they are using to hang themselves over the top of the door then they close the door and hang themselves from the door. I think people picture someone hanging themselves from the short doorknob on the same side they are on and that’s not the way it happens. The knob is used to hold their weight.

      Btw, depression doesn’t care how successful you are and in many ways being incredibly successful can make things worse because depressed people believe that once they achieve everything they will finally be happy and when they aren’t it gets really bad. They then believe there is nothing that will ever fix them and that suicide is the only answer. Statements like yours shows that you don’t have any understanding of how depression and suicide work. Depression doesn’t care how successful you are, or how great your career is going, how much money you have, or how beautiful you are. Depression doesn’t discriminate and neither does mental illness. Please learn more about this. Listen to people who suffer from depression talk about it. Listen to people who have survived their suicide attempts. Listen to people who have suicidal thoughts. Listen to people who are bipolar and you’ll learn why it’s not as easy as you think it is and why what you’re saying makes no sense.

    2. You're an asswipe.

  71. look at @JohnDoe78359022 twitter
    He posted a thread of statements, monday I guess, among them "HW knows where the bodies are buried"
    Make your own conclusions

  72. Although his issues were well documented, I’m still in shock that Anthony Bourdain is gone. He was a magnetic, rare being. Loved his show, his frankness and his complete authenticity.
    Not sure where I sit yet on the theories behind his death. Then there’s the Werther Effect to consider, and it’s impact on those susceptible to suicide. Especially given the 24/7 news environment:

  73. Fuck you with this bullshit Enty. I’m so tired of you calling every suicide a murder. It does such a disservice to those suffering from depression and mental illness. Don’t you understand that this bullshit you peddle only adds to the stigma and is exactly why more people don’t seek help and end up dead? It’s why so many of the idiots here fail to understand depression and mental illness and say stupid shit like “they had everything going for them why would they kill themselves?” You are exactly part of the problem.
    Bourdain had problems with addiction, people with addiction issues often suffer from depression. I’m so tired of you with this shit. The minute someone turns up dead from suicide you turn it into some murder plot, but you didn’t know about it before to write about it then? Why is that? So, these people are good enough to pull off a plot that makes murder look like suicide but not good enough to keep it quite enough to keep it from getting to you? GMAFB.

    All of you fucking morons buying into this shit are part of the problem too. Why don’t you go help someone who is suffering. Volunteer, do some homework on depression. Reach out to someone in need. Fuck all of you who believe this and spread these vile lies. You only ensure that more people will die from suicide and help to further stigmatize mental illness and prevent people from getting help. Why did Kate Spade not seek treatment? Because she was afraid of people finding out. If people weren’t such assholes she might still be alive.

    1. Its time for you to take your 8pm meds and step away from the computer, skeptic.
      Sleep it off...

      And for anyone considering suicide and especially if you have children:
      Don't do it. Please Call:
      1 800-273-8255


    2. Nice that again you stigmatize mental illness and then act like you’re doing good by posting the number for help. How disingenuous of you. So why would you post that if you don’t believe he committed suicide? He talked about his struggles and was open about them. Just like many others who all of you dumbasses claim didn’t kill themselves. The sad truth is people lose their battle with depression and addiction all the time and denying that helps no one. I hope Enty gets sued for these lies.

    3. "very amazing and interesting post, thank you for sharing"

    4. Skeptic, you accuse others of making assumptions, yet you and majority of the media are doing the same, only to the other extreme. You're automatically assuming mental illness and suicide before any toxicology reports or forensic details have been released. At this point we don't know exactly how everything transpired so anything is a possibility. Also I think Rosie is just saying for you to relax a bit, you're on a gossip site, you're bound to get other perspectives here.

    5. @Anonymous no I’m not jumping to conclusions and neither is the media. What you’re doing right now is a typical conspiracy nut tactic that you guys always pull, deflect and accuse another person of doing what you’re doing to pretend we’re the same. We’re not.

      The police and coroner are reporting this as a suicide this far. They have ruled out foul play, so how are we making shit up, lying, or speculating? Anthony Bourdain spoke of his struggles with depression and addiction, no one is saying he relapsed just that he struggled with those things in the past. Again what about that isn’t true? There is footage of him saying those things. It goes without saying that he was depressed if he took his own life. A few friends said his mood in the past couple of days was a bit off. No lies. You need to stop. I haven’t said a single thing that is a lie or made up. I’m not gossiping at all. I’m going off what is being reported. If the coroner or investigators find different I’m happy to say I was wrong but I fail to see how toxicology reports would change the fact that he killed himself, unless they find poison or something.
      Btw, most poisons leave signs (fast acting ones anyway) so they would see other signs of something even without toxicology.

      This blind is just trying to throw chum in the water because Enty knows the sharks wanted something about Bourdain. It’s a lie.

  74. This is a warning.

  75. Everybody: Don't even think about pills to kill yourself. You will only become violently ill, and stay extremely ill, without dying, though you wished you had, from the pain that will course through your body.

    Don't even think about suicide. It doesn't solve any problems.

  76. @Thonker....gee Asia is daughter of FAMOUS ITALIAN FILMMaker Dario Argento. Google it. oy vey

  77. I'm thinking/ feeling that he was in total love w Asia, and insecure about his age. Seeing her canoodling w that younger than even her guy, could've done him in.

    I actual hung out w him, several + times back in maybe 93 or 94. He'd come into the restaurant I worked at @ the bottom of Greenwich ave (CT). He must've been late 30's and my friends and I were late teens, through twenties. He partied w us but was always cordial (not a perv, at all).

    Anyway, this saddens me.

  78. Second recent "SUICIDE" related to Harvey.

    Wake up people the news is not meant to convey truth. The narrative is fixed.

    RIP dear dear Jill.

    I have not forgotten...

  79. I am a believer and buy into most of the blinds here, but I call BS on this one. Anthony B was very open about his former heroin use (addiction is a sign of depression) and also about his problems with depression. Find the bit he did with an Argentine psychiatrist. Even a bad hamburger at an airport could send him into a dark depression for days.

    On top of that, Anthony B had the perfect storm for older depressives, which is exactly what Kate Spade had:
    1) A significant other abandoning you (Kate's husband left her, and Anthony's girlfriend, who he clearly was attached to, was photographed being kissy with a photographer in Italy), and
    2) A tween/teen daughter who is rejecting you and doesn't seem to need you anymore.

    Both of these people suffered from ongoing depression issues and self-loathing/inability to handle extreme stress. Their perceived abandonment by the people closest to them sent them over the edge.

    I know because I suffer from some of the same issues.

    1. @more cowbell I’m sorry to hear that you struggle I hope you’re getting the help you need and I agree with you. I hope you find peace. I’ve lost too many friends and family members to drugs and suicide.

  80. To be clear, I'm not blaming the significant others or teen daughters for Kate and Anthony's suicides. I just think they had both struggled with depression and loathing for years and became triggered by the perceived abandonment of those who they thought were keeping them in one piece.

  81. long ass rant from Original Unknown skeptic - didn't even finish it.
    maybe you need to step away and stop getting angry at a computer.
    this is a decent discussion board.

    1. @Silly there is nothing decent about lying about someone’s manner of death. Anthony Bourdain was a good man who struggled with addiction and depression. He was open about his struggle. He lost his battle and that’s a terrible tragedy. No one should further that tragedy by lying about it. You saying it’s decent to call it anything other than what it is is laughable.

  82. @ more cowbell -both comnents, well said. And, I feel you.

  83. AB was a perfect storm of success and self-loathing. Sorry, but I don’t find it even remotely out of the realm of possibility he indeed killed himself. Was I surprised? Yes. Shocked? No. He laid his life bare and perhaps he had just had enough. No, I didn’t know him, but an addict’s brain is a tricky mess. Sober or not, those demons never go away. They just rear their ugly head in different forms. I’m sad for Eric and AB’s daughter. I wish he could’ve found someone to help him work through this.

  84. Thank you, skeptic. I’d like to politely ask you to please not call people cunts. I’m a recovering addict. My drug abuse changed me forever. It never goes away. I’m fortunate to have an excellent support system, one that understands me and doesn’t forsake me. Oh, if we were all so fortunate.

    1. I understand what you’re saying and I don’t normally don’t use that language. I’m sorry if I offended you but it it was deserved. I’m not taking it back. She proved to be exactly what I called her by doubling down on her unsubstantiated claims and then tried to insult me by suggesting I have a mental illness. Once again exactly proving my point. People like her are exactly the problem.

      I’m really glad you made it through your problem and are sober. I just lost my sister 6 months ago to a drug overdose so this is an issue very personal to me. I lost a dear family friend to suicide just ten days later. They both left behind children I love with all my heart and it still devastates me and always will.

      People who speak without knowledge on these matters annoy me. They don’t take the time to understand nor do they try to. They show no empathy to those who love these people and lost them. In the last ten years I’ve known too many people who have lost their lives to suicide and addiction, many left children behind. In my life the number is too many too bear. These lies help no one. People in my own family denied my sister’s own addiction and mental illness all the way until she died, some still do. If they hadn’t she might have been able to get the help she needed and still be alive. I might still have my sister, her kids my still have a mom. The shame that comes with admitting you have a problem kept her and many in my family from ever facing the facts. That’s why I get so angry at people who add fuel to this fire. It doesn’t help. Finally everyone but 2 people in my family finally came around but her addiction and death ripped my family apart and it’s an awful thing.
      Like I said, I’m so glad you’re sober and I hope you continue to beat your demons. I hope you live a long happy life.

    2. Please dont try to excuse your foul language and mean, angry words by saying it was well deserved.
      Well deserved because YOU STARTED the whole foul thing by insulting someone elses opinion? Someone simply asked where the suicide note was and you jumped on it?
      You are FOUL. get outta here with your fucking superiority nonsense that youre the ONLY one to possibly be hurt or know the pain of suicide. All the rest of us are ignorant right? lol
      Okeedokie ��

    3. It wasnt an insult. You are mentally ill. Theres no shame in it, please fight the stigma of mental illness and talk to friends about your anger, take your meds, and live a good life.
      If youre not mentally ill? you might want to get that anger issue worked out... Best of luck in your journey ❤

    4. So you actually believe I’m mentally ill and you choose to tell me to take my meds and dismiss me? You insult me? Do you seriously think I’m so stupid as to not see what you’re trying to do here?

      So you have two options. You’re either using mental illness as an insult or you’re insulting and degrading a person you actually believe has a mental illness. You are trying to use that person’s illness to make them feel less than you and dismiss them and their opinion as if it doesn’t matter. You see how neither option is good, right? You know damn well I don’t have mental illness and getting mad doesn’t mean I suffer from mental illness but again using that insult in the way you do proves my point. That is exactly what I was talking about. People like you do that all the time. That is why people are so afraid to get help or talk about their struggles because they will be dismissed by people like you who would deem them less than worthy for having a mental illness. Thank you for proving my point.

    5. To be clear:
      I dont give a shit which one it is, at all. But based on your initial reaction to a VERY simple question of "where is the suicide note" and your subsequent vomiting of nonsense, yes it is hands down anger issues or mental illness. Neither of which, is my concern.
      So dont get help. Instead, continue to come here and take it out on others. For sure stay in denial tho.

      Oh, you should mos def show up to lecture us about mental illness and suicide. No one but you knows about it. At least do that for us.
      You have very amazing and interesting posts, thank you for sharing

    6. @rosie and where do you practice? What is your PHD or MD in? Where did you go to school to get your education in order to make such a diagnosis? You can do so from a post on the Internet? If you knew anything about suicide you wouldn’t be spewing such bullshit. It’s clear from your posts you are all very uneducated on the subject. During my education I have studied these things extensively and I have personal experience, so yes I believe I understand it more than you do. Not just from a clinical perspective but from a personal and statistical perspective. Unfortunately here in the U.S. we don’t study mental illness and suicide nearly as much as we should and need to. So there is so much about it we all don’t understand.

      Getting mad about people being assholes does not make someone mentally ill. Especially when people are being vile assholes about someone’s death who suffered from depression. That makes me a healthy human being. Believing conspiracy theories and seeing conspiracy everywhere could be a sign of delusion or just diminished intelligence but I wouldn’t dare diagnose someone online. Not only because that’s not my area of expertise but also because that would be unethical. If I did suffer from mental illness I would not be ashamed to admit it just as I would not be ashamed to admit if I had any other illness. You see, unlike you, I see no shame in a mental illness and would never use it to insult someone. I do not have one and I’m someone who takes very good care of my mental and physical health, thank you very much. It’s part of my job, not that it’s any of your business.

    7. I'm not sure I feel comfortable with you asking me so many personal questions about where I went to school and what I do for a living? Are you flirting with me? Or are you just wanting to (once again) point out how stupid I am and how superior you are? This is just getting weirder and weirder.
      Here's a little gem for ya, fancypants: If you have to tell others how smart and healthy and amazing you are- you probably aren't.
      I mean... Really? Have you listened to *anything* youve written?
      Youre the only one intelligent enough to be able to possibly understand mental illness and the reasons for suicide? the ONLY ONE to of lost so many friends and family to suicide, and therefore NO ONE ELSE could possibly understand your depth and despair?
      Is that right fancy?

    8. I hope the fancypants bit didnt offend you- would you rather I call you a cunt, since you seem comfortable with that?

    9. Lol, if you want to diagnose people you must provide your credentials. If you have none you can just STFU. I’m guessing you have none because anyone with credentials wouldn’t dare diagnose or act the way you do. It’s funny that you want to claim that I’m foul mouthed and it’s so bothersome to you. Aren’t you the one who originally told me to fuck off? Wasn’t it your buddy who originally called me names? Yet he’s perfectly stable? That’s what I thought.

      Btw, where did I ever say I knew more than anyone ever and that I was the only one who had any knowledge about this? I just said you were talking out your ass. You and your little buddy were saying things that proved your lack of knowledge on the subject. You also show a complete lack of empathy which also proves that you don’t have knowledge or experience with the matter. Either that or you’re a bigger asshole than I thought. People who have been through it or have educated themselves on these subjects don’t say the stupid shit you guys do.

    10. What "stupid shit" ?
      And exactly who is this "you guys" you speak of?
      Please be more specific

    11. I'm sorry, I forgot to answer you first question.
      No, it was not "my buddy" who called you names- I dont have any buddies here *sad face*
      I believe it started with you being hostile to a total stranger, when they asked an innocent question-
      But you might want to double check that, its right up there ^^^
      Go on fancy, git... Tell me what your brilliant mind finds

    12. Is calling me “fancy” supposed to be an insult? Kind of how people call educated people “elite” these days thinking it’s also supposed to be insulting? Okay I’ll take it. You and your buddy Bleu. He called me an asswipe for correcting him about hanging from a doorknob and all the other stupid shit he was saying and told me to fuck off. You followed it up with a fuck off and then feigned outrage at my foul language when I called you a cunt. Then you pretended that I asked to be excused for it, which I did not. I stand by it. You keep proving it. I only said I was sorry if it offended Dallas but I felt your behavior called for it.

      “You guys” are all you idiots who are peddling these lies about Bourdain. He killed himself, period. You have no proof of anything else. Until you do you are just making shit up. There is not a single thing to suggest otherwise. That “stupid shit” is saying someone who so clearly died from suicide didn’t.

  85. Hanging one's self is a deeply personal message. The person is in a deeep deeep depression.

    Children of those who commit suicide carry this burden for the remainder of their lives. They NEVER forget. The person had the last say and that's a deep anger for those left behind because they would've tried to help them.

    Please, don't do this to your family. It's a heavy burden for them to carry. Please ask someone near to you that you don't feel right. No shame in it, no shame at all.

    Medications have advanced in the last decade alone and again, there's no shame in taking medications. None.

  86. I lost my career, I lost hope, but somehow came through it. I feel my brain has been altered forever due to my opiate abuse. I am happily married and have a great kid, to whom I will have to explain things at some point. He’s too young right now to fully understand my story and the lessons I’ve learned. I’ve made a point today to reach out to people I know who struggle and have assured them I’m available 24/7.


  87. my thanks to Dallas Alice

    made me laugh

    "Rose has already posted a sobbing video"

  88. In the real world suicides can and do happen in waves in communities, even where the victims don’t know each other. It’s like one triggers another. About 20 years ago, school mental health visitors wouldn’t even say the word suicide as they thought it was triggering, before being “triggered” was a thing.. In Galway city, (Ireland), when you hear of a missing person going missing in the vicinity of the Salmon Weir Bridge next to the Cathedral (and to a lesser extent Wolfe Tone Bridge, by the Spanish Arch) all Galweigans know what that means, and search parties automatically go to north the shore of Galway Bay, or Oranmore, depending on the time of year. But there does seem to be a spate of them and then nothing for ages.

    Many suicides can be years in the making, but not necessarily- it can be a sudden compulsion. I have seen and experienced it myself; everyone stopped before it went too far and survived, but if circumstances were just a tiny bit different...

  89. My opinion is that people who are insulting and cursing others who question whether this was a suicide are trying to intimidate people into not discussing it. I am glad we have a thick-skinned crew here.

  90. AB death was a murder. Hollywood/Silicon Valley hit job.

  91. Thank you, skeptic. It’s been quite a journey. I put my family and myself through hell. Fortunately, they didn’t ignore it and through gentle persistence, helped me make it through. Moderation doesn’t exist in my world anymore. It’s a daily struggle to stay on my path. My sincere condolences on the loss of your sister and your friend.

  92. You’re welcome, BRAD 😉

  93. Anonymous9:21 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. @Silly

    "this is whats called FREEDOM OF SPEECH."

    yeah and it's also FREEDOM OF SPEECH to criticize whatever we please. This is not a moderated board. Deal with it, toots.


    "Way too soon" is one of the propaganda talking points in every political consultant's manual "

    Yep, straight out of the NRA playbook after every mass shooting, heh.

    "My opinion is that people who are insulting and cursing others who question whether this was a suicide are trying to intimidate people into not discussing it"

    Well sweetie, you WOULD know all about that.


    "He's also made a number of derogatory comments about HRC "

    Because nothing bad happens in this world without HRC express permission.

    @Original Unknown skeptic

    +1000! Thank-you for taking the time for those comments.


    First -

    "Please dont try to excuse your foul language and mean, angry words by saying it was well deserved. "

    Then -

    "You are FOUL. get outta here with your fucking superiority nonsense"

    Ah, primping in the mirror again?

    @Anyone else

    The better angle to the possible murder of AB, which is total bullshit btw, is to find the dictators who AB has royally pissed off. He interviewed people in Russia who talked about Vlad's corruption. Someone who spoke with him in Iran was thrown in jail for 2+years. Because our lovely president withdrew from the excellent Iran Treaty, guess whose arms that pushed Iran into? Yep, Vlad's.

    If someone wanted to murder AB, start somewhere logical, howaboutit? Rather than scream Hillary! Soros! Geffen! all day long without thinking.

  95. "For being so smart, you sure are dumb"
    "I suppose some of the comments could be tongue in cheek"
    "Eh, toots?"
    "Please try to keep up"
    "Thank you for showing up. Always a pleasure"

  96. @rosie

    When repeating all that to your mirror, several times a day, you best use a hairbrush for your fantasy microphone. Flat irons burn.

  97. Anonymous10:14 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. @mercy

    Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain were going to testify against HRC????? That's quite a scoop you have there.

    Of course everything bad in the world is connected to HRC. You web Super Sleuths are so amazing.

  99. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I'm not sure why people think it's ok to get abusive on some forums. Would you say this to their faces?
    Labeling solves nothing.
    People questioning the media's narrative, have good reason to do so. Check out CNN's green screens, claiming their reporter is in Lebanon, when they were proven to be in Virginia. No, we have good reason to ask questions....

    1. @mercy if you’re referring to me, yes I would tell anyone who made up lies about someone’s manner of death to cut the shit and I would still call them a cunt for telling me to fuck off for telling the truth. I am far more likely to say all of that to someone’s face actually. Would they say all these terrible things to the face of the deceased’s loved ones? Or even in person? I doubt it.

    2. @originalunknownskeptic

      "Made up lies"

      No, they believe a different story/narrative. None of us were there. None of us know absolutely.

      "Disrepecting dead people" is the meme people use to shut down questions about "the official story".

      Stalking/threatening people is disrespectful and wrong. Depending on the circumstances, questioning a tragedy victims claims can be hurtful..

      but SPECULATING on anonymous boards harms nobody. Claims are tested in the intellectual marketplace.

      Swallow up your verbal vomit and take your curses back to the playground

    3. @schneider what are you even talking about? Who is stalking or threatening anyone? Harvey? Maybe but no one is on his side here at meat I’m not and there is no proof he has anything to do with this. Killing Bourdain would accomplish nothing for HW. The charges he is facing right now are not related to AB or AA so how would killing him help him in any way? They’ve already told their story.

      As far as saying other people just believe a different narrative, no they dream up lies and conspiracy based on nothing. There is absolutely nothing to support this being anything other than a suicide. Please tell me anything that does other than you think it “looks suspicious” and “your feelings”. Any facts to back up “your feelings”? Here are the facts: Bourdain was found by his best friend who has no reason to lie about how he was found, he would’ve said if there was anything suspicious about the room, his body or appearance, so that rules out a cover up as far as a struggle is concerned. Anthony Bourdain suffered from depression and spoke about it often and openly. Bourdain was a very skilled in Brazilian Ju Jitsu so anyone who wanted to kill him and make it look like a suicide would be in for a fight which would mean his body would show signs of a struggle as would his room. The authorities say there was no sign of foul play, a struggle or that anyone entered his room. What are your facts that dispute any of this?

      When you say that these rumors on a message board on the internet don’t harm people you’re wrong. They harm many. Remember pizzagate? People almost got killed because of it. Two men were lynched the other day in India due to rumors started on the internet. We have a moron in the WH largely due to the degredation of truth and people being willing to believe anything based on absolutely nothing. You see, you need to base what you believe on something.

      All of you lunatics are so fast to tie anyone with 40 degrees of separation to the Clintons but have any of you ever stopped to think why all of the people who have caused the most damage to the Clintons still live and breathe? Why would they kill AB and some random yokels from AK but leave Linda Tripp, Juanita Broaddrick, Ken Starr, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinski, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Wiley and so many others alive? If I were the Clintons and I was knocking people off why not kill the people who hurt me the most? All those people would’ve been at the top of my list including Newt Gingrich, Bill O’reilly Roger Ailes, Sean Hannity, Dinesh Disousa , Rush Limbaugh, and Donald Trump. I would also make their deaths incredibly embarrassing so I could damage their reps in the process. Why leave all of their biggest enemies alive and kill all these small time nobodies with very weak ties at best to them? Do any of you guys ever think any of your conspiracies through all the way to completion? If they are so powerful to knock all these people off and get away with it why isn’t she POTUS?

      You guys can’t keep saying you just believe a different narrative when your narrative is based on nothing. Either put up or shut up.

  100. @mercy

    " Would you say this to their faces?"

    Yep. It's all about the delivery.

    "People questioning the media's narrative, have good reason to do so"

    Sure, but the media being duplicitous does not automatically = HRC is the source of everything bad in the world.

    The leaps made by Netizen Super Sleuths are ridiculous.

  101. Anonymous10:38 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I see. And you believe every word that the entertainment companies write?

    Are you aware that Obama passed a bill in 2013 which encourages the media to manipulate the facts?

  103. Mercy

    I'm aware Reagan killed the Fairness in Media Act which then allowed the media companies to LIE to us.

    And 6 people died in a 6 week period from an enormous circle of political contacts and lobbyists and employees. Do you know how many people are connected to campaigns and government? I bet we could play that game in any election on any side.

    You need to define your parameters first.

  104. Wow! The emotions are running rampant here. I think if the Chef were to do himself in, his mode would be heroin. It is entirely too coincidental that the "new" en vogue method of suicide is hanging, when drugs are so peaceful.Someone is procuring these "suicides". Rose, ya best be finding a deeply vetted security team! Good luck!

  105. I mourn for Bourdain's death, but it's not too soon to talk about it. She looks like a dark horse and probably pushed him over the edge. Vulnerable people should not be surrounded by such darkness.

  106. With all due respect, An, drugs aren’t peaceful. I overdosed twice. I’m still here to tell the tale.

  107. I loved Anthony because he seemed like a kindred spirit to me. I’m absolutely gutted by his death. Please send prayers (if you are so inclined) or just positive thoughts for his daughter. If you spent any time watching him, reading his books, you would know his demons were in his head all day, every day,

  108. It's hard to be living sometimes. I must be hard to want to end living too. Keep strong all.

  109. PLOT,

    Take a chill pill.

  110. Original Unknown skeptic , laugh about what? what are you talking about? have you lost the plot?

    people are getting too dramatic. now THATS funny. People over reacting.

    A man died, we dont know why the motives were so we are all suggesting several motives and scenarios.

    Were you there when he died? NO. no one was so we dont know if it was a suicide or a murder. Dont take what anyone and everyone feeds you. question everything.

    good luck!

    1. @Silly no I wasn’t but I have no reason to question the official account. I don’t see conspiracy everywhere I look. He spoke of his depression, he struggled with addiction and it seems he may have been experiencing relationship issues. Not that she’s to blame but for someone who’s struggling something small can tip the balance. He once spoke about how even having a bad hamburger in an airport could send him into a deep depression for days. That’s the thing about depression that those of us who don’t suffer from it don’t understand. It doesn’t make sense and anything can set it off. He traveled extensively. Being on the road like that for someone who isn’t well can be like playing Russian Roulette. Sia doesn’t tour for that very reason. She is bipolar and knows it’s not worth it.

      The police have said there wasn’t any sign of struggle and no one entered his room. He was staying in a hotel owned by a friend, a very nice place. There were cameras I’m sure. He knew how to fight back, it would not be easy to kill him and make it look like a suicide. His friend found him and would not go along with a cover up. He would’ve seen signs of a struggle. Unless you believe his best friend, the police, and everyone else are in on this conspiracy to kill him there is no reason to not believe this.

      The funny thing about you conspiracy nuts is that you always accuse others of not questioning anything yet you guys completely lack critical thinking skills and never question the bullshit you’re fed. You believe these blinds hook, line, and sinker and never question how some dumbass behind a keyboard might be privy to this kind of information. You believe that the Hollywood PD and coroner covered up Mark Salling and Chester Bennington's death, the police and coroner in France covered up Anthony Bourdain’s death, the police and coroner in Oman cover up Avicii’s death, and the police and coroner in Detroit covered up Chris Cornell’s death. Somehow all these people are able to be bought off and keep these secrets and are willing to lie in order to cover up the deaths of people who really mean nothing to them. They’ll risk their reputations and careers to do so as well. It’s a worldwide conspiracy in your eyes. All the while you fail to recognize that every single one of these people struggled with depression and substance abuse and spoke openly about it at times. You also fail to recognize that suicide is contagious and is on the rise. Yea, but we’re the dummies who believe everything someone feeds us. You keep believing that.

  111. To all the people believing this blind, you realize this website "publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction". It says so at the bottom of every page. Yet you believe it over what forensic officials say. Your proof? "My gut told me something wasn't right".

    1. @dav Do you really think the people who completely lack critical thinking skills actually read disclaimers? Have you read their comments. It normally takes about 5 comments before any one of them mentions Clinton or Geffen. I’m surprised Spielberg hasn’t come up yet. I’m surprised Clinton has time to do anything because apparently she is just plotting the death of everyone constantly. Not sure why she would kill Bourdain when he hated her political rival but apparently she just loves to kill people according to these guys. Oh and Geffen just loves to kill as well. This site has completely gone off the rails 😒

  112. I’d encourage you all to watch CNN’s retrospective (and don’t give me any “fake news” bullshit). He OPENLY speaks of his struggles. Yes, I know the video snippets were cherry-picked, but it was eye-opening.

  113. He laid it all out. I don’t understand why people are being so obtuse.

  114. @Dallas you shouldn’t be surprised they did this same thing with Salling who had previously attempted suicide. They also did it with Chris Cornell who also talked openly about his struggles with drugs, alcohol, depression, and being suicidal, he even wrote about it. The did it with Avicii, who again struggled with past issues. They say it about Kate Spade who we now know had a history of depression. They said it about Bennington, same thing. They find it easier to believe that there is some grand worldwide conspiracy to kill people than that people struggle with depression and addiction and lose those battles far too often. At this point they wouldn’t believe it if someone with a long history of mental illness live streamed their own suicide. They would claim CGI and say a Geffen, the Clinton’s and Spielberg all have the means to fake something like that.

    Now you can see where my frustration comes from. This is why people lose their battles too often. Even when they’re screaming out for help no one is listening.

  115. @Silly

    "people are getting too dramatic"

    May we include your original post in this file?

  116. Whomever knows this information and has proof, did you know beforehand?
    If so did you alert A&A? Could be why she wore that shirt and was photographed with the news reporter.

    Why didn't you call Interpol anonymously at least?

  117. @skeptic—there are no winners here. People glom onto these conspiracy stories and run with them. It’s the bread and butter of this site. Stay skeptical, my friend.

  118. And by that, I mean stay skeptical of everyone thinking HRC is murdering everyone, etc. It’s gotten beyond ridiculous. He killed himself.

  119. I’m just surprised no one has mentioned Beyonce, Jay-Z and the illiumnati. But Freemasons were mentioned, so there’s that. *eye roll*

  120. @ T.W. not sure what you mean by "Bourdain never forgot where he came from & stood up for the underdog." Anthony Bourdain invented and reinvented himself over and over again. Where he came from was an upper middle class home in Leonia, NJ - home to Alan Alda and summered in France as a child. And went to Vassar. Not a child of the streets, by any stretch of the imagination. He always said he thought his addictions were probably to counteract his happy childhood.

  121. He was a man of letters. A writer - who left no note? Someone who wore his humanity on his sleeve but left not one word for his daughter?

  122. There could have been a suicide email or suicide video that the family does not wish to disclose, ya know. They are not obligated to do so.

  123. Who knows. Maybe his dick stopped working. A woman he was clearly head over heels in love with stepped out with another man. I find it completely in the realm of possibilities that he killed himself.

  124. My theory: His girlfriend dumped him or they had a spat and he killed himself.
    I've read a number of comments from people who knew him in college. They said he was this goofy druggie and very pussy whipped when it came to women.

  125. You all need to go outdoors and get off this site for a while. Christ. This is pathetic.

  126. Two deaths that def could be conspiracies; peaches geldorf and Lil peep. Geldorf had recently outted the mothers involved w Ian Watkins, was on a super low methadone dose, and as w Lil peep, addicts are the easiest ppl to murder. In re to Lil peep, real name Gustav Ahr born in PA, shortly after his death a Philip Ahr, a politician also from PA was arrested w a HOARD of highly illegal, and filthy porn.

    Just some food thought if you really want to dig.

  127. Currently at 187 comments; allow me to take it off of that ominous number.

    "I'm seeing connections between Anthony Bourdain and Marina Abramovic, with Haiti + Penn and the C Foundation et al., as well as CNN which is all CIA'd up."

    His last tweet linking to the Rising Sun Blues (King Kong Remix) for the Hong Kong Parts Unknown. He stated "THIS song from the score from tonight's HONK KONG @PartsUnknownCNN is gonna stay with me." Recall that the 1964 song by The Animals is about the "House of the Rising Sun" in New Orleans, inferred to be the Horror House on St. Charles.

    "There is a house in New Orleans
    They call the rising sun
    And its been the ruins of many a poor boy
    And god I know I'm one"

    Also, with regards to Hillary Clinton, Bourdain himself posted these tweets:

    "know what Hillary Clinton is NOT? She's not stupid. Or unsophisticated about the world. The Weinstein stories had been out there for years"

    Back in October of 2017, CNN’s Bourdain made that statement regarding Harvey Weinstein, suggesting Hillary Clinton had to know of his history of being a sexual predator. Bourdain’s girlfriend, actress Asia Argento, accused Weinstein of raping her.

    The tweet angered Hillary spokesman, Brian Fallon. He took to Twitter to tell Bourdain to “eat a scorpion.”

    Just last month, on May 2nd, Anthony Bourdain tweeted this:

    "...and I am in no way an HRC fan. I've been on the receiving end of her operatives' wrath. And it ain't fun"

    So infer away what you will about all of this...I don't know what to make of it. far as suicides are concerned:

    "Track ALL suicides.
    Example 1:
    Think Spade.
    Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
    Trace to Import/Export.
    Trace from China/MX [Mexico] to Long Beach [Port of Long Beach, L.A. CA]
    Trace sale/spin off of Co.
    Trace to CF.
    Trace to Port 9Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
    Who granted?
    Expect a LOT more.

    Take a look at her ex Andy Spade's social media pics. Disturbing, pedo/Satanic symbolism. Something rotten in those circles.

  128. how can i express my feelings right now? lets see... HO LEE SHEEEEEEEEEET THIS IS SO FUCKED UP I'M SCARED

  129. "You all need to go outdoors and get off this site for a while. Christ. This is pathetic

    This ^^^

  130. @Original

    TYSSSSM! +millions and heaps of respect. Nice of you to take the time to write that out.


    You should.

    1. @plot She read it she just doesn’t have a good response because she knows her conspiracies are bullshit and built on lies and fantasy. She knows everything I said makes complete sense and she can’t even begin to explain how any of the crap she and her conspiracy minded friends spew can even add up so she just claims she didn’t read it. It’s her only defense when she can’t answer any of the questions posed to her. Like I said, when you can’t put up you shut up and that’s exactly what Rosie and her tin foil hat wearing buddies are doing. 🦗 🦗 🦗

  131. Fundamentally, Rosie and her crew want to feel special. The only way they can attain that special feeling is to manufacture super special knowledge that only they , the super special, understand or possess.

    It's so sad at the end of the day, that these conspiracy porn folks feel that the world has excluded them from any avenues of knowledge or strong thought processes. They imagine that information is collected and not questioned, not examined, never tested, because that is how they believe the world operates outside their ken. It's really fucking tragic for them, and our society.

    They call questioning arrogance or condescension. They go rabid over anything that threatens their "research"...which amounts to a video game using words to entertain themselves with the bonus of pretending it's all very important.

    QAnon and Alex Jones and 4chan and Voat certainly know their audience and the exact kind of people who are filled with a sad vacancy at the edges of society, like Roseanne, who are unable or unwilling to keep up with the mental discipline of assessing information or knowing when a source is lying to them and when it isn't.

    1. Agreed, they spend so much time going down the rabbit hole but not thinking any of their conspiracy theories through to completion. If they did they would realize they make very little sense.

      The most ridiculous part is that they can always find some way to tie everything to the Clintons. Forget that Bourdain was far more critical of Trump than he ever was of Clinton. Forget that he pissed off some really powerful dictators and bad actors that we know have actually ordered people killed before and made it look like suicide and yet because he said he was “no fan of Clinton” she is the number one suspect in his non murder.

      As you mentioned previously if they really wanted to find suspects in this, they could. Putin is an easy one. Bourdain filmed in Russia and the man he filmed with was a Putin critic, that man was murdered not too long after the episode aired. Funny his name never came up. Probably because most of these people are either fans because they spend time in chat rooms with Russian trolls or might be one themselves. Let’s not forget what a big fan their cult leader is of Putin plus he gave him the election so of course he’s a good guy. One only needs to have watched Parts Unknown to know that Bourdain was not afraid to challenge bad people and I’m sure they weren’t fans. He went to dangerous places and met with people who were challenging dangerous governments. Governments that either killed or imprisoned those people shortly after he met with them. Still, I don’t believe this is anything but a suicide because all signs and evidence point to a suicide. With the Putin “suicides” they were all very suspicious and there were always signs of a struggle etc..

      You are correct that they seem to think no one actually questions anything. It’s bizarre. Most deaths are investigated. It’s clear they investigated Bourdain’s death or else they wouldn’t be making statements about there being no signs of a struggle or anyone entering the room. There are whole shows, books, and websites devoted to debunking conspiracies yet when they are given definitive proof that doesn’t match what they already believe they just say it’s a lie or another coverup. There is just no reasoning with people like this.

  132. No, there is no reasoning with them, which I think is what makes them incredibly dangerous and exactly what excites them all so much. While I'm an acerbic type who loves to tease (ask my siblings, it's a life long condition), I do not threaten people. Yet these folks, in response to be my not very complicated questions, DO threaten, and DO rage to a degree that isn't healthy for anyone involved. They are totally addicted to this power and rage that their ignorance has bestowed on them. Which is why I continue to fight it, not really here so much as other places and IRL.

    I'm waiting for the pedophile enthusiasts to show up again with accusations about Podesta or whomever tickles their fancy. I'm waiting for them to talk about how Trump is eliminating childhood abuse by arresting pedophiles, a hero! Then let's see how they respond to the two ICE officers who are raping kids with all that authority Trump is giving them. And there are probably more. Separating children from their families and cramming them into tents and behind fences, nah, no victims there. Trump really cares about kids, really, he does.

  133. These shills and their oddball sockpuppets (plot, skeptic, dallas) coming out of the woodwork are so obvious its laughable. Clearly Bourdain and Spade were murdered. You know you're over the target when you get alot of flak and this item has definitely touched a nerve with the Cabal Goon Squad. Good job Enty!

  134. I believe Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, Chester Bennington, and Chris Cornell were all murdered. From what I understand, they all were hanging from a door (knob?) by a red scarf. It all comes back to child sex trafficking. Considering the content of Avicii's video, For a Better Day, a few months before his death, I bet he was murdered also, since he was trying to expose sex trafficking. Way too coincidental. There are no coincidences. It's all related.



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