Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Blind Item #8

This A+ list mostly movie actor (when he works) has a private detective following his ex looking for dirt. He won't find any. He has a desire to smear her in the media.


IndieRaga said...


ladybaus said...

Tom Cruise Katie holmes

Cary Gaul said...

Brad Pitt?

Roses said...


Anonymous said...

Some immature creepazoid, following his ex around, is not a good sign. Not good. I hope she takes him to court for harassment.

tttt5 said...


zerooptions said...

Depp, i don't think he qualifies as A+ these days....i mean "savauge" have you smelled that nasty crap?
I thought it was paint remover.

Zilla3 said...

Is Renner A+?

Bleu said...

I don't think this is Depp -- you don't have to dig to find dirt on Amber Heard, she smears herself (inly someone wrappe tightly around her finger would believe there's nothing on her).

LooLooEasy said...

Renner is a good guess. He'd be A+ when he does those Marvel movies. He's been trying to discredit his "ex" ~the mother of his child. He's gay, closeted and disgusting. I like him for this blind.

notthisagain said...


Biggusdickus said...

Who has been on TV and is A+?

Meg said...

I like Depp the best for this, but I agree it shouldn't be hard to get dirt on Amber Heard. Affleck might work. I doubt Tom Cruise cares about anything Katie Holmes does anymore, that's old news. Renner was never A+, and Enty likes to point that out in blinds about him by calling him a "had a shot at A-list and blew it" actor.

Shaddup Mimsey said...


OKay said...

@Biggus "Mostly" movie or whatever doesn't mean what it used to around here. You really almost have to ignore it these days.

Pen-a-lope said...

Channing Tatum

Da Fresh Prince said...

This is probably Tatum, though it could be De Niro. I doubt it's Depp.

Do Tell said...

Channing Tatum hasn't been A+ in years. This can't be him. I think it could be Renner. Endgame was this year and it was massive.

Unknown said...

This is not Renner. There has always been plenty of dodgy stuff out there about his ex and the Nanny and he hasn't used any of it publicly. Also, despite their accusations that should have put him in jail, the police and child services investigations and the court date have come and gone and there appears to have been no change, or even a pause to his custody of the kid. Honestly, if he wanted to smear his kid's mother and her witnesses he wouldn't need a P.I.

Unknown said...

It is always the mother that goes after him, he only ever responds and he always seems to win in court so doesn't that suggest that she is the one doing the smearing? I do acknowledge that the court once awarded her 16k, but having already received 300k of child support that year and since she after much more, the 16k wasn't much of a win and surely wasn't worth branding her child's father a deadbeat dad. The last accusations against him went to court at that start of November and he still has custody, just incase you were wondering.

Urthor said...

The kind of blind that's not really a blind because I am pretty sure this applies to a double digit figure of actors

WabiSabi said...

This sounds like De Niro to me. He obviously has a serious anger management issue. He needs to get up on stage with a microphone and yell FUCK HER to the world. That's his style. Can't stand him. (I hate it when a BI gets me pissed off about the subject of the blind.) He is an ass though.

Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt or Deniro. Both are mean-spirited jerks; Pitt hides it better

squirrelmistress said...

how is deniro mostly movies? has he been on tv?

Kelly said...

I'd go with Pitt for this. With the adopted kids brainwashed by Angie and not wanting to see him he must be seething.

Studio54 said...

Depp. Anything to not go to rehab, and confront his REAL problem, HIMSELF.

Aquagirl said...

Not Depp or Pitt. Too much dirt readily available on Amber & Angie. In Angie’s case, judge accused her of parental alienation. Pitt doesn’t need a private detective, he just needs to take her back to court.


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