Monday, February 18, 2008

Time For Heather Mills To Spend Some Quality Time With The Judge

No surprise, but Heather Mills and Sir Paul could not reach an agreement in their divorce, so it is up to a judge to decide how much money Paul will have to pay. This would be an opportune time I think for Heather to go knock on the door of his honors chambers and remind him of how she used to earn a living and how she would be happy to give him a first hand so to speak introduction to how she earned her living for as long and as often as it was necessary. I mean what is worth to her.

Paul has offered $50M and Heather wants $100M so you know, a few minutes or a few days with the judge and then perhaps she has got herself an extra $25M. Just remember your honor to touch her stump.

The Associated Press says that Heather Mills was all smiles when she left the court today with her entourage. I didn't know that the guy who carries her boxes and the guy who combs her hair qualifies as an entourage, but when you are Heather Mills the only way you are going to get anyone to come with you is if you are paying them, and until she gets some money this will have to do. When she gets money, Heather Mills will be the most annoying person on the planet. You think Mariah is a diva? Wait until Heather Mills has money of her very own. Not money that belongs to a husband or money her trick gave her to go shopping. I am talking about her very own money and lots of it.

Mariah will seem like nothing compared to Heather. Oh, and you think Heather is all that interested in charities? Pulease. Only if it gives her publicity. If she really was, then she would take this deal and Paul probably would also. $50M to Heather and then $25M in a check made out in Heather's name to a charity or charities of her choice. Paul would go for that, but I guarantee you Heather wouldn't. Oh she talks a good game, but she would never walk it. She would want that $25M for herself. Just ask her.

10 comments: said...

In all fairness, though....
Sir Paul was a Beatle, he's spent more years in litigation for being a Beatles than he ever did being a Beatle. And he's going to enter into a contract of marriage without an agreement? How come nobody ever talks about how he is dumber than he looks?

Jolara said...

HATE her!

Impertinent Vixen said...

I don't think prenups are valid in the UK.

jax said...

whore. she did nothing to earn that money besides spread her leg.
and even then how much could sex with a one legged women go for?

YahMoBThere said...

Who the eff couldn't live on 50 million for the rest of their lives? I'd shut up and take it.

I wonder if the judge has the option of giving her less than that now. How funny would that be if he gave her 10 million and sent her on her merry way?

Anonymous said...

I thought she had made comments that she isn't a gold digger.

Anonymous said...


Right...lets believe a potential golddigger at her word, when she's already lied about her porno and prostitution past. Didnt you know? People ALWAYS tell the truth to the press. If she said so herself, it must be true *rolls eyes* Hey, did you hear Blohan said she quit? Hallelujah!

YahMoBThere said...

Sylvia, that she did! Funny how her actions are proving otherwise.

MadLyb said...

I truly, truly detest this heinous bitch.

CarolMR said...

I don't understand all the hatred for Heather Mills. Why is Paul McCartney treated like some kind of god? He hasn't written a decent song in 30 years. I personally believe Heather - I think living with Paul is no walk in the park. Linda just handled him better. And if Heather is entitled BY LAW to all thos millions, he should have just given them to her. He's worth $1.6 BILLION!


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