Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 24, 2019

The friend of the royal who arranged the original yachting meet with the alliterate actress is someone the actress does not want associating with the royal. However, that friend has accompanied the royal on a trip out of the country and a long time former girlfriend of the royal flew into that same country. Meeting?

Tom Inskip/Prince Harry/Meghan Markle


HushHush said...

As someone mentioned in an earlier thread, the Express is running a story that MM is refusing to move to Africa, and wants to move to the US.
She doesn't want to be second fiddle to Kate and William.

Snatch and Ladders said...

But who was the former GF? I saw that Chelsy was in Rome earlier on in the month, but...

momo said...

I thought she didn't want to live here anymore because of her TDS. She said she would move to Canada. Go ahead, bitch. Anywhere but here.

momo said...

Africa sounds perfect. lol

Now! said...

Hard to live in the US on the British taxpayers’ money.

In Africa, there is the Commonwealth as an excuse.

Snatch and Ladders said...

@momo You spelt STD wrong.

sandybrook said...


Anonymous said...

Go ahead Enty say it- you told us so. Oh course MM doesn't want to move to Africa. No big money to be made in Africa. How is she supposed to merch from Africa? Now we wait (and watch) what Harry does.

Do Tell said...

She doesn't want to play second fiddle to the crown prince and the queen consort-to-be? How does she think the rank structure works in the royal family, Queen Elizabeth, then Prince Charles, then her?

Meghan is too ordinary to be working such a massive ego.

Humor Me said...

I can understand MM not wanting to go to Africa for a Looooonnngg stay - no one will see her.

The Wiz said...

Meanwhile, Harry is looking more and more miserable (and frumpy--he used to look rather sporty. What gives?)

J said...


JB said...

She should be happy to go to Africa, if she's such a great humanitarian. Shouldn't she?

J said...

Go Meghan! Show 'em a good American girl can out-trollop Diana!

Serve up a giant dollop of trollop! Knock 'em out with your trollop whallop!

riffer73 said...

My first defense of the Half-blood princess.

A lot of people want to move to "Africa". I don't think MM is unusual in this respect.

Girl with a Hat said...

Meghan is crazy- she could be the queen of Africa. There's a lot of money there and she could easily be the queen bee of society in any country there except the Arab countries, and even there although they speak more French there.

Do Tell said...

riffer, it isn't that MM is electing to go to Africa, it's that the Queen alegedly is ordering her and Harry to move there. MM aparently wants to move back to America.

Krab said...

Yes, the Mirror is also reporting that Brad and Jen are having twins. So I'm sure you brainiacs will believe that too.

Thursday November said...
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Snatch and Ladders said...
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Travellin'Mum said...

If she moves back to the US, she is going to be lower than second fiddle. Noone is going to give a rats ass about her. Shes got the (married) title, she does't have a damn thing other than that to go for her. She casting couched to the likes of Rayner but never landed a decent role. LMAO. Its because she can't act, shes average looking at best, she has no personality of her own to go on. Without her prince, she ain't got squat!

Thursday November said...

OMG a newly wed & new father doesn't go out partying with his old drinking buddies, call 911, blame the new wifey & mom.

Here comes the trolls to sh!t all over the comments of every freaking post today.

Nummi said...

I will never understand why people have such a strong dislike for someone that is based off of rumors and gossip. She probably wants to go to the US so she can finally be left the hell alone. I can't imagine being under so much scrutiny as a newlywed with a newborn.

momo said...

My dislike for her began when she didn't invite her father to her wedding. Like it or not, he's your father.
Not to mention he was in the business and she owes her celebrity to him. Harry was always a whoremonger. No big shock he'd marry someone of her caliber.

Anonymous said...

It was the bullshit English accent that sealed her fate. The yachting, the husband hunt... all forgivable. The bull shit English accent? Might as well tattoo “I’m with Stupid” on her forehead.

Trapped said...
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Trapped said...

Megan haters at their finest

Anonymous said...

You’d be surprised what people will forgive when you own up to it.

But being a two faced phony on a global stage? Prepare to be slaughtered.

Lady Luvgood said...

Megs did you get a check to pay your Bot Army again?

No one likes a fake or a phony, even in pictures that stands out.

To compare a used up yacht girl with Diana Princess of Wales is laughable, a virgin when married to the Crown Prince of England.

Nummi said...

God forbid. The moment someone doesn't hate MM they get called a bot *insert massive eye roll*. Not really surprising when you consider that having a difference of opinion now is like a cardinal sin.

Nonya Bidness said...

Totally disagree. You do you, but that's a super lame reason to judge/dislike someone.

I was estranged from my father for several years and did not invite him to my wedding. We've since reconciled, but I have never regretted excluding him.

Him being her father doesn't make him a good person, nor does it make her owe him anything.

Nonya Bidness said...

Are you Most of the English Monarchy have been depraved, phony creeps for centuries.

To single MM out as any worse than the rest of them is hypocrisy.

Snatch and Ladders said...

Wants to go to LA to be left alone? ? Whoever said that, are you serious? She's screeching for privacy here in the UK to cover up for the fact that the public are disgusted with her. Once over there, she wants press press press. To create YET ANOTHER narrative.

Now! said...

The British can be polite and even passive-aggressive in person, but they (and their press) are merciless when someone in public life is on the outs.

Teresa May is getting the full force of their venom now, and Tony Blair is still hated with a much greater passion than, say, George W Bush. I don't see anyone defending them, the way a substantial minority (?) in the US defends Trump.

Meghan isn't getting worse treatment than Teresa or Tony, or even worse treatment than Charles or Camilla.

She's an employee of the British people at the moment, and her employee reviews are not positive.

Unknown said...

She doesn't seem very well liked there. Doubt she'll get the attention she wants in the U.S. either.

Super Dupers Delight said...


Super Dupers Delight said...

You consider Chelsea and Cressida whores too?!

Guest777 said...

Well, we know for a fact they won't be sent to S.A. There's a white genocide going on there...

HushHush said...

@Nummi I agree about not being allowed to have a difference of opinion. People mindlessly post political stuff on their FB and if you disagree, or say anything other the party line (Stalin would have loved social media), you get a tongue lashing, unfollowed, or unfriended. And come election time, the losing side is confused the other side won, as they don't know anyone who voted for them. Well they do know people who did, it's just that they unfriended them, and only like people who agree with them.

Anonymous said...

Meghan isn't getting anything worse than Kate Middleton endured and Kate suffered in silence for years. MM wants the advantages of being a royal but she forgets the dark side that goes along with actually being a royal. Sophie Wessex had publicity issues when she first married into the BRF. Look at what Camilla has been through in order to marry Charles. MM hasn't been singled out. Besides her insistence on doing things her own way hasn't gone down well with the public and she could ease some of the animosity by confirming to BRF standards.

HouellebecqGurl said...

TDS, STD, who cares, just don't come here, Markle.

HouellebecqGurl said...

I've disliked Prince Harry & his candy corn teeth, for forever and I've disliked Markle since I was forced to sit thru an episode of Suits years ago at a relative's home.
Together? Yeah, that's gonna be a solid nope.

HushHush said...

@Nutty What MM doesn't realize that she's only a Duchess or Princess (married to a Prince) in the UK. Like Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade, the Holy Grail only works in the Holy Grail shrine. In LA she'll go back to being Meaghan from the block, so to speak. It's like getting a big job over seas, and thinking the bigness will come with you back home, if you move back. As you said, she's a British public servant now.

@Guest777 Harry will have his own security. I'd be more concerned about the uncontrolled outbreak of Ebola in the Congo spreading. That's super scary.

Urban Rosebud said...

I agree. They are totally & completely depraved & deviant. History has tecorded the debauchery of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha clan. I think Bathory was a relative & so was King Leopold. It gets no worse than that. Meagan is small beans compared to them. They are evil personified.

Urban Rosebud said...

LOL. You are batting 1000 HouellebecqGurl. Your posts are spot on. Critical thinking paired with common sense is refreshing <3

Anonymous said...

Markle is a psy/OP. Tavistock has been doing these studies since WW One

Anonymous said...

She would be the center square on tic tax dough.

Anonymous said...


Fifi LaRue said...

Hopefully, Harry had a glorious week/weekend!!!

Citizen S said...

Hah hah, they are devoted to each other, Harry is not cheating.
Her father is trash, he didn't deserve to be at her wedding.
I wouldn't have invited him either.
She did not have a "yachting" first meet with Harry. How ridiculous.
Whoever is making these up is getting desperate.

Unknown said...

The main reason MM is so severely disliked, is because she's fucking unlikeable as fuck.

Lady Luvgood said...

Hey Nummi, so funny we noticed your absence when Megs wasn’t paying

But hey, Bots gotta Bot

Get that money beyotch

Just like your employer

Samantha the 1st said...

Nummi if someone wants to be "left alone," marrying into the British royal family is the last thing they should choose to do.

She wanted her public platform. Can't have it both ways.


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