Friday, January 09, 2009

Your Turn

If you thought the toilet paper one was trivial, you are really going to enjoy this one. I'm not sure how much more simple a question can be.

Bath or Shower?

Oh, and in case you are curious. Just ask yourself if you can envision a 400 pound man trying to climb out of a wet, slippery bathtub and you will have your answer. Although, if it was filled with $240 worth of pudding, I might. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go whisper some sweet nothings.


palealebrew10 said...

Shower-I like to get in and then out. I'm much too fidgety for baths and it's always difficult to find that right temperature.

Ror said...

not saying.

You keep up the mystique

jax said...

shower...only becasue my tub is not new enough for my germaphobe ways. time for a reglazing or to sell my money pit.

i dream of a day i can sink into a soaker tub and let calgon take me away again.

KellyLynn said...

lol @ Ror.

I'm a shower person, myself. I have taken baths to unknot my muscles, but I'm not very good at just sitting there doing nothing.

maggiemei said...

I like both.

Showers for everyday cleansing and baths for leisurely soaks/exfoliation/wallowing.

Judi said...


KellyLynn said...

jax, you sound like my guy. He's a total germaphobe too. The only time he'll get into a bathtub is if he knows it's been recently scrubbed with disinfectant and still looks clean. He refuses to take a bath in the bathtub at our current place, simply because it looks too old to him. (we currently live in an old farmhouse. Everything is old.)

TV said...

bath. with or without bubbles. every day of the week if I can.

shower at the gym

Molly said...

ror, damn! does that mean you won't answer the boxers vs whitey tighties vs. nada question?

shower every a.m. and sometimes throw a bath in at night. candlelit. yeah, i'm a girly girl who likes to pamper myself.

Maja With a J said...

I prefer showers. Now, at my current place I can't really take baths because the tub just isn't deep enough. You fill it and then you sit there with water up to just under your boobs, and it just feels silly.

One day I'll have a nice big soaker tub. But even then, you have to shower after. You can't just lay there, soaking in your own filth and expect to be clean.

I had a roommate once who did not shower, only took baths. Every time she would walk past you, you'd get a subtle little whiff of dirty underwear. And the bathtub after she was done had a brownish grey line all the way around it where the water line had been.

I bullied her out of the house (she was like 10 years younger than me) and I am not ashamed of it.

mooshki said...

Both. I am pretty much happy any time I'm in the water.

mooshki said...

(The Japanese method is the best - shower first to get clean, then soak in the tub to relax.)

dollface said...


"Rubber ducky, you're the one. You make bath time so much fun.

kelly said...

Showers during the work week, Bath on weekends (with a good book and bubbles) I have an old huge clawfoot tub so there is plenty of room.

lutefisk said...

Showers--they are faster & easier, & all of my stuff is lined up at my feet.

Dijea said...

shower 90% of the time, but I love the luxury of a bath.

Nicole said...

Oh Enty, how you made my day with your obscure references from The State. I just know we'd be best buds in real life.

As to the question at hand, showers every day, and baths whenever I have time for bubbles and a good book.

ElsieFire said...

Oh Harriet, you sound like my hubby:

"Bath? What, like, stewing in your own filth?"

Yeah, haven't had any myself since that lovely visual.

Hence, shower for me.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Shower, only because I'm too damn tall to fit in the standard tub.
I can't stand trying to take a bath with my knees in my chest.
However, given my druthers, I druther take a long long long long soak in steaming hot water then finish with a shower.
But until I can afford to get the Roman tub of my dreams, it's exclusively showers for me.

Molly said...

One day I'll have a nice big soaker tub.

harriet, they're nice, but a pain in the butt to clean. i literally have to get inside the darn thing and i'm not real short.

Psychos are Nuts said...

wakes me up in the morning
gets rid of the day at night
they are quick and easy and ready to go as soon as the taps are turned on.

Cooper's Mom said...

Shower, for sure. i've got 2 kids so the quickest way possible suits me. If i left them alone for more than a couple minutes i wouldn't have a home left.

selenakyle said...

Harriet Hellfire--you cracked me up!

Shower for normal washing.

Have a giant spa outside for soaking and un-knotting muscles. And for gettin' nekkid with hubby...

We leave the water cold for summertime, steaming hot for winter.

Anonymous said...

Showers at night and day time.

selenakyle said...

Oh yeah, Enty...whassup with these sweet nothings?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I love baths, but who has the time? A shower is for waking up and starting the day. A bath is for relaxing and ending the day. It's like comparing working out with a massage. They are almost separate categories in my mind.

Ms Cool said...


irishstayc2 said...

showers - always. quick in and out - no muss no fuss... well maybe a little bit of fuss I am a single woman after all...

We grew up in an old farm house w/ only the clawfoot tub - no shower - and I swore I'd never take a bath again unless I had to.

brakewater said...

neither. I am trying to save water and natural gas because of global warming.


is sarcasm allowed here? Yes I shower and the bath I drew before Hurricane Ike actually was a good decision for brushing my teeth when the crap went down for 2 weeks. And I scrubbed the heck out of the bathtub before drawing that bath....

Maja With a J said...

Molly, the day I have a big soaker tub will also be the day I can hire someone to clean it for me. Problem solved!

lmnop123 said...

Showers, baths, I'm not picky, all I care about is being clean and fresh.

Kimberley said...

A bath at night... I'm the only one that is in my tub... So I know its clean!
Enty... I just wanted to say I LOVE this site, but... I have to say I am now tormented by Verne in my sleep. I actually had a dream/nightmare I was involved in a love triangle... All I can remember now is that kissy face. How do I move on from this?

Molly said...

harriet, i'm too cheap to pay someone to clean my seriously!

Actively Petite said...

Nice State references. And he's talking about whispering sweet nothings to the $240 worth of pudding. The State was a really fantastic show.

Ms. said...

Showers for cleanliness and baths for relaxing.

sunnyside1213 said...

bath = boring

sunnyside1213 said...

bath = boring

sunnyside1213 said...

bath = boring

Carte Blanche said...

I do it the 'japanese' way Mooshki described. I don't have baths often, but when I do...

I have a quick shower first and exfoliate with thoses glove-thingies. Then, I fill the (cleaned) tub with hot water and drop in over 2 cups of Epsom salts to relax. Grab something to read and a glass of cold water. Climb in and ooh la la - devine.

Lisa (not original) said...

I get too bored in the bath. Shower all the way.

Anonymous said...

Shower, with lots of creamy scented soaps and shower gels and loofahs and natural sponges, then lotion all over when I get out, before drying.

MISCH said...

YUP..first a shower.....and if I'm lucky and have time a soak...YUMMY

Snautrag said...

Ideally I'd have a shower with jets on all 3 sides, with the kind of strong pressure that knocks you to your knees - none of those pansy rainforest shower thingy's, they suck. Then I would have a hut outside with a hotspring bubbling from the earth....spent a few hours in those in New Mexico and thought they were magic.

Wil said...

Used to be bath .. I had a wonderful deep whirlpool tub in a custom built townhome. then I got sick and lost my job and half my mortgage payment. Bye-Bye townhouse and tub. So .. now I shower in my crappy "mid-century" split-level. Sucks .. totally. I HATE getting out of the shower all hot and naked only to be greeted by that nasty blast of cold air after you open the door/shower curtain.

jagerlilly said...

Bath bath bath bath bath!

Squeezebox said...

Shower if I'm raunchily dirty or in a great hurry; bath otherwise. I built a great big shower downstairs for opulent showering, and it's also handy for dragging in large items that need a good scrubbing. But I really prefer to get up to my neck in hot water. Scented oils or bubble bath, candles, book, music, the whole nine yards.

Old Hollywood: Clark Gable was such a clean freak he refused to take baths, so his wife Carole Lombard remodeled their house so that his bathroom had only a shower. Gable said that after spending time working in the oil fields, he could never feel clean enough again.

sassafrass said...

shower for morning, super soaker full of bubbles, Lush bath bombs with rose petals. Rinse well after each bath and use a rag mop to clean.

catherine said...

Baths with a book, plenty of bubbles and a candle when I need "me". Otherwise, showers which are always really long and hot.

califblondy said...

Shower during the week.

At the weekend home I've got a huge shower with two heads and water that shoots out from the sides. My fella doesn't like to shower alone. I take bubble baths on the weekends in the jacuzzi bath tub with candles, a nice cocktail, and water hot enough to make my skin turn red.

The best for me (although I hate wasting so much water) is a hot bubble bath, followed by a cool shower.

mooshki said...

"'s also handy for dragging in large items that need a good scrubbing."

Squeezebox, are you trying to tell us you're a serial killer? (Or maybe I just read too many of the wrong kind of books.)

Goodgrief said...

Shower for everyday cleanlines, bath in my soaker tub with my favorite bubbles, soft music and canlelight for relaxation once a week.

jax said...

"At the weekend home I've got a huge shower with two heads and water that shoots out from the sides."

is it ok to totally hate you for that? i mean shit the choice of a weekend home

jlb said...

In my married days I had a huge jetted tub with blue spot lights and glass blocks around it - I'd have a bath every damn night for at least an hour just to hide from the ex and the kids....big glass of red wine and a good book....heaven.

Not so much anymore - different house, small tub and three teenage girls to battle. lol Showers for the most part now.

Someone mentioned Lush - I love walking by that place (and their products) - you can smell it from a block away.

mooshki said...

"...three teenage girls to battle."


Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Taking a bath is like soaking in a tepid pool of your own dead skin cells. Ew. I always feel like taking a shower immediately after bathing, so what's the point? And I hate how the water always gets cold, like, ten minutes after you start soaking, and the bubbles are only frothy and voluminous for just a few moments before they flatten and mix with the rest of the water. Great. And then your fingers and toes get all white and weird and prunish.

Fuck that shit. I guess that's my point. I DO love hot tubs, however!

West End Girl said...

If I can be arsed, Mooshki's mention of the Japanese way is what I do else it's a long shower and that's mostly to wash the conditioner out of my hair. Stupid hair.

bionic bunny! said...

ernestine, you're being a party pooper!
i still love a hot bath, but i reserve them only for leg shaving these days.
here's a tip i learned somewhere for you guys who can't get get your tubs clean:
oven cleaner.
be sure you are well ventilated!! spray thoroughly, and wait the time you would for the oven. get a good scrubber and go to town!
really good for those pebbly bottom tubs.
also, be sure it's COMPLETELY rinsed before you spray bleach it, don't want to mix those chemicals.
this also works on toilets, but be careful around faucets, it may eat some cheaper ones. i swear i've done it for years (my tub is fiberglass) and it works like a charm!

anyway, once we're not sharing our shower/tub with DD, i will do both. just because i can now!
but i have a beautiful huge spa in the back yard that i can bob around in when there's no neighbors at home!
but the pudding sounds like a smashing idea!

David D. said...

As a kid--bath only. Now--pretty much shower only.

hotchacha said...

I mostly bathe. I love my soaker tub with jets.

Anonymous said...

BATH BATH BATH! A hot bubble bath can erase even the crappiest day.

mooshki said...

Bunny, if you hear a knock on your door tomorrow, it's me coming to stay in your spa until winter's over.

PotPourri said...

Enty, I always thought you were straight, but now I know you are gay! Why? Because only gay men talk incessantly about weighing 400 pounds when really they only weigh 198!

PotPourri said...

Sorry, I like a bath for relaxing, but a shower to invigorize me.

Bad Momma said...


Anonymous said...

Shower. Steaming hot. Lots of steaming time. Every pore open.

Ahhh I have to go jump in now.

Big giant scratchy white towel. Like a hotel towel. I've had the finest, plushest towels and they all pale compared to the big scratchy white. Oh, and if you've pinched it from an hotel all the better!

Geebz said...

Shower in the morning and a bath at night. I sweat at night so I need a shower in the morning. After work I bathe so that I can unwind after saving my soul from being sucked out by my job.

Becoming Ali said...

I always feel guilty that I don't take enough baths, because they're great for pulling out toxins. But.. the time. Also, I get annoyed I can't fit completely under the water (standard baths are woefully inadequate). I'm too lazy to clean often, but refuse to take a bath in a dirty tub (that's just putting the nasty stuff back through your largest organ, the skin). When I do take the occasional bath, it takes a long time because I've cleaned it first, showered myself clean, and then filled the tub with hot water, epsoms, essential oils, and have set up a meditation CD. Then I get in and get antsy or cold fairly soon. :)

Unknown said...

Enty, one word..


Unknown said...

Enty, one word..


fogcitykitty said...

Jacuzzi tub in the master bath was the deal sealer when I bought my house, and 12 years later, I hardly ever use it. Showers. Looooooong showers. Much steam.

__-__=__ said...

Am I the only person who takes a shower after the bath??????

hotchacha said...

Nope. I take a shower after the bath too, especially if I want to set the curl pattern in my hair and wear it down in corkscrew curls.

Black girls have fussy hair.

bionic bunny! said...

key to the back fence under the mat...
call ahead and i'll have it nice and warm for you!!
of course, if you want to kick in, we can also heat the pool to the same temp (and sometimes do!)!


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