Monday, December 18, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

There is an A- list actor who has made it his passion the past several years to build as many low income single family homes as he can. Our actor made his name in iconic HBO show that has seen a few cast deaths in the past few years. The people get no interest loans and own their own houses. It was while he was doing this that he ran into several military veterans who were doing construction on one of the houses. They got to talking about other veterans who served and were permanently disabled and were having trouble getting work and therefore having trouble finding places to live. Many ended up homeless or in shelters. Our actor started meeting with veterans groups and also met with an actor that has been in this space before for his work with veterans. Our A- lister started bugging his producer friends to find jobs for the veterans. Our actor also got a group together to purchase two motels for the veterans to stay while they were saving enough to move into their own place. The motels each also have a coffee shop/diner where the veterans can eat, but also work and serve the general public. 

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