Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Blind Item #8

This former A+ list television actor all of you know is still spending his dwindling fortune on porn stars and hookers.


Tricia13 said...

Charlie Sheen

MontanaMarriott said...


Anonymous said...

Charlie sheen

MountainMama said...

Charlie Sheen? I would think he would be labeled differently than just a TV actor though.

Dane said...

Charlie Spleen

Rosie riveter said...

Welp. Charlie Can't Take it With Him to hell so may as well

Jesse the Mind said...
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OriginalKK said...

Charlie Sheen?

OriginalKK said...
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Anonymous said...

Charlie Sheen

melissa said...

charlie sheen ?

L said...

Charlie Sheen?

Field must not be blank said...

Why would any of them risk the AIDS just to get some of Charlie's money?

herbert arnold said...

charlie sheen?

Avery said...

Charlie Sheen?

Anonymous said...

Charlie Sheen?

Thot Crimes said...

Charlie Etevez?

Natalie said...

Its Not charlie sheen

bleacherbunny said...

The Mach-sheen.

bleacherbunny said...
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Simon said...

Obviously Sheen

longtimereader said...

At least he didn't waste it.

TommyWantsHisMommy said...

Sheeeeeeeen... Love it. Keep spending bro! Love him and Emilio in Men at Work... i think it's on Roku or one of those right now. They take the pizza man hostage...epic.

TeeHee@U said...

As someone mentioned above, unless you are already diagnosed with HIV...why on earth would you sleep with Charlie?!?!

Megley said...

And that's noteworthy why? He has effectively retired, has AIDS, and no friends. What's he supposed to do with the $$$ he has left? Spend it on his children? Donate to worthy charities?
Hookers and porn stars are all he has left.

April said...

not even a blind

Roxanne said...

He has to be paying Royally for their services now that his HIV is exposed! It can't be cheap!
Even then...Who would do that?

Thorne said...

I guess this is why Prep was invented?

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

Even after all these years, Charlie Sheen is still the Half Man!

Chuck Lorre was a genius casting Charlie for that show.

Mstyles said...

There are PLENTY of HIV positive hookers and 'porn stars'.
Those are the ones who are f*cking this dirt bag.
They all already have it so f*ck it.
Remember just cuz you f*ck someone with AIDS/HIV does not mean you will automatically get it.
Sh*t is f*cked up like that as well.

Vita said...

He's opting for burn out over fade away? I guess he's already established trusts for what, if any, he wants to leave for the kids. Perhaps, through his many years of networking, he is enjoying hookers and former porners of similar status?

PLorban said...

Wow the ignorance of HIV on here is strong. There are multiple strains, some more potent than others, so even if you already have HIV you don't just go, aw screw it I'll just go bareback. Also, just about everyone on it is on antiretrovirals, meaning their "viral load" is reduced to undetectable, meaning it can't be transmitted. And Sheen is likely on that. A lot of dumb on here lately.

Pissoff said...


Glue said...

Um. Wait a minute. Let's be real here. Charlie Sheen is both movies AND television, not just TV.

The dude may be a piece of shit, but we must give credit where credit is due. It's not as if Charlie Sheen did d-list movies. He was in some hits: Platoon, Red Dawn, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Lucas, Wall Street, Eight Men Out, Major League, Navy Seals etc.
Not to mention the goofy ones like Hot Shots, The Three Musketeers, Cadence, Loaded Weapon, Men at Work...

With that said, this blind cannot be about him, unless Enty has completely lost his shit and is now ignoring half of Charlie Sheen's entire career.

Lola said...

I mean technically speaking, Charlie Sheen isn't wrong but it's also not right in this context. Charlie will always spend his money on porn stars and hookers but thats not what this blind is about.

It's Matthew Perry. He's mostly tv and Friends is A+. He got kicked out of group therapy for being on tinder or Raya trying to pick up porn stars and instathots.

Me :) said...

Lmao, if it's Charlie Sheen, him being A+ list is questionable to me, even with Two & a Half Flops. But I also am not shocked by this.

Anonymous said...

Probably Charlie. I never got either one of his hit shows. He phoned it into both of them and left the heavy lifting up to supporting cast.

Samantha the 1st said...

Glue, the blinds do not necessarily do a wikipedia on the person, especially if it's already easy to guess. Those movies were decades ago. People know him now as a Tv actor.

Trapped said...

Charlie tiger blood Sheen

Samantha the 1st said...

PLorban - never assume a virus cannot be transmitted. Never assume that. Especially a life threatening virus, like HIV.

I remember how badly a cure (or even a test, in the beginning...or funding for any of it) was sought, and how desperate people were to avoid catching or transmitting HIV, and a generation or so later, people are like "oh well just take a pill." SO depressingly cavalier.

There are multiple strains of any virus, but they're also still poorly understood AND there is no cure.

Samantha the 1st said...

It's a VIRUS which means it can go into's hard to tell WHEN someone got something...they may think that encounter was fine and they are in the all clear, then show up positive. Don't be glib with your life, or someone else's. Please don't encourage others to be casual about AIDS. I remember people dying to get the funding started, and knew people who died from it.

Samantha the 1st said...

Thorne: It is sad to me that people just pop Prep now and think they'll be fine.

The last thing I will say on this is: viruses MUTATE. Meaning what works today might not work tomorrow but by the time there is a test for this new thing...

The biggest gift this generation had was knowledge; those who got it first did not even know HIV existed yet. And what do people do with that hard won knowledge? Ignore it.

Buzz Lightyear said...

Just echoing everyone else here. This is Mr. Tiger blood himself Charlie Sheen. Sounds like he's winning alright.

KnitWit said...

Kindness blind? Charity for sex workers with Aids?

VikingSong said...

Just to be different, I'll say Matthew Perry. Sheen has also done movies. He's not just done TV.

.robert said...

Men at Work was a great movie almost.

Mischief Girl said...

+1000 Samantha

I lived in San Francisco in the 1980's and 90's. The anger, the fear, the decimation of an entire group of people...was a scarring and formative experience. Wonderful, loving people died horrible deaths, too too young. AIDS should never be thought of as "just" a chronic disease now, pop a few pills and I'll be fine.

The Disaffected Cynic said...

Andy Dick!

Valorious said...

Good answer!

Aquagirl said...

Matthew Perry.

No way is Charlie only TV.

Skipperino said...

Can't be Matthew Perry, he gets residuals around 20M for as long as Friends is on TV somewhere. Sheen has no more income, no more residuals. Sheen. Very sad, coupled with the Brooke Mueller situation. Those poor kids.

Miss T said...

Your comment is the dumbest of all. You make it sound like people should throw caution to the wind and ignore the fact that someone has a life threatening virus, all because the person is on meds.

Samantha the 1st said...

** THANK YOU ** for this, Mischief Girl!

It cannot be stressed enough imo.

Perfectly stated:

"+1000 Samantha

I lived in San Francisco in the 1980's and 90's. The anger, the fear, the decimation of an entire group of people...was a scarring and formative experience. Wonderful, loving people died horrible deaths, too too young. AIDS should never be thought of as "just" a chronic disease now, pop a few pills and I'll be fine."

PLorban said...

Dumb AND ignorant. I guess they go hand in hand. First, why do you assume they don't use condoms. Two, with insurance coverage greatly expanded now, antiretrovirals for the infected combined with PREP mean transmission if either party is on one and the positive party is undetectable, is impossible. You just immediately assume everyone is ignorant of everything and raw pounding each other into oblivion? Says a lot about you, idiot.

PLorban said...

Your ignorance is astounding but not uncommon amongst the unfamiliar. If you're on antiretrovirals and positive but undetectable, you cannot transmit. Further guaranteed if the other party is also on prep. Besides, what makes you think they aren't using condoms?

PLorban said...

Please just stop. You clearly aren't a medical professional, let alone a virologist. Stop spreading dumb. It only promotes the dumber.

PLorban said...

Except, medical science has got to the point where the disease can't be transmitted under certain conditions. And even if those conditions aren't met, why do you assume they don't use condoms? I understand the AIDS wipeout was horrific and scarring, but it's a different age and situation now. It really is a chronic condition, not a death sentence. Both HIV and, though more challenging, AIDS. Your scaremongering and hysteria further marginalises the infected.

PLorban said...

Both of you need to go talk to an HIV virologist, urgently. You're just feeding each other's ignorance at this point. On a public forum. "Great".

Samantha the 1st said...

There are also "bug chasers" and "gift givers," which has been around a long time too. People have sex parties in order to transmit the virus. People have tats they change from - to + once they get HIV. This is all fact.

I wish I could remember the name of a documentary that featured bug chaser and gift givers. It was not the only story in it. That doc was made years ago. One of the subjects in the doc said he really regretted doing that. He said the meds made him sick and he felt like he was an old man even though he was in his 20s.

People can be glib with their own life at their own risk but when playing with something harmful and contagious be transparent and be cautious.

Anyone who is against that advice has an agenda and imo not a good one.

And no that doc is not where I get my info, but I am not going to put myself out there like that. You assumed everything you wrote and put nothing factual out there, for the sole purpose of urging others to bareback.

To think HIV and AIDS is nothing and that everyone can just pop a pill and be fine and that's all there would be to it, is so foolish as to be astounding, yet you call other people names. Unbelievable.

Do people really think every gift giver is gonna be honest about it, if that is their kink?

You would literally be trusting stranger with your life.

Once you are old your health issues will remain but that orgasm will be a long forgotten memory.

You think we are dinosaurs who are just "scarred and hysterical?"

I don't care what you think of me. I hope this reaches someone with some sense. People in their teens and 20s getting HIV and AIDS, with all the earlier generation fought for, is TRAGIC.

PLorban you assume everyone has the privilege of medical care or even the right to say no. Women in countries where women have no rights cannot say no. You went to talk about 'marginalised' try having AIDS in most parts of the world.

You think I couldn't call you presumptuous rude names too like twink, sex addict, moron? But what would be the point of that?

Samantha the 1st said...

LOL OMG...PLorban. Joined in July 2019, Profile view TWO views.

No blog history.

You clearly joined to post your HIV/NBD crap in this topic.

OK not a shill or a bot at agenda there folks.

Samantha the 1st said...

Having a chronic illness is no picnic. Ask a "spoonie." Or traveling with a suitcase of pills. Or what to do when you can't afford your insurance any more, can't obtain the pills you need where you traveled to, or your body becomes intolerant of a pill or pills. Or they never worked that well to begin with since every body is different. It's so much fun getting diarrhea every time you sit in a draft too long, or not having the energy to get out of bed, let alone to work. It's so much fun feeling 80 when you're 30.

Yeah, "just a chronic illness" is not a phrase anyone who's had one would use. Minimizing that is dishonest.

SMH the irony of calling anyone else "ignorant and dumb" repeatedly.


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