Thursday, September 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 7, 2019

The used to be wants to be again actress sibling of the permanent A list "singer," sees an opening and started following the singer on social media again. Opportunistic much?

Jamie Lynn Spears/Britney Spears


MyDogSmiles said...

Schneider's "baby mama" *barf*

sandybrook said...

Bertney has interesting social media posts.

Rosie riveter said...

Hmm. Is that why she had her baby too?
I'm not w huge fan of abortion, but why tf would she go thru with a pregnancy if it was Dan Schneider's? Other than to have a paycheck?

Guesser said...

She wanted out of her show without being sued. I still don't think it's Schneider's kid, but she wanted out of there. And what's so weird about following Britney on social media anyway? Seems stranger if she didn't.

Do Tell said...

Is it really opportunistic if it's one sibling following another?

Unknown said...

They've always followed one another. Nice try.

Megley said...

Thanks, Guesser. I didn't get the point of the following her sister is opportunistic. If I were in a position to help my sibling, I would. That doesn't make it opportunistic. I'm actually surprised Enty knows that word.

Brayson87 said...

What is that tub of lard Schneider up to nowadays? Having to pay for his own girls now that Nickelodeon won't provide them for free?

Marybel said...

Jamie Spears is a weary dad trying to keep his nutcase daughter safe...and he has to deal with teenage brat grandsons to boot. If he dies, Britney will fly off the planet.

Nicunta said...

This is referring to the sister Jamie, not Jamie the father.

redstiletto said...

Leave Jamie Lynne alone!

Really though. She's been through enough. Unless I've misunderstood the paternity of her teenage pregnancy.


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