Thursday, October 21, 2021

Today's Blind Items - A History Lesson

There is nothing Hollywood celebrities like to do more than rewrite their own personal history. The thing is, a decade or two ago, you could still do that kind of thing. Today's media/social media makes that almost impossible. This is history that probably would never have some out if the former A+ lister was not feeling reflective of his cocaine and hooker past. 

Lets go back in time to when the former A+ lister was spending time with this at the time A list mostly television actress turned frequent rehab guest. The A list actress introduced him to one of her co-stars. It turns out though, he already had the pleasure of her company a few years earlier when she was in the employ of the same person who employed his future wife. The three then enjoyed a threesome. He added an epilogue to the tale. Later down the road our actor and his then wife filmed a movie together and cast the co-star in a bit role so the three could enjoy threesomes together on the set.

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