Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Blind Item #4

According to this one named singer, this celebrity/businessperson/frequent Tweeter gets a little out of hand when he is coming down from one of his coke benders. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Snowflake has been overused.

  2. Grimes and Musk?

    1. "Grimes and Musk" sounds like the new scent from Axe Body Spray.

    2. 😂😂😂

  3. Trump was my first thought too! Ha

    1. Yep. Only because someone I know who has had dealings with the family has been tellingme for yeara he's and addict and the kids are enablers.

  4. So happy that the US taxpayers keep shoveling money at that mountebank.

  5. "Trump was my first thought"

    Yes, we can tell that's the case for many. You said more than you intended, there.

  6. hi y'all!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. +1@Cali Corishev,even with the stories coming out about Elon Musk's tweets.

  9. ++1 Cail. Nothing more needs to be said.
    Yeah, this is 'the guy rescuing kids is a pedo!1!' Musk

  10. Grimes and Musk. Would explain him calling that diver a pedophile three times.

  11. In light of what Musk did,doesn't this give credibility to some previous blinds? Many here thought this was just a personal vendetta with Mr Hedge,and /or Enty.

  12. If anyone is interested, this guy on Reddit compiled a list of all the angry stupid shit Musk has published on Twitter -


    Quite illuminating.

  13. Defintely Musk. Trump's a teetotaler. He was initially set off when word leaked out that he was a top donor to the GOP Pac angling to hold onto control of the House.

  14. Trump SEZ he's a teatotaler and he might not drink at all, but he has all the signs of a pill popper.

    Musk worked in the early stage of the Trump administration. Of course he's a republican supporter.

  15. Oh FFS, really guys? The diver first told Elon to stick his submarine in his ass, sh!t all over Musks's idea, and he's British, country that gave us the term "buggery." Of course Musk was going to talk sh!t back.

    "After the rescue, Unsworth was quoted by CNN as saying Musk could “stick his submarine where it hurts,” claiming it had “no chance of working” and calling it a PR stunt.

    On Sunday, Musk fired back on Twitter saying: “We will make one (video) of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo. Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.” The original tweet and a second one doubling down on the message were later deleted."


  16. Such a fragile fragile world we live in now, worst things are said on the playground everyday than some adults can hear without losing their minds.

    It is kind of endearing to see the hypocrites, short sellers and their lackeys chasing after Musk every chance they get. When someone's enemies are villains it's tough not see the person as heroic.

  17. @Brayson from what I can tell the internet consensus is that calling an expat who lives in Thailand a paedophile more than once in response to being bluntly and rudely told your mini-sub is not going to work in a narrow cave, by a cave diver, was not a proportionate response.

    If you wanted people to come off the fence and see you as a colossal dick though it seems as good a way as any so maybe he is a genius.

    I'm more interested to know what Americans think of the trump capitulation. It seems to make the possibility of the video in which he takes a golden shower in Moscow existing a lot more likely, almost a certainty, what do you think over there?

  18. Oh it has to be more than a video. Trump would weather the Russian girls pissing on Obama's bed just fine. Look at his supporters here. They would not give a shit their delusion is so strong for him. If him mocking the handicapped wasn't too far for them, nothing is. If Trump talking about grabbing pussies isn't too much for them, nothing is.

    It has to be something much worse. Donny looks fucking petrified of Vlad, while to me, at least, Vlad looks like a little Vienna Sausage man who can't stand the rain. Bad plastic surgery turned his face into a greasy halloween mask. He's tiny, oily and puffy.

    But for all that Donny is fucking terrified of him, and it ain't just a hooker tape.

  19. Who do you imagine you are responding to Unknown?

  20. @Roger, I'll concur that it wasn't tactful, although if I'd had a mini sub built I'd be overly pissed too, creations are like your babies. You do bring up a point I hadn't considered, there are actually a lot of expat boy lovers in Thailand, it's like pedo disneyland.

    Haha Trump could have punched Putin and the media would have spun it against him, we're on 24/7 anti-trump news cycle here so it's always some kind of momentous bad news. Sort of ambivalence really, most folks weren't really fond of the Cold War or expecting nuclear armageddon in their lifetime, so this is not the worst case scenario for them. Also not really sure why the US should keep sparring with the other great global military power over a European continent that seems to hate the US most of the time. We never get much love until the Germans or the Russians are knocking at their doors.

  21. Calling someone a pedo is a bit much though, even if they did tell you to stick something up your arse. It's just stupid on Musk's part and looks bad on him and him only.
    Bypassing the 'RUSSIA!!EVIL!!TRUMP!!' comments. It's been too long of a day for those.

  22. I will bite, briefly.
    There is actually video evidence of Hdawg doing some naughty things going round in the intelligence community. Nothing about Trump. Sorry to piss off (hah!) all you piss enthusiasts.

  23. "over a European continent that seems to hate the US most of the time"

    "We never get much love until the Germans or the Russians are knocking at their doors."

    Neither of these statements are true.

    Europe does NOT hate the USA. Most Europeans have come up and sympathized with me over Trump, knowing how easy it is for Fascism to take over. Before Trump, Europe loved Obama, didn't take too kindly to Bush trying to strong arm them into his pointless wars, though. One think Europe has always appreciated about the USA is our defense of the NATO alliance, always, no excuses. Guess that's over.

    I really don't know what you are talking about. No Europeans have ever hated me because I'm a US American. In fact, Iraqis I've met have been more than generous to me and explained that leaders are not people. The only choice we have is to respect each other, as people.

  24. "There is actually video evidence of Hdawg doing some naughty things going round in the intelligence community"

    Like what?

    "Nothing about Trump."

    Since we know Trump Tower has been bugged since the summer of 2016 and we know that many of Trump's campaign stalwarts were constantly listened to (not only by us, the Dutch caught a LOT of traffic for us) you can betcha there is some meaty evidence about Trump that the FBI is privy to. That's why Donny is trying to fire everyone who had access to it.

  25. Trump's "terrified" of Putin? Puleeze. It's called DIPLOMACY. You don't go waltzing into a press conference and call the guy a fucking liar in front of the entire world, especially when the entire narrative about Russian election interference was conceived by the lying, corrupt, psychotic intel community. Did people really expect him to literally kick Vlad in the nuts or something? Russians spy on us. They meddle. Guess what else. WE DO TOO! It's nothing new and had zero affect on the election results. You liberals sound like brain dead retards with your ignorant comments based on nothing but your irrational hatred of our President. Grow up.

    1. People from all over the political spectrum whose actual expertise is DIPLOMACY were horrified by Trump's disgraceful performance.


  26. @ Jack Rabbit

    Agreed. But we don't just meddle. Nope. We arm rebels after we've trained them with our military, create proxy wars and in some cases straight up assassinate leaders that won't fall in line with whatever we decide we want to steal or control in their countries. Then we install someone who will. And by "we", I mean our government. Not we the people.

    But hey, 12 Russians are being indicted! I'm hoping they move forward and decide to go to court like the other 16 did. I'd love to see that proof. I'd like to see ANY proof.

    The blackmail video stories are growing tiresome. Hookers, drugs and watersports are pretty vanilla by today's standards. Same with men in a macho contest talking shit about women's body parts. Distasteful..? Yes. A crime against humanity..? No. They're going to have to do better than what goes on during an average Friday night at any frat house.

  27. 'But hey, 12 Russians are being indicted! I'm hoping they move forward and decide to go to court like the other 16 did. I'd love to see that proof. I'd like to see ANY proof'

    You and me both, time for popcorn

    'The blackmail video stories are growing tiresome. Hookers, drugs and watersports are pretty vanilla by today's standards. Same with men in a macho contest talking shit about women's body parts. Distasteful..? Yes. A crime against humanity..? No. They're going to have to do better than what goes on during an average Friday night at any frat house'

    lol ya, you and a lot of people here would be rioting if these allegations were against anyone other than current administration

    oh answer to the blind: ALL OF THEM but especially eeeeeelon

    no, you wouldn't be ok with that if it wasn't anyone in the current administration but nice try.

  28. elon musk seems like a huge tool and i've never been able to figure out why people give him so much credit when he's far from the first person to think of an electric car

    i don't think, personally, that you should get credit for saving the world with more sustainable cars if you're gonna make them so expensive barely anybody can afford them. what good is that gonna do?

  29. Because the US intel community has never been wrong about anything. The real crime going on right now that neither side wants to bring up, is the amount of bombs the US is dropping every day now that Trump has unleashed the military. Every day, women and children, with 2% accuracy according to their own records, so you know it's likely even less than that. The complete media black out is typical - the best way to frame an argument is to ignore it. Even the @plot pedo loving lunatics fear to tread on the military industrial complex, or it's not part of their contract.

  30. That evil Russian connection is sooo bad.

    The tolerant and peaceful Muslim Brotherhood connection we had on the other hand, was sooo much better.

  31. @Jack

    "You don't go waltzing into a press conference and call the guy a fucking liar in front of the entire world"

    You don't go in kissing his ass and winking at him, like a schoolgirl with a crush, either.

    "Russians spy on us. They meddle. Guess what else. WE DO TOO!"

    What do you mean by that? Be specific.

    "Grow up"

    Tell that to your boy Donny Moscow. He looks like an toddler pissing itself up there.

    @Steve D


    Yes, all sides agree. We seem to have some shills here saying otherwise.


    "The blackmail video stories are growing tiresome."

    If they were videos of Obama or HRC, you wouldn't EVER let it die. At least be honest.

    I don't care about the videos. I think the perfidy of Donny goes far deeper than a piss tape. He knows it. That's why he can't condemn Putin, why he is doing everything in his power to legislate for Vlad.


    "Because the US intel community has never been wrong about anything."

    When have they been wrong, specifically.

    "Every day, women and children, with 2% accuracy according to their own records, so you know it's likely even less than that. The complete media black out is typical"

    Welcome to the world of tainted media. Do you need an introduction? Really? It's been this way since the Fairness in Media Act was killed by Reagan and Clinton signed a bill allowing media monopolies to form. May I suggest you start promoting media sources like Pacifica Radio, Al Jazeera and the BBC. India has some good international coverage too.

    If the bombings are you REAL concern, that is.


    What? Is there a point in there?

  32. @laganga

    "i don't think, personally, that you should get credit for saving the world with more sustainable cars if you're gonna make them so expensive barely anybody can afford them. what good is that gonna do?"

    Exactly! The carbon footprint of creating those batteries is also nearly (if not equal) to the use of fossil fuels in traditional cars.

    The problem is cars themselves. They will never be sustainable under any guise. Mass transit is the only way out of this quagmire and, in the USA, it's impossible to fight Big Oil who fights all mass transit and destroys it if possible.

  33. @Pickle "Because the US intel community has never been wrong about anything."

    @plot said - "When have they been wrong, specifically." WMDs in Iraq - remember that one?

  34. The Obama administration sent at least $350k of taxpayer money to OneVoice, an Israeli organization that used the money to campaign against Netanyahu, utilizing a company with ties to the Obama campaign. The intel community under Obama was run by Brennan, Comeyand Clapper. Do you reeeeaaallllly want to go there?

  35. @Pickle

    " WMDs in Iraq - remember that one?"

    That wasn't the intel agencies. That was all Bush and Cheney who ordered the agencies to come up with evidence which they didn't have. Read the report to Congress? The evidence clearly did not exist. Bush/Cheney didn't care and invented shit to get us there (remember the yellow cake uranium?)

  36. @Week

    "OneVoice, an Israeli organization that used the money to campaign against Netanyahu,"

    You are actually giving me new information here. I don't know anything about this particular case so I can't comment. I will look into it though!

    Based on your post alone, I wonder if the money was actually given to dislodge Benny (who needs to be dislodged but the moderates and liberal Israelis are getting the hell out of dodge.)

    So if we're talking about the USA interfering with foreign elections, the most recent example I can come up with is Haiti and a US backed candidate named Martelly. The difference being that what the USA did in Haiti wasn't so much to crush the Haitian state as to try to make it "modern" in the sense of having a leader that could negotiate with a worldwide community (and yes, of course, let our capitalists plunder the country, naturally.)

    The intention of Vlad is to cripple the USA and make us and Europe weaker in comparison with Russia. It's foolhardy, really, since Russia isn't going to become stronger by making everyone it hates weaker. It's still going to be economically fucked up because the Kleptocrats steal all that is valuable and hide it in foreign bank accounts. Exxon is refusing to work with Vlad, so their Siberian resources are dormant (and should remain so, frankly.) Russia is still in a death spiral as far as population growth goes (how many women want to have kids with drunks who beat them if they have a choice?) Russia has an HIV problem, a huge drug problem, an ongoing vodka problem, huge infrastructure problems...and making other countries weaker is not going to solve any of that.

    And yes, it was a hostile invasion by a foreign nation to break into our state election databases and the DNC emails. No matter what the crimes of the USA are, what Russia did was an act of war in this new technological landscape of ours...which makes our president a treasonous ass muncher of Vlad.



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