Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Blind Item #12

Apparently botox and breast lifts can only do so much. This former A+ list mostly television actress from an iconic role who now mainly does movies and not always very well is filming a new project. She went to lunch with a younger female assistant, but only about a decade younger. A waitress asked the assistant in front of our actress, "Your mother looks so familiar." The actress was not pleased.


MontanaMarriott said...

Jennifer Anniston?

Tricia13 said...

Courtney Cox?

sandybrook said...


Happy Housewife said...

+1 Montana. That's my guess, too

Unknown said...

Gravity Always Wins as the song says.

nonyabusiness said...

You can't out botox bad genes. She's grossly overrated anyway.

La-Juice said...

LEAVE JEN ALONE!!! (cue the Leave britney Alone Meme)

Budiswiser said...

But.. She is still hot

VikingSong said...

JA is an extremely attractive woman and by all accounts is a lovely person as well. She's aged well too. Some of the commentators on here are grossly overrated though..

nonyabusiness said...

We all have our own opinions Viking. I'm sorry I don't appreciate one of your bland favorites. You'll get over it though.

J said...

Gettin' old... no use to anyone.

Glue factory time.

J said...

Viking Song just likes Aniston because Aniston is white.

VS has this nasty Aryan fetish thing going on. Wait 'til she waxes poetical about blue eyes and blond hair.

nonyabusiness said...

I know @J. She's very defensive when it comes to white women and talks trash about anyone who is non-white. It's truly pathetic and hilarious all at the same time.

Randyman said...

Yes but Jen has been gettin all drunk all the time

gauloise said...

Jen is pretty flat chested tbh, and she never had kids so prob doesnt need a breast lift

Tigerlily said...

I don't think it's Jennifer Aniston. Courtenay Cox....could be. Seriously though....she should've laid off the black hair dye and left her hair shorter & fuller. She looked so lovely in first seasons of Friends when she was a bit heavier & had shorter/fuller hair. Going to the Morticia hair & dieting has done her no favors. At a certain age a woman's gotta choose face or butt.....she did not choose wisely

alphacranberry said...

She smokes a lot, she has a fair complexion and hasn't taken great care of it. And, her hair looks old. Her hair is the color of grey hair that has been dyed blonde.
Those things make you look old.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I remember Courteney once said "sometimes your face has to look a little gaunt, to get your booty to look right".

just sayin' said...

Leaning toward Courtney. Without makeup she could look like someone's mom, but Jen Aniston's pretty recognizable.

nancer said...

actually i think zsa zsa came up with that: 'after 40, you have to pick your fanny or your face.'

Frosty said...

Tsk. Tedious woman hating blinds. So boring! Tell us the dirt on the men - like, who's on HGH, who must have Viagra, who got a ball lift. come on! Give us something different

parissucksliterally said...

I love Aniston too. So there.

Jen still looks very good. Courtney looks better than she has in the past few years, but she still ruined her once beautiful face.

IanPhlegming said...

I think Jennifer Aniston is still too recognizable. Courtney Cox looks severe whenever I see her now, which isn't often.

gauloise said...

Amy Schumer? She has a new movie in the works.

she looks mid-late 40s, but is really mid 30s, if asst. was mid 20s. she has the type of face that could maybe go unrecognized in real life.

J said...

Nah, if someone mistook Amy Schumer for the other person's mom, the other person would be the upset one.

FififromMtl said...

Nancer - I think it was Catherine Deneuve who said after a certain age a woman has to choose between her face and her ass. JA is so over-rated but I think this is Courtney she is starting to look a little crypt-keeper-y

Sally said...

Fifi, it was indeed Catherine Deneuve, and she said it 30 years ago.

Both Jenn and Courtney are very recognizable and are out and about all the time in Los Angeles, so I doubt that anyone would NOT recognize them.

That being said, no waitress would EVER call a somebody's company "her mother", it just wouldn't happen. Waitresses know better than to risk pissing their guests off and lose their tip. ESPECIALLY in Los Angeles, where discretion is key and celebs are everywhere.

I call BS on this story.

HeatherBee said...

What was the last movie Courtney Cox was in? Scream?

Brayson87 said...

I think it's more interesting that the waitress thought they were related, must be some visual resemblance. And to be fair, 49 looks like 59 to an 18 year old waitress.

LegalBetch said...

I just can't imagine someone not recognizing Jennifer Aniston.

ADFan said...

Don't think it's Aniston. Like others have said, based on recent pap pics, she still looks recognizable. Plus, I don't think her assistant is younger. Based on the pap pics, the assistant looks older than Aniston.

peawry said...

JA is here in Montréal, she petted my 3 legged dog in parc lafontaine and even tho i am an cynical one, i will say she was lovely, all around. and smells very frais, as we say here.

gauloise said...

Courtney is in her mid 50s, its totally normal for someone that age to have an adult daughter. This sounds like it is someone younger. Like on the arc of 40, who is dealing with aging for the first time

notthisagain said...

jen aniston is a high end butterface.

notthisagain said...

kinda weird a bunch of aniston stans poppin' up in here....cant wait for them to flock to the jolie blinds ;) we all know how you guys feel about her, ALMOST TWO DECADES LATER.

I for one think her and courtney cox have been with each other for a while. JA is bisexual.

Mstyles said...

Wow. I would love to see what most of ya'll look like.
Jen is no spring chicken but she is an attractive woman, more so than the average.
And just because someone is no longer 'young' does not mean they cannot be attractive and sexy. Those who so desperately try to cling to fleeing youth end up looking bad.
Grow your looks with yourself as a person and you will always be the bomb.
Personality makes or breaks appearances in real life anyways.

Jne said...

I think aniston.
She has no kids, courtney has teenge daughter so probably wouldn’t be that offended.
Aniston while very beautiful, has been in the sun too ages people. And shes looking older. Plus she just divorced her younger hhusband who is now chasing the 20 somethings which could annoy a 40 something.
She seems more age/kid sensitive...she wrote some novella asking people to stop asking her when shes having kids.

TwoDots said...

Of course someone would bring up Jolie in an Aniston post. Good god. 😐

Bleu said...

Except Courtney has been pretty much nonstop TV, whereas Jen really only does movies now. Oh wait, I think Jen did sign on for something TV with Reese. But Courtney doesn't fit the work description.

Bleu said...

Jen has so many fillers she's arguably not nearly as recognizable now.

Paul Saint John said...

What do you expect? Courtney Cox is about 55 years old and she looks ten years older. It's either bad genes or a bad lifestile or both.

Sd Auntie said...

I think Jen is very attractive despite the smoking. Her botox is done tastefully and love her hair.Courtney Cox is another story. Fillers gone wild on that face. JA is Greek and is a person of color in my book.

Trace said...


CJ said...

No to the Aniston guess because she has got to be one of the most recognizable people in the world.

KT Trusko said...

What kind of a cave do you have to crawl out of to not instantly recognise Jennifer Aniston?? There's no way that's her.

shakey said...

I know how she feels. Took my son to the dentist about a week after gall bladder surgery. Wasn't feeling my best yet. The husband went a few days after. The receptionist asked if it was his aunt or MIL who came with our son.


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