Sunday, July 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 31, 2018

This A list actor/singer/rapper/writer says he is going to make it his life's mission to destroy this female A list singer.

Donald Glover/Taylor Swift


  1. Why would he want to do that?

  2. Where can I donate?

  3. Because Tay Tay won't come out and be part of la Resistance. It's assumed she must be a KKK member/ Nazi because of her silence about the evil Drumpf. Plus Glover, being a short, pot bellied insecure black man, really, really wants to bang her. But alas she's not into short black dudes, only tall white girls.


    She may be responsible for the cancellation of a show he was developing.

  5. He blames her for his Deadpool tv show being cancelled.i think one show was going to make fun of her and she stopped it?

    1. Yes, that sounds correct.

      He might not destroy her (she leans into the victim thing, it only helps her). She's likely to be her own worst enemy and drown in her own hubris.

  6. @Barstool, you really need to do a better job concealing your white sheet. While 5'9 isn't about to be recruited by the NBA height, he's hardly Danny Devito.

    1. Yes, he called him short so that means he is a closet KKK. This is why nobody can take you all serious anymore. you sit there with your magnifying glass looking for a reason to label amyone and everyone a racist. So what happens when we are all labeled racist multiple times per day over nonsense? We stop caring. And REAL instances of racism are not noticed among the sea of nonsense. So you are actually hurting victims of real racism.

  7. That's extreme for a show being cancelled.

  8. I hope he gets a flesh eating virus followed up with a nice ringworm infestation.

  9. If he really said that, his tongue was firmly planted in his cheek.

    1. She's a fascist badically. No one can say anything in any way critical of her or remotely profiting off some everyday phrase she's decided she owns.

  10. This guy is an absolute piece of shit.

  11. Hey Glover...This is America. Deal with it.

  12. Guys like Glover seem to burn out quickly. I doubt he will have time to destroy anyone before he’s trying to turn a podcast into a radio show

    1. Burns out before or after he wins 3 or 4 more Emmys?

    2. Everybody is subjected to parodies and do not over react. South Park really needs to do a couple of shows on her. If you cant handle it then retire and move to the Swiss Alps with a gal pal and have a nice life.

  13. Though I found "This is America" off-putting and his performance as Lando hugely over-rated in "Solo," "Atlanta" is an amazing TV series.

    Glover wants revenge for Swift ruining his change to be the creative force behind the "Deadpool" animated series.

  14. TS is a naturally beautiful, White, blue eyed, blonde woman. That alone will trigger non-European descended people. The fact she chose not to force her political opinions down the publics' throats is only more fuel on the fire. Although I have nothing against her, I'm not a Swift fan. I just find the witch hunt against her disgusting.

  15. Uh-oh, simpleminded "Aryan" fetishist in the house.

  16. Isn't this the guy who's now known for being a robosexual in the sci-fi bomb of the year?

    Hey, Viking Song is right on the money on this one. Next maybe plot will say something nice about the president.

  17. Nazis loved Wagner and his paeans to imaginary blue-eyed blonde vikings.

    1. Tell us something we don't know. Duh.

  18. Are you serious Viking Song? Taylor Swift: suffering from noassatall & mosquito bites??? LOLOLOL. There are way better looking women on the streets of LA all day long.

    Please, next time throw Charlize Theron around & we *might* take you seriously.

  19. Now I like him a lot.

  20. I’d back that campaign. Tay tay is about as exciting and interesting as wallpaper paste. Glover is inherently more dynamic, intelligent, interesting and provoking.

  21. Also lols at the “non Taylor fan” who’s balls in defending her. I say that as a blonde, white, blue eyed Europeean woman. 😶

    1. Stupid Krauts didn’t know true Aryans look a lot more like Afghanis than Norwegians.

  22. I envision her career demise on a daily basis. Ask every one I know. Im gonna download all his shit and write a letter about dead pool stat. And I give 2 #2s about superhero "universes". And yes, tay tay is an aryan princess and so is her girlfriend Frau Kloss. The egregious part is how her songs reflect a lack of personal responsibility. That matched with her imperialist fight to protect her brand, and her entitled behavior in an hr dispute, make her a trump republican. She's from south central pennsylvania. Take a glance at that voter map. So if Lando has a chance.....Im starting Atlanta as we speak

  23. He's an asshole who's full of himself.

    Good luck with your stadium tour... oh wait he could never do one

  24. Jeez this chick just stays out of national and international politics bc it's not her in wheelhouse and haters gotta hate. Honestly I respect her more for it bc I don't give a $^¢[ about stars opinions on politics. Taylor was home schooled, I think, and no college degree. Therefore idgaf about hers or any other stars opinions on politics.
    Plus didn't she date a Kennedy? With the exception of Arnold, notoriously more left leaning.
    When did Donald Glover rap?

    1. He raps and sings as Childish Gambino. Not my thing but he does rap

  25. "Guys like Glover seem to burn out quickly. "

    He's been around for quite a while now, writing, acting and rapping. He's been working since he was a teenager at all of the above. So when do you anticipate this burn out?

  26. LOL!

    Hilarious times on CDAN. The 4chammers can't decide who to hate this time, Tay Tay and her victim visions or Glover and his weird video.

    Now it's a white trash family fight in the trailer park. Popcorn anyone?

    1. 4chan here.
      We always choose Tay you fucking moron.

  27. Dating Patrick Kennedy = double bearding situ

  28. I could not love Donald Glover any more than I already do for this! Take her down!

  29. I'm surprised Swift hasn't been outted yet publicly

  30. Thanks @MD Anderson

    Plus it's 2018, almost 2019 who cares whose gay. Oh don't think she is but who cares.

  31. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Welp, good luck bro, because no one has the victim act down like Tay Tay.

  32. @Unknown- this country has a much longer history of overt racism than the covert shit we're getting now. Oddly folk didn't care too much then either, but I suppose that was our fault as well. And Barstool has a pattern that require no magnifying glass to notice. But then I'm not speaking for you.

  33. It's kinda funny watching people who obviously know absolutely nothing about Donald Glover or his career make these outlandish comments. TayTay can't comment on politics because she still has Republican fans from her country days but now has gay fans from making repetitive pop music; no matter what she says, she get's dragged through the mud and loses half her fan base. If Donald Glover wants to "destroy her," literally, just ignore her. There's nothing she loves more than attention.

  34. @Lauren

    Upvote for all that.

    Glover is amazing. Tay is constrained by the image she has built from ever making even the slightest supportive or controversial statement about anything.

  35. I am okay with that. Her music is atrocious anyway. Taylor seems like a very mean and vicious person if he can take her down a couple of notches I am all for it. She needs to learn her actions have consequences.

  36. Let’s not forget how Tay wrangled a Time cover associated with Metoo without having to breathe the slightest whisper of support for it or any other causes. Guess Max Bergman doesn’t compose political statements for money. Tay is a typical millennial idol. Any generation that shows up by the thousands and pay a ton of money to watch some guy play records has severe aesthetic issues.

  37. I bet Tay didn't "wrangle a Time cover", I'm sure Time wooed her because she would sell an extra million copies. Money rules. She legitimately took a misogynist to court and won, admitting that few women have the resources for that kind of fight, so it was empowering. She got a lot of press for the cause.

    She's been outed a hundred times - here, in the DM, Perez all the time. She made a video where she has to climb out of a locked closet. She's changed lyrics from 'you" to 'she" in concerts, another video where she's riding a rainbow cat/unicorn in a rainbow shirt. The public believes what it wants.

  38. Does he have a GoFundMe account?

    Asking for a fandom, er, friend...

  39. This is a comedy thread. Both swift and glover are very talented, despite solo's poor performance glover will be around a while, the 2nd season of atlanta was great as is his music. Swift has been around for over a decade and is currently making bank on her tour. I don't buy the blind since swift hasn't got that kinda pull over a t.v. series, someone was looking to pass the buck when it came to dropping it.

  40. Basically, there was a joke in the Deadpool series which was about her being a lesbian. She didn't stop it, it was probably her team and the workers who reviewed it when they heard the joke. Sure some would've over look it, but with the way Taylor handles her "romances" she trying to continue her over-due "look at me I like dick" plan. Glover exposing this would be hella funny, but due to some people who are overall to sensitive about someone's sexuality, it had to be let go.

    They could have just changed the joke, but someone probably didn't have the balls to say so...Maybe Taylor Swift is the only person who can take herself down...I really wish she never existed. She too overrated and she'll never face hardships in life.

  41. "she'll never face hardships in life. "

    Except all those meany boys who done her wrong, waaaah!

  42. Nigger sets about trying to destroy a blonde woman.
    Where's the newsflash in that? A lot of them go out of their way to do such things.

  43. Nope, don't believe it.

  44. oh look he stole the solo movie

    yeah because he wasn't playing han and that was the impossible role



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