Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Another tweener today. This time it is a guy though and one of the biggest of the big tweeners. I really hate that word, but at least it is to the point. Anyway this tweener has always had his sexuality questioned and spending the night in the hotel suite of this ambiguous A list male singer is not going to help quash the rumors.


Unknown said...

def zac efron

Colby said...

Now i'm dreamin of Zac Effron and Justin Timberlake chillin together, exploring things...

phaballa said...

Alas, cash, Justin is in Italy with his Beard.

Anonymous said...

When ENT says "tweener", does he mean the actor is a tweener or that his acting appeals to tweeners?

Leslie said...

Looking at the randoms, I'm going with Efron and Usher.

allisonshine said...

Zac and Usher?

Reading Enty's comments in the Random photos made me make that connection. They'll 'always have Paris'

West End Girl said...

Zac Efron for shizzle. How does A-list for singers work with Enty?

Cheryl said...

Oooh good catch leslie. Zac is obvious but Ent gave us the Usher connection. Of course, Usher's sexuality is also questionable.

Dijea said...

ditto to all the Zac guesses.

Anonymous said...

I think you all got it with Zac and Usher.

i am a princess, yes i am said...

i dont know much about these disney tweeners but i do know that this is def zac efron!

oh i feel so proud of myself

and yes that boy has a bad case of gayface

Dee said...

Just to be different for the singer, Kanye?

Molly said...

brendalove, i think yesterdays tweener question had someone saying it was a person who appeals to tweeners, which makes sense.

Katja said...

zac & john mayer?

Barry Manilow?

Katja said...

zac & john mayer?

Barry Manilow?

Anonymous said...

I'm liking the Zac and Usher combination... for a guess, I really don't want to see the video for that one. ew.

Beth said...

Zac Efron for sure.

I like the John Mayer guess, but the Usher hint is on the page, so...

However, is Usher A list? Then again, would John Mayer be a singer or a musician?

Maja With a J said...

*LOL* Oh, PLEASE let this be Efron and Limbersnake!!!

Although, I have to admit I don't really think JT is gay.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Zac Efron and Usher.
Check random pics.

Wack said...

i was legit thinking kevin jonas.

zac efron makes more sense.

cinephan said...

Yeah, definitely Zac, and most probably Usher. A part of me would love to think it's Zac and Joe Jonas, but Joe has a boyfriend.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Margaret Thatcher and Bob Geldof.

CDAN Mod said...

usher is bisexual. good guesses.

jax said...


Usher is a pork bellied fug now and zac...too twink for my tastes.

CDAN Mod said...

usher stayed with diddy in nyc when he was recording and working on an album. he was a teen then, well shiddy took advantage of him.

i'm hearing that usher is bi but leans more towards that women.

shiddy is indeed an ass. he beats women, incl j. lo who's really NOT 'jenny from the block', and needs to grow the hell up.

jax said...

i personally think Will Smith,Puffy, Usher and Jamie Fox are all queer.

not that there's anything wrong with it (or needs to be hidden)!

you're here, you're queer...we're pretty much used to it.

Katja said...

jax- 100% with you on last comment!

RagDoll said...

OK, who's hiding the cheat-sheet for A, B,C list when it comes to singers....we had it spelled out for us for acting talent only, or did I miss something?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

The first weird pairing I could think of, personally, was Zac and Usher -- which means that I'm a lot like most of you, which means that this guess has to be SOMEwhat credible, right? Because if you really think about it, it's kinda redonkulous. Two preening, glamourous gaylords randomly meet up and do the nasty even though one has a kid and a wife and stuff? Daaaaamn.

Still, they were the first two who came to MY mind, so I'm going with them.

P.S. Zac is cross-eyed and Usher looks like an oily baboon. If there is a tape, Sweet Jesus, please keep it hidden.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Welcome back, Jax!

I agree with you. Especially about Jamie Foxx, who seems as if he is the GAYEST. Most DEFINITELY. Even though his beret-wearing ass tries to be such a ~Womanizer~.

Will is just kinky as shit, methinks. He and Jada are probably freely into bisexuality and swings and bondage and whatnot, and they've shipped their kids to Scientology Cult Camp somewhere in the desert and they just have MAD fuckfests allll the time.

Anonymous said...

what's the deal with the Jonas brothers guesses? (don't mean this in aggressive way) This is the 2nd site today where I've seen references to Joe J. going both ways and I've never heard any rumor prior to today, so am curious.

Binky Melnik said...

Ooops; I thought of Zac Efron and Ricky Martin. Usher didn't spring to mind at all, most likely because I don't like to think about that fugly thing (and I *do* like thinking about the lovely Ricky!).

Ricky most likely hasn't the time these days for playing with tweens, what with his having to breastfeed twins and all.

juicy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Binky Melnik said...

@juicy: Why do you bring up Lenny? Has there been gay talk about him that I've missed (Now *that* would be juicy!)

BlahFrickinBlah said...

Efron and Diddy? He's not really a singer though. I like the John Mayer guess too. He'd stick his junk into anything if he made out with Perez.

Timberlake is not gay! ::evil eye::


silenttype said...

He puts Zac and Usher next to each other in photos and states they are both in Paris. This one is gift wrapped, you're ok Ent.

juicy said...

Binky- just 'cause I'VE always thought of him as femmy and iffy-hetero doesn't mean anyone else does. That's why I took it back. :)

Cheryl said...

ernestine's "oily babboon" comment made my day.

Little Blue Pill said...

Zac and Usher. Funny how in Random pics it goes in order Usher, Zac, gossip girls then a scary pic then someone who's uncomfortable in front of people i.e. out. I think that pretty much sums it up.

KellyLynn said...

I so agree with the Zac and Usher guesses. As for the Jonas guesses, I can't really see any of them as outwardly gay (especially since this is the first gossip I've seen on it) and I think Jamie Foxx thinks of himself as straight, but does the down-low thing. Just sayin'.

cinephan said...

Cali, a couple of weeks ago there was a strong rumor that one of the Jonas Brothers was having a lot of fights with the other brothers and the parents because he's gay, dating an older man and wants to come out. The parents and the other two brothers are doing everything they can to stop him from doing it. The general consensus around the web is that it's Joe.

Amanda said...

Def efron, if he gets anymore effeminate, he should just get a mini skirt and go with it.

Jerry said...

Hey, who let Ted C. in here?

Blondie said...

Jessie McCartney and Barry Manilow. I know it's a little ridiculous but they popped in my head first when I read this...

The Adventures of... said...

Did I miss something? Usher-gay? What's been said/rumoured? I know his wife (soon to be ex??) is a little drag, but I didn't know he was another closeted singer!

Btw, I question if Usher is appealing to the tweener crowd these days.

Selock said...

Cinephan -

I've seen that; it was planted without citations in a gay rag a couple of months ago. It's pure baloney/publicity-rumor-mongering/wishful-thinking-fanfic to shore up the gay base.

Not that I would have a problem with any of them being gay or not, I just hate the creepy lies-and-strife rumors. And if Joe was...the likelihood he would be out-dating in any way based on his work schedule and cultural background is just slim to none.

The boys will all marry and be fruitful, whichever way. So keep your fingers crossed fangirls! :)

Michele said...

First thing I thought was Efron, all the way. Not too sure about the Usher guess..

mooshki said...

About Timberlake - there was a gal on ONTD who said she hooked up with him while he was on tour, but she couldn't say much 'cause he has his partners sign a confidentiality agreement. Apparently he has some specific kink. (That's what she couldn't tell us.) I know she could've made it up, but I believed her. So I don't think he's gay, I think he's a perv, and that's what Jessica is bearding for. :)

Totally Efron and Usher. The gay rumors have been around Usher forever.

Unknown said...

OMG, jax, you're on today! Love your snipey comments:

too twink for my tastes

you're here, you're queer...we're pretty much used to it.

Your comments are better than the blinds themselves!!

Cambo said...

Zac and MIKA. Just a guess..

slappywhyte said...

zac efron

slappywhyte said...

oh and did anyone notice that the upcoming Sean Penn biopic "Harvey Milk" (about a famous gay politician) contains several actors that were rumored on here to be gay ... Emile Hirsch, James Franco and someone else i cant remember

Slappy Whyte

Unknown said...

Oh, why hello there Efron & JC Chasez...!


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