Sunday, December 08, 2019

Blind Item #5

This former A+ list rapper turned tax exempter thinks he is getting a great deal by getting 75% of ticket sales at a future event. The thing is though, he is getting zero of the day of donations which is expected to be a multiple of ten of the ticket sales.


sandybrook said...

And maybe the crapfest with the smirking con Joel Osteen at Yanqui Stadium?

yepthatsme said...

I dont know, the kind of world we live in, and the celebrity worshiping we have in society, Kimye could very well be on their way to the white house!

Aquagirl said...

Maybe the ‘Opera’ in Miami?

Rosie riveter said...

POS kults

IndieRaga said...

Oh he's one smart cookie !

Troy Dyer said...

Kanye has yet to make a smart business decision

T. W. said...

+1 Sandybrook

I have seen several famous pastors in person. Not one of them charged an entrance fee. But they did take up collection before they delivered their message.

On one hand, some people leave early so you want to get the money before they leave.

On the other hand, we haven’t heard the message before you asked for our money. Some of them know people are less likely to give money after they hear a crap message.

T. W. said...

As for regular churches, not all churches have the same order of service. So some churches start with praise & worship, then take up collection, then continue service.

The church I attend now takes up collection after the sermon.

I attended local Roman Catholic services our of curiosity. They NEVER asked for money.

Go figure.

Mango said...

@ TW - I was raised Roman Catholic and I remember they always had those little donation envelopes EVERYWHERE. Each year when my siblings and I attended RI they would even send us home with a box numbered envelopes (so they could track who was donating). I attended a Roman Catholic funeral recently and yep, donation envelopes in the pews. Not so in-your-face as a basket under your nose but still very obvious.

Mango said...

Sorry, RI = Religious Instruction

Guesser said...

Joel is screwing Kanye over? The collection will be huge because of him. Bonus points for cash. (Yes I know the tax exemption,but numbers still need reporting). @ T.W.,I attend Catholic Mass,they always take up collections, they just aren't as pushy. The Diocese adds extra collections to the point where the Priest complains,lol.

YummyBoogers said...

Anyone else think Con-yay and Kumbucket are gunning to be the Jim & Tami Faye Bakker of the 21st century?! Seems like that to me.

Unknown said...

50 Cent is the tax dodger, not Kanye

Boo Kitty said...

Tax exemption is the only reason he's doing it.

sandybrook said...

Kanye is trying to get tax exempt status for his new “church”.

sandybrook said...

That and getting really rich @Boo Kitty.

Anonymous said...

If anybody can fail working a tax's Kanye.

Studio54 said...

Here are scriptures from the Bible about what qualities God said are needed in a pastor. There are more, but see if KON even fits one criteria:

Studio54 said...

Someone should look into if Tyler Perry is the one who brought Joel Osteen together with KON.

Tyler is a Christian. He sold his private jet to Kenneth Copeland. They are willing to overlook that he is gay and in the closet for the money and celebrity he brings in.

I read here that Perry has a house in the same location as KON's "church" in WY. If Perry is involved in this, he has a lot to answer for.

Jeweled Skye said...

Not crazy... a few years ago, Joel Osteen's church was robbed of the collection taken that day... over $600K in one day... in tax free donations.

Studio54 said...

Are they going to $ell Kim's sex tape next to KON's holy spirit socks?

What an outrageous SCAM!

The mainstream media won't touch this with a 50 foot pole because KON is black. Roger Friedman did an excellent article on Jay Z's sham charity, no black media would touch it. KON artists, criminals and scams galore are in the black community because the same people being ripped off will scream "racism" at the first hint of an investigation by the mainstream media. No one said anything about con artist Jussie Smolett's outrageous lawsuit against the city of Chicago. They know what the reaction will be from the community he defrauded.

The black media is one of the most backside kissing anywhere. I saw a website where they were praising TI and Tiny's sham marriage. Pathetic, and par for the course.

Clark Green said...

Yeezy and his re-invention into a spiritual being. Too early to judge him on this, but I think we are all watching with a smidge of skepticism.

Jennacheryl said...

Is DMX going on tour?

Mrs Libnish said...

+1 YummyBoogers

Unknown said...

No doubt in my mind it's Klownye.

T. W. said...


Thank you for sharing. The church I attended did not have envelopes and did not pass a basket. There was a Poor Box in the back but no one ever made an appeal for money.

T. W. said...


Maybe this is specific to a diocese?

T. W. said...


I don’t recall Kanye ever claiming to be a pastor but I know for a fact Joel Osteen repeatedly says he is NOT a pastor and he does not want to be one.

Osteen’s followers are sheep being led to slaughter.


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