Monday, September 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 4, 2019

Even if I don't agree with a word she says and her PR people are cringing and I'm guessing she wouldn't leave her children in the hands of this disgraced director for babysitting duties, at least she didn't give some mealy answer. She decided she thinks the victim is lying and has chosen the side of the disgraced director. People should call out the A list mostly movie actress who has a franchise as often as they can.

Scarlett Johansson/Woody Allen


  1. ScarJo isn't afraid of having unpopular opinions or associating with bad people.

  2. TBH I don't find the appeal in her 'acting skills.' Ghost World could've been her break through, but she just cannot express emotions well. Also, she's a pedo sympathizer.

  3. Brayson, I agree, its just so ... UGH... When it comes to those two, Fake ass relationship. She does have an exceptional sense of style, but omg girl, your 'man,' is a monster. I bet they never had sex. She was just pure PR.

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Woody Allen marrying his adult sorta step-daughter is one thing, but the allegations that he sexually molested his biological daughter when she was a child are quite serious and should not be thrown around lightly.
    I can't stand Woody Allen. I think he is probably the most over-rated filmmaker in history, but I don't know if he molested Dylan, but I'm inclined to believe not. There is nothing but batshit crazy Mia Farrow saying he did and the people she got to ride with her on her crazy train, including poor Ronan who is so messed up he's even lost his career as the next Anderson Cooper.

    1. Where there's smoke, there's fire. He likes them young - married someone he's known since a child and even took naked photos of her when she was 18.

      Ronan's career is going just fine. I

  5. Correct, Do Tell.

    Virtually every comment from Gen-z99 is positively fixated on race. Toxic obsession.

  6. @MissDavie, You folks always come out. Dylan was adopted, not his biological daughter. Farrow adopted Dylan as an infant in 1985, Woody adopted her in 1991. So he'd take dirty pics and f*ck one sister as a teen but would never touch the other because she was too young?


  8. 33-page decision from New York Supreme Court Justice Elliott Wilk in Woody Allen’s 1992 custody suit


    Full version:

  9. 2 independent investigations deemed that Dylan was coached and nothing happened.

    If you dont understand the difference between a 9y/o girl and an 18y/o girl, then you are really too stupid to be in a conversation like this.

  10. Woody Allen is at the very least a director who scored his child love. Unlike Roman Polanski, it appears he successfully skirted the law.

    Is Woody Allen any different then say Bruce Jenner?

    You really need to think how blame can be a casted spell painted upon another to carry.

    Protection spells are cast using similar tactics.

    Not excusing a thing but... things are seldom what they seem.

    Especially in Tinseltown.

  11. Some of y’all didn’t get the message that it’s not racism if it’s directed at white people, because they “deserve it”. Pointing out this double standard will get you labeled a racist as well! White people = always bad, evil, racist, everyone not white = innocent saints and victims of racist white people. Hope this clears it up so you won’t be shocked when you’re called RAYCISSSSSSSSS

  12. Anyone who can read Dylan's letter and not believe her is not someone I'd care to know.

  13. @Count, "Independent" my ass. If nothing happened then why was Allen voluntarily in therapy because of his inappropriate relationship with Dylan? Do you know anybody in therapy for an inappropriate relationship with their adopted daughter for no reason?

    1. Brayson: NYPD and Yale's hospital

      He probably agreed to it to shut up the batshit skank he was married to. The one who got knocked up by Sinatra and made Woody accept the kid, totally cucking him.

      I am no Woody fan, and have never watched any of his films. Totally think he is a sleaze for the Soon Yi deal, but the molestation stuff is obviously a little girl brainwashed by a mental patient mother.

  14. @Brayson87

    I would never excuse anyone for molesting a child. That being said you simply cannot place blame upon one person in a family unit. If you research studies of incest, you will find the actual perpetrator was most often controlled by their partner... a higher operating psychopath/sociopath seeking to control the offspring via the sins of the weaker mate.

    Once the children come of age, the weaker mate is then cast aside while the high functioning psychopath/sociopath continues to play the role of the innocent angel. The children return to their controller throughout their adult lives and join in on the finger pointing with their enabling angel controller.

    This is how pedophilia is played upon a family, a town, a city, a state, a nation, and the world as a means of control.

  15. Why doesn’t anyone ever mention Mia’s brother’s
    10-year jail sentence for molesting 2 boys?

    I honestly don’t know whether to believe Dylan. She’s got a bat-shit mother who probably coached her; there’s also the possibility that these are ‘recovered memories’ that are not true. That happened to my sister’s friend. She had a ‘therapist’ who coached her until she believed that her father had molested her. Turns out none of it was true, but it did break apart their whole family.

  16. @Me, Now that is a perfect example of pedo logic. Wonder if that's what they tell themselves, that someone else made them do it.
    Pretty sure the one breaking the law is to blame, but they can definitely have enablers or accomplices.

  17. @Brayson: ScarJo was paid to wear the dress. I wouldn’t do it, but then again, I wouldn’t couch for a job.

    Georgina is supposedly involved with Adrien Brody now. Funny that she goes from Harvey to an actor who is best known for working with Polanski.

  18. It's nuts how everyone thinks Dylan is the only source, like it's a he said she said kind of deal. Lots of witnesses saw Allen acting like a freak around her, it was not some isolated incident. Which people would know if they read the custody suit or anything that Ronan Farrow or Dylan had written about Allen.

  19. @Aqua, You really think ScarJo wore the dress for the money or because she really liked it? Is ScarJo that hard up for money or Georgina that great a designer?

    1. Probably both. Georgina is a great designer; it’s too bad that she needed Harvey to bankroll her business and force his ‘girls’ to wear her dresses to become well-known. I think she could’ve done it on her own if she could’ve found investors to back her business (that she didn’t need to marry.)

  20. @Brayson87

    Mia Farrow was well aware of Woody Allen's strengths and weaknesses long before children entered the picture. Some folks will feign love for leverage to gain other things... money, protection, etc. Once children enter the picture Mom has the upper hand due to strength in numbers. This is why a woman choosing a non-abusive male capable of leading and allowing him to lead the family is so very important. Women are designed to manipulate their surroundings for good reasons. Those good reasons have been replaced by the media (books, magazines, TV, movies, etc.).

    Dylan was monetized, weaponized, and positioned strategically. He is responsible for outing Harvey Weinstein. Oprah set him up for it. Weinstein, while most likely guilty as hell, is small potatoes and a chum patsy cast upon the water for sharks to gnaw on in order to protect more guilty parties. All of this was put in play during the 2015 primaries as a backstop should Trump win.

    These folks are VERY crafty. They have multiple cards to put in play.

    1. I’m just curious.....are you female or male?

  21. @Count, Well you obviously didn't read the judge's ruling in the custody case, just take a look that Huffington Post article if you want a summary. Jeez even the summary leaves out of a lot.

    You mean the Yale New Haven report that even the judge called “sanitized” probably because the investigative team members destroyed their notes and were unwilling to testify at the trial? Totally legit.

    NYPD investigation, you sure about that, maybe you want to double check or just mistyped.

    But hey I respect your view, you think Allen would f*ck one of Mia's young daughters but definitely not the other one because you think Mia is crazy.

  22. "Georgina is a great designer...."

    Okay. I think you don't know what "great" means in this context.

  23. Yeah, i am nkt googling the same shit everytime woody is brought up. 2 investigations came to the same conclusion, if that aint good enough for ya, stay in never never land w/ mia and dylan and every other crazy broad who mad a dude left her after she so obviously cheated on him.

  24. Police investigated at the time and Woody is innocent. Current wife was an adult, and is André Previn's daughter not his. If he was a pedo you would see a constant stream of accusations, not just the one Mia Farow made up about him touching Dylan.

  25. Wombat

    There's your sign.

    They painted Woody with it to misdirect.

  26. Angelica Huston said the same thing before Scar Jo.
    Woody is a good writer, and the actresses love him because his roles could land them an Academy Award. This is all about them hoping Woody will cast them, when he's casting the great acting talent likes of Selena Gomez....

    In doing so, they trash the victim, Dylan, who is an adult and never recanted any of her story. But they are only concerned with THEIR career.

    I can't wait to find out why Jeffrey Epstein had a framed photo of Woody in his NYC mansion, and why Woody was invited to dine with him (along with others) when Epstein first got out of prison.

  27. Studio54

    Oooooo! The plot thickens. Juicy!

    A tad to much "Go to the mattresses...".

    Ya think?

  28. If you saw Woody's movie "Manhattan", he is a 40 plus man in the movie, and he's dating 16 year old Mariel Hemmingway. And Hemingway is a student in the movie at Dalton School, where Attorney General Bill Barr's father hired Jeffrey Epstein as a math teacher in the 1970's, even though Epstein was not a math teacher... That's why Barr recused himself from the Epstein case, until Trump told him to unrecuse himself from the case.

    Mariel said perv Woody wanted her to stay with him, travel with him, and her parents approved, but she refused... She was a teenager, he was in his 40's, and she was suspicious.

    He also had movie where his old man character is "friends" with a 15 year old Jennie Nichols (daughter of Mike Nichols).

    1. 16 is legal in NJ, so i see no problem with it.

      Also, 15 & 16 are post pubescent. No correlation w/ alleged dry humping a 9y/o. Pedos dont like woman parts.

  29. For me, I don't know. I want to know a whole lot more about that "friendship."

  30. Also, Woody said a few years ago how much he loved watching "Hannah Montana" and Miley Cyrus...

    1. Studio54, ya think Woody spent lots of time googling Brook Shields Nude?

  31. Well... I didn't know all of this because I never watched a Woody Allen movie. Every character in his flicks are always wishy washy kabitchers.

    I guess if you want to direct a movie one day you play along regardless of who pays the price.

    This still does not negate my previous premise of a pedophile and a sociopath/psychopath controller in the family dynamic.

    Nor does it explain why Harvey Weinstein was the only one singled out by the MSNBC kid.

    1. Woody a controller in the family dynamic? He could even control that crazy broad enough to keep her from fuckin Sinatra. Frank probably had some gangsters threaten him if he went public about the kid not being his, so he started fuckin Soon Yin to get back at the skank.

      I can only hope she found out about him and Soon Yi by the flavor of his dick. "Ya taste that, hewer. That's Soon Yi's cunt ya tastin. I'm gonna moove out with her when you are done."

  32. Mariel Hemingway says Woody Allen tried to seduce her:

  33. I don't know Count. You ask good questions. All I know is what I've posted. I'm hoping we would learn more about his friendship w/ Epstein, but another suspicious turn happened today.

    The court reversed its ruling allowing discovery to come out, because the victims were never consulted. There's a big coverup going on with everything to do with Epstein, to the surprise of no one.

  34. For the Count: Article: Frank Sinatra is definitely not Ronan Farrow's biological father:

    1. Sorry, i dont believe a puff piece ad to sell books or a Sinatra daughter, who doesnt want another split of the estate. If she is so sure and Ronan is sure, let em do a Maury DNA test.

  35. Mia Farrow has always been bat shit crazy, Woody Allen is, at the very least, a serial dirty old man who makes TERRIBLE movies & ScarJo is actually a pretty shitty actress.

    This isn't hard, people. They a suck.


  36. woody and roman took the blame for sinatra and hollywood knows it

  37. 2 investigations came to the same conclusions, and after reading Moses Farrow's letter, I really don't know what to believe.

    2 of Mia's adopted children committed suicide, 1 married her partner. She's a batshit crazy mother and I don't rule out the possibility of her coaching dylan after reading the son's side of story because apparently she did that often.

    1. I would be shocked if Woody & Soon Yi didnt bond over trying to cope w/ crazy Mia.

  38. Perhaps Mia and Woody are a team hell bent in normalizing pedophila? It would explain why Dylan set the Harvey Weinstein fire ablaze to misdirect.

    Their end game is to redefine morality.

  39. Wasn’t she giving a speech at the Women’s March about the Me Too Movement?? Wtf

  40. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Please the whole Woody/Dylan thing is nonsense. This gets dragged out whenever Ronan has a new story or book to sell.



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