Sunday, July 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 24, 2018

There is a movie filming in New Orleans right now that no one will see. I mean, I am saying that because it looks like crap although it is about a permanent A list rock band. Anyway, one of the actresses in it that no one has heard of probably until this blind was in a show last year about porn no one watched. Well, except for one sheikh. He loved it. He saw her filming in town and had an intermediary offer her $50K for one night of sex. Now, that is more money than she has earned in the past several years combined from acting, so of course she was interested. She says she went by the house on St. Charles and then something scared her about the house and she walked away. She said it had an evil vibe. She went home and Googled the house and she found the blind about the house and this is where it gets freaky. About ten minutes after her Google search, someone from the sheikh called and said he didn't think green would be a good color for her to wear. That was the color she was wearing right then. She turned off the phone for two days and used a burner phone for filming. When she turned back on her phone, she expected to see a bunch of missed calls or texts. Nope. Her phone had been scrubbed of all conversations with the sheikh and his people. It was like it never existed. She thought she was losing her mind but remembered she sent a copy of the message containing the address she was sent to a friend. That friend still had that one message. For now.

"The Dirt" - For now, the actress doesn't want her name posted because she is still very scared.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did you steal a script from the vaults of Rod Selling Enty or are you just feeding the InfoWars trolls you recruited here?

  3. I'd be scared, too!

    No wonder DonTheCon kisses Vladimir Putin's derriere.

    Putin must have some serious cell phone dirt of Donnie boy!

    It's probably why Don just wants to use his personal cell phone.
    Putin must have directed Don to do that so he can listen in on Don's calls.

    Yes. I dislike narcissistic Trump
    No, I didn't vote for the unqualified candidate.

    1. Yes we get it that you are hate filled and that you do not know what a sheik is... it has nothing to do with out in or Russia. And Trump uses his personal phone because he is not stupid enough to use a device someone else hands him. He is aware unstable people hate him so he is rightfully cautious.

    2. The only things that idiot is aware of are his daughter's saline bags.

    3. Who cares! We’re here for gossip not politics .

  4. You mean that soccer shit is over!? Finally? God, that shit's been on for almost what, 2 months now!! What a racket!

    HI, DAVID HOWES!!! Love you!!

    1. ^^^^Can someone please remove these off topic comments? This is not your personal chat room. Please kindly delete the posts from the ppl purposely spamming nonsense in order to make it more difficult for the people who actually wish to discuss the topic? This has nothing to do with soccer or Trump. There are soccer message boards and TDS safe spaces all over the place so kindly go take your business there.

    2. Your the best Dave!!

    3. @ unknown, agree!! Blind could be about animals and suddenly someone finds a way to insert the political agenda. Leave politics out.


  5. Wait. Anyone who wants to see who acted in "The Dirt" - a film in production about Motley Crue, can simply see the very public cast list at

    so where's the frigging "secret"?


    Please troll with a little more intelligence than this.

    1. I think she has a fear of being named after telling this story here, but yeah, it’s not hard to determine who it is. If the story is true, and the people she fears wanted to do anything to her, they clearly have the resources to so.

    2. I think being named her is actually going to work to keep her safe. Ent Law could not legally say the name. They were never actually trying to hide her identity.

  6. I won’t name her, but it’s not too difficult to find out who the actress is if you spend a minute or two on IMDb.

  7. Scared of what exactly? That the sheikh knows what colour clothes she is wearing?

    1. Maybe it was the Evil feeling about the house and knowing there is a guy in there who really really wants to have his way with her naked body. Being a prostitute is at least a little scary no matter what. It's a part of the thrill for some females. But everyone has a limit. When there is 50k on the line...maybe he will decide it's much smarter to just pay someone else 25k to kill her and vaporize the evidence removing all DNA traces.

  8. I wonder what mideast nation, rebel group, or political party uses a lot of green... This guy clearly does not want to make sex with girl dressed as a cheerleader for his enemies.

    1. Maybe it's a friend of that rapper with the fucked up face that you defend unknown. He looks like a sheikh

    2. I don't think it has anything to do with green. She could have been wearing pink and the phone call would have said pink. The idea was to let her know they were watching.

  9. That is fucking freaky.

  10. Well, a dozen people looked this movie up on imdb, which wouldn't have happened otherwise. And maybe have the impression some gal is a total bombshell. Plan is working.

  11. Terrance Howard owns an estate there

  12. Shouldn't the actress be also worried about being exposed as a whore? We know her price.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. how do some of these trolls get Trump out of this story.... must be the TDS voices in their heads.... Didnt jay z and his sun goddess wannabe lip syncher wife just buy a church in New orleans?

  15. @Paul Saint John. Hey Mr. privilege, va jouer au traffic. Mais, bien mieux, fuck all the way off. Hokay?
    Replies in french, english AND italian AND greek welcome.

  16. i checked the cast of The Deuce and the film and i STILL can't figure it out. lol someone pm me???
    @Count. I need you!

  17. Viva le France!

    Anyone else see Macron's celebration in front of Vlad?

    And he was dabbing with the players on the field!

    Back to New Orleans...

    So this is a publicity blind, right?


  19. P Rei, it ain't The Deuce. I think the Deuce was renewed for a second season. It was the show Aussie posted, Exposed. Looks like the actress is Kabby Borders.

  20. @Aussieshitpostingdrummer and @DumDumPop . Thank you very much!

  21. No problem, P Rei, glad to be of help ☺️

  22. Vive La France!

    "That is fucking freaky." enough said...that is FREAKY!!

  23. Scared that people will call her a prostitute? Because that would be the correct term.

  24. It’s not that easy to figure out which actress it is by looking at imdb, is it? There are several unknown and hot actresses in the movie. Which one is it? Rebekah?

  25. I dont thimk he would bother to hurt her, she had a bad feeling, but she didnt see anything. Even if he offered her 50k, id assume he was smart enough not to give details of what he was paying for.

    Anyway, if its true I wouls be a bit spooked too, but im sure she'll be fine.

  26. How could they NOT have seen her though if she came to the house?

    There would be security recordings certainly and probably someone looked out the window. Many ways to know she was wearing a green dress.

    I don't understand the freaky part of this?

  27. Jesus Christ, calm down you French ass suckers. Nobody cares.
    As for the blind, is 50k really all it takes to give up your dignity to some dirty sheikh? I'd rather work at KFC.

  28. "Jesus Christ, calm down you French ass suckers. Nobody cares"

    The celebrations are pretty contagious. Who cares what you think?

    50K is a lot of money, especially off the books and all at once. Who's blaming anyone who can't pass that up?

  29. Post the St. Charles house of horrors address or STFU and GTFO. I think the panel mostly agreed that it was the Round Table Club house, correct?

  30. Normally, I am not in favor of opening borders... but in Kabby's case I'm willing to make an exception.

  31. After reading this I have a feeling that enty comes across fesh movie scripts of wide eyed fresh out of film school hopefuls and uses the premise of said scripts for his blinds.

  32. The only St. Charles address listed fort his movie is 840 St. Charles which is NOT EVEN A HOUSE. It looks like a commercial business. If anyone can post a different St. Charles address, that would be helpful. MANY houses on St. Charles have been bulldozed by 'progress'.

  33. the sheikh has the money

    money can buy anything any thing

    erasing a phone is small imo



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