Thursday, July 18, 2019

Blind Item #4

The alliterate model only landed her latest cover because the company she worked with insisted or they wouldn't advertise with the magazine for a few months. Cover landed.


Tricia13 said...

Karlie Kloss?

Troy Dyer said...

Karlie Kloss and the Vogue cover where she says she’s quit Victoria’s Secret

Miss T said...

Karlie Kloss, Vogue

Laura30 said...

Karlie Kloss- British Vogue?

Boozie said...

kk british vogue?

Simon said...

Karlie kloss

Sarton Bander said...

She an ex of Taylor Swift?

longtimereader said...

Isn't this how most covers work though?

Veritas said...

She is another one with” those connection she”

Doesn’t sheyacht with Geffen on his cruises

Flashy Vic said...

Is this all what it takes to be a "super" model these days?
To be quite tall and stringy and passably attractive enough not to attract too many flies?

Miss Teak said...

Exactly, @longtimereader

yepthatsme said...

She landed a cover and my flight landed with only 10 minutes of fuel left! So I guess we are all winners!

texasrose said...

I assume this type of pressure is applied or implied for every 'cover' shoot. Sometimes the mag has the power and sometimes the customer. I assume tit for tat is the general rule.

Flashy Vic said...


There's usually very little tit in their tat.

A half ounce of healthy weight and it's straight into the sixty fag a day, speed, enemas and puking purdah for a week or two.

Christ forbid they ever put some heffalump of nearly 100 pounds on their precious covers.

texasrose said...

Flashy Vic - I hear you:) Should have used 'quid pro quo'.

Samantha the 1st said...

When was it any different?

"Is this all what it takes to be a "super" model these days?
To be quite tall and stringy and passably attractive enough not to attract too many flies?"

Aquagirl said...

@Samantha: Back when there were models like Christy Turlington, Paulina Porizkova, Naomi
Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Helena Christensen, Tatjana Patitz, etc.

Samantha the 1st said...

It was Evangelista I had in mind. I remember being in a checkout line behind a guy who pointed to her cover and said to his male friend/S.O. "See what I mean? She's hideous." It was a particularly unflattering closeup.

There have always been pretty faces but beginning around the mid 80s/early 90s, there were a whole lot of alternative looks too.

Dumblesnore said...

Kloss- one of the most busted faced "supermodels" we have right now

EponymousAnonymoud said...


AmesR09 said...

she was always so bland to be a model


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