Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Item #12

Someone really needs to audit the books of this organization which has seen a ton of Hollywood money thrown into its coffers. There are several people supposedly in charge of it who have a lot of brand new purchases including two with new homes in the $1.5M range or so who make $70K a year or thereabouts. I think people assume it is used for the intended purpose, but it just seems like one big raid on the ultimate cookie jar of guilt money.


Tricia13 said...


sandybrook said...


Tricia13 said...

Or maybe Hillsong?

No Wuckin' Furries said...
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plot said...

It would be great if this were Hillsong, but it sounds more like a secular do-good charity that was created out of rich people guilt rather than something religious.

So, what makes Hollywood feel collectively guilty?

Unknown said...

Phrase "guilt money" is probably something to do with #metoo

Mischief Girl said...

I was thinking $cio, until I got to the "guilt money" phrase.

Plot asks a good question--what makes Hollywood feel collectively guilty? #MeToo?

No Wuckin' Furries said...
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Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Some environmental cause?

notthisagain said...

what about that arts of elsyium thing charity

notthisagain said...

OH! wait, is it the Stand Up To Cancer org? just announced they made their best ever of $124 million


Sd Auntie said...

Where the hell is Shelley? Maybe they built a spec House for her use only.

Unknown said...

Maybe #TimesUp charities for sexual abuse victims like NSVRC or RAINN

Tricia13 said...

Yeah I was thinking bout that guilt money and I thought maybe Hillsong who donate money and get all that sex exchange(alleged)... so they throw money in the pot as means of making them think it’s about “religion”.
Dunno but the founder is weiiird and the pastor (Bieber’s a mega creeper)

Unknown said...

Times Up legal defense fund raised $20mil in the last 8 months

Tricia13 said...
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So Outrageous said...

This is not anyone inside Scientology. Only those in the upper echelons of that organization have any money and they have been living large for decades so this would be nothing new to report. The rest of the folks are just worker bees living 4 -8 people to an apartment. Trust me I know. I'm close enough to know and ...see.

For some reason I think this has to do with the MeToo movement. A lot of Hollywood is donating money but does anyone know of any victims getting any payouts or any relevant assistance? I hope I'm wrong but where are all those millions of dollars going? Because the stories of the #MeToo victims are so close to home for many actresses and people in the industry, they are quick to donate without asking about accountability for the funds and the organization. The same thing happened with the Wounded Warriors Project where people believed in the cause and were donating the funds but those donations were misappropriated for personal use by people at the top of the charity while veterans who lost limbs while serving could not get any assistance with small things like an overdue electric bill, etc.

MDAnderson said...

AMFAR is shady too but I’ll go with Me Too since CBS is donating 20 million to the fund to atone for Les Moonves.

Brayson87 said...

Guilt money sounds like a charity or research organization or something affiliated with #MeToo, not a religious group or cult.

So Outrageous said...

Yeah all the millions donated to MeToo and Times up but Rose McGowan had to sell her house to pay her legal bills? She was one of the victims at the forefront of the movement of #MeToo and Times Up but she had to sell her house? I'm just saying. They didn't have to give money directly to her but at least pay her lawyer/legal fees.

Brayson87 said...

You wouldn't believe the money racket that "raising awareness" can be.

Ophelia said...

@Brayson excellent point. So much marketing is done through free channels like social media now that I question that phrase. The ice bucket challenge didn't cost much but raised awareness just by spreading around the internet.

J said...

Monetizing the metoo scam.

Unknown said...

Yes, charity for hip causes often goes to "raising awareness," which means paying large salaries to the people collecting the money and producing promotional materials, and to celebrities who go around talking about it. I don't suppose much of Les Moonves's $20M will make it out to battered women's shelters.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Me Too money.

Sara, Making It Work said...

The $20mil CBS & Moonves are "donating" together is coming out of his pension. 😒
Pardon me while I side-eye.

Unknown said...

Remove the embezzlement part and even the salary seems high.

Brayson87 said...

CEO is a great job, even if you get fired for incompetence you make as much as winning a lottery. Maybe if you're smart enough to make those morons agree to such ridiculous contracts you deserve the money. Better to keep these folks locked up in office building and meetings than out in the world taking over governments or forming mercenary armies.

The Raving Badger said...

#metoo. CBS just threw them 20MM today from Moonves future settlement.

gauloise said...

It sounds like black lives matter, or some other anti-racism org. "white guilt"

gauloise said...

the Southern Poverty Law Center has grown massively in influence lately, playing off white guilt stuff, and is a darling of the media

Mac said...

BLM and MeTOO are good guesses as well.

Honey Bunny said...

I hope it is BLM or #metoo.
It's really amazing how many close their eyes. SMDH

Unknown said...
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Mac said...

Just saw a story that today CBS is donating $20,000,000 to MeToo in "guilt money" for Les Monves.
His predator, gold digging wife is standing by him even as the victims list continues to grow, She doesn't care about them, but she certainly wants access to that 100 million Les is getting in severance.

yepthatsme said...

Harry Styles made 42000k donation to #timesup, so thats what its supposed to be!

GentleBreeze said...

Just watched 'The Year of Living Dangerously' again. Marsha Hunt's character espouses a 'do what you can to alleviate the suffering in front of you' philosophy. I think it's a good one.

Karma said...

Hillsong washes hidden celebirty $$...4 a fee. Perfect time for the IRS to audit the Kardashians/Jenners/Wests!

JJ said...

TimesUp foundation. The hypocritical, virtue-signaling crock of shit that is #MeToo is unraveling fast thanks to Asia and Rose and their bullshit antics, so I'm guessing people want to cash in while they can.

VikingSong said...

I know misogynists are thick, but rape is forced penetration. I don't believe either Rose or Asia were raped but nor was the pansy Bennett. Therefore there is no "hypocrisy." All three are con artists. Rose and Asia do not represent the entire #metoo movement either, but it's amusing how you vile pigs get so triggered over women refusing to be silent about SA/rape which most women experience in their lives.

PayThemDust said...

Metoo money

Paul Saint John said...

Is it a fund actors in legal trouble can draw from in case they need a good lawyer? Not just for metoo stuff, it seems as if everybody in Hollywood has a skeleton in his closet, some literally. If not, it would be a great idea.

LovelyLady78 said...

Its gotta be Times Up. Over $20M has been donated to that organization since it began in January. Yet we haven't heard ONE case they fought on behalf of a sex harassment victim. However they know how to keep everyone distracted with their empty "proclamations" (i.e. R Kelly).

plot said...


"the Southern Poverty Law Center has grown massively in influence lately, playing off white guilt stuff, "

The SPLC doesn't solely represent African Americans. In fact, most of their work is done for people without funds at all to collect evidence for exoneration, which SHOCK! means white people too! And Latinos! And Native Americans! And Asian immigrants! Damn! Can't SPLC meet our racist expectations to fit our racist needs of the moment?????

SPLC does not have political influence. They are interested in the judicial side of things.


"You wouldn't believe the money racket that "raising awareness" can be"

I would. Komen created the Awareness for-profit charity scams that are now the template for the rich to become richer using monies poured into alleged charities.

And what does Komen do? Absolutely nothing. Last research project it supported with donated millions? The effects of flax seeds on cancer. Wonder who knew the right people on THAT study to pay them millions to shake some seeds around.


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