Monday, October 30, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Witness

It is a strange job. I'm not sure when it started happening, but I started hearing about it a couple of years ago. Back then I understood why because the guy had a horrible reputation and was trying to protect himself. From there, it kind of spread and now there are five or six people who actually make their living doing it. How do you even let people know that you are available for that kind of thing. 

It started as I said with this A- list actor who has been accused of bad things by several women. Well, he wanted to hook up with this woman he had been seeing a couple of times but was fearful that she was going to use the occasion to also make claims against him. So, without her knowledge, he had a guy monitor the events that happened in the bedroom via security camera. Our actor did record it too, but he says it was just for evidence purposes. 

The actor then had a series of women that he slept with and he had the same guy watching each time and started paying him. Someone heard he was doing it and the next thing you know this former A+ list actress hired him because she was having random threesomes with couples and wanted someone to witness everything just in case stories were told. There were no recordings of those events. She told a friend who told a friend and the next thing you know, it isn't just actors and actresses, high profile people who are vulnerable to being sued for allegations made started hiring the guy and he had to hire people because he was so busy. Like I said there are a handful of these people and they literally work 7 days/nights a week.

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