Monday, July 16, 2018

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list politician who has gone for it all in the past and come up short had a lot of different jobs during his career. The married politician has been having a fling with a woman who is about half the age of his youngest child. The crazy thing is he is seriously thinking of leaving his wife for the new woman and thinks everyone will understand.


  1. Replies
    1. Newt has 2 daughters who are 55 and 52... Just sayin'

  2. Hey, if climate can change, why not his marriage?

    1. Bug Al has been divorced for years. Newts wife is healthy so it's not him. How about Paul Ryan

    2. Big not bug! Damn pop ups

  3. Al Gore's youngest child is 35. I can't see him with a 17/18 year old.

    1. "Half of 35" in Enty Math is 20 or 21.

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Mitt Romney's youngest is 30, so not him; Enty would have mentioned the underage part in that case.

    I think this is John Kerry, several jobs within the government himself and his youngest is 41, which would likely put his mistress at 18-20.

  5. Gore has been separated from Tipper for ages

  6. Way too many possibilities for this one.

  7. Not al gore, he’s been divorced for years. Most likely a republican.

  8. I could see this being about Newt Gingrich

  9. Romney is running for senate in Utah so I’m not sure if he would try to divorce his wife anytime soon.

  10. Bernie Sanders has but one child, Levi, born 1969, but he might fit otherwise.

  11. I would go with Newt simply because I can't imagine anyone getting annoyed about him dumping another one. Gore is separated and isn't Kerry's wife the one with the money?

    1. Yes, Kerry's wife is a Heinz heir. She has the bulk of their money. Not him.

      I like the Newt guess but it sickens me that someone that young finds him attractive.

    2. Kerry's wife isn't a Heinz heir, her late first husband was the heir, and she inherited his wealth upon his death.

  12. Not Gore as he is single. Not Newt because who would care? He’s not running for anything and is basically just a contributor to Foxnews now. I think it has to be someone who still has political ambitions or why would it matter?

    1. And Newt is such a good Catholic ! Lol

  13. Kerry, he's been bopping all over the world, and is egotistical enough to think no one would care. His wife has all the real money though.

  14. I think it’s Sanders. Isn’t his wife charged with some crime?

    1. Seems that has slipped down the memory hole.

    2. Yep defrauding the college where she was chancellor (?) and flushing the college down the drain. I think.

  15. Ross Perot? Actually, I first thought of him as a joke (wasn't even sure he was still alive), but his youngest kid would probably be old enough that half her age wouldn't be jailbait. And he has had different jobs, unlike many of them who have been politicians all their lives.

    As for "who would care," the blind doesn't say it would be a political scandal. "Thinks everyone would understand" could refer to friends and family.

    1. Interesting fact.
      The last time
      I voted, was for Ross perot.
      It's the first time
      I voted too. after that I realized it was all nonsense and wanted no part in anything political.
      Fast forward to current day, and it's still bullshit and as much as I've been able to avoid it, it happens to be a favorite topic at my favorite gossip website.

  16. I think Joe Biden maybe

  17. biden doesn't fit the clues. romney would never and neither would bernie. based on past history, maybe newt.

  18. I hope it's Newt Gingrich and Tomi Lahren (but I know it's not).

  19. "I like the Newt guess but it sickens me that someone that young finds him attractive."

    Power. Money too, but also power.

  20. My first guess was Marco Rubio. Then I read the part about the age of the mistress. And I got grossed out. Rubio is dirty, but not *that* dirty.

    I like the Newt guesses. Back when he was Speaker of the House, I was in a tour group of high school juniors that visited the Capitol. I will never forget the feeling I had when we crossed paths with him in the hallway. I went from very excited to very very grossed out in all of about three seconds. What happened in those three seconds? He very obviously checked out my body and leered. Keep in mind that I *looked* like a 16 year old in the 1990's-- not like some of these 16 year olds that look 30 today. I was very obviously underage and he very obviously did not care.

  21. Seems like Newt. Half the age of his 52 year old daughter would be like 21. Also, he has a history of leaving his wives and his latest wife is conveniently living in Rome as Ambassador to the Vatican.

  22. Half of 52 is 26.

    Newt is a pig. Always has been.

    1. Half of 52 is 26

      made me laugh for some reason

  23. I could see that perv Joe Biden for this.

  24. Gore has been separated for years but is still married

  25. Some republican dipshit like Trump. The “values party". Lmao

  26. The pious Mike Huckabee former governor of Arkansas

  27. Romney works for the many different jobs part.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Gore or Mike Huckabee

  30. Dennis Kucinich- daughter Kackie is 36 - so an 18 year old mistress is legal.

  31. Mostly good guesses IMHO (not Romney, though). The former A+ points more to Gore; the "everyone will understand" more toward Sanders (though most politicians are delusional). Newt would not surprise. The unfunny Huck kind of fits, too, though he was never really A+. Jesse Jackson??

    Gore's youngest is 39, that puts early 20s in play. Al's had cheating issues before, too.

  32. I think this is John Kerry. Newt has "gone for it all" but never nominated nor even really a serious candidate. Another option who we all know is a dirty dog (but I'm not sure he is married) would be Gary Hart.

  33. Kerry's not divorcing Mrs. Moneybags. Are you people insane?

  34. Ew Ted Cruz you are nasty.

  35. @chillip. As it was pointed out, Gore is no longer married and hasn't been for years. Not him.

  36. I have met and spoken with Newt Gingrich twice and he is a lech. Once I was at an event with a BF of mine who worked at a newspaper, and the paper's photographer captures a shot of Newt precisely at the the moment when he was leering down the zaftig cleavage of a young woman in a low cut gown.

    The editor refused to publish it, so a couple guys at the paper secretly sent it to "The Daily Show," which, interestingly, also refused to run it.

    This is probably him.

  37. Another hypocritical, righteous Liberal. The Left is doomed.

    1. The "family values" crap is Republican. Can't you people make even the most minimal effort to understand the concept of hypocrisy? Sheesh, no wondrer the rest of the world has no respect for the GOP.

  38. You know they're running when they get plastic surgery. Biden's still looking pretty deflated so don't get your hopes up Sheriff Joe fans! Banging 20 year olds is eternal, though, so this could be any of them. It could be Absurd Hillary but for the references to "his" and "he" which might be there just to throw us off.

  39. I'd love to see Newt dump that sleazy homewrecker! And then end up with someone far far worse.

  40. Totally Newt. He's a sleazebucket and a serial abandoner of his wives and has always been hypocritical and narcissistic about it. In 2012, ex-wife Marianne talked about how he tried to convince her to have an open marriage with Callista.

    The thing that is interesting this time around is that he needed the Catholic church to recognize his marriage to Callista because he converted. Since wife #1 is dead, he got marriage #2 annulled so that he could marry Callista.

    So if he decides to leave her I guess he's also changing religions again.

    He fits the other clues as well. He's had a bajillion different gigs, from Speaker to global law firms to writing self-help books and pulpy fiction books to yammering away on Fox News. His kids are in their 50s so half the age is mid-to-late 20s, which I have no trouble imagining he'd think is reasonable for himself.

  41. Well Giuliani has a youngish mistress and an angry former mistress-now 3rd wife.

    1. Rudy's youngest is 29, so unless you think he has a 15 year old girlfriend, it isn't him.

  42. Of course it could be John Liveshot Kerry -- the new one would be his THIRD gigolo gig.

  43. I could see it being Kerry as he is old enough now he doesnt need to dig for gold anymore and may just want some honest happiness in his final years

  44. "@chillip. As it was pointed out, Gore is no longer married and hasn't been for years. Not him."

    he's not divorced.

  45. Gore is divorced and Newt had already left his wife when she got sick. He stuck around so she could have health insurance.

  46. Could it be, now don't jump me for this bc it's possible if you add a few yrs but Bill Clinton?

    1. Bill won the big one, so it can't be him.

  47. Don't think this is Bill, Hillary knows were all the bodies and body parts are buried and in her present unhinged state would likely tell all. If she were the one leaving though I'm sure Bill would have no objection.

  48. Why is Kerry "it" now?

  49. This is so John McCain, he would think everyone would understand because he's got cancer

  50. @rosie

    That's incredibly sad. As an adult, you should be able to figure out which candidate, like them personally or not, would be of greater benefit to yourself and the country.

    By not voting, you give that power over to others who don't have your interests in mind at all.

  51. @Jennacheryl Wife #1 (Jackie) said herself that she was surprised by him asking for a divorce during her recovery. Newt, of course, justified it as that they had been talking about it for years and that she just didn't want it. But that's not how she told the story. She said the legal pad detail wasn't true (that he didn't bring a legal pad to the hospital while she was recovering to discuss the divorce) but that he's lying when he says they were already separated.

    It could be a he said/she said, except that it's a pattern with him; he's a serial cheater.

  52. Oh good grief. This isn’t Romney. I can’t speak for other aspects of Romney’s life, but I can promise he is still in love with his wife. It seems to defy most of the world that they still genuinely like each other after so many years, but they truly do.

    I can see this being Newt, but tons of politicians could probably be the answer.

  53. Did Mr.Appalachian Trail Mark Sanford remarry? or it could be John Edwards

  54. It’s obviously Al Gore, no one will care as half of the world thinks he is already divorced, lol. I seriously don’t know who it is, about 20 men fit the description. Sad.



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