Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

November 11, 2011

#3 - This former B+ list television actress from a very hit teen drama type show and now pretty much always unemployed but still pap worthy when spotted actress faced a $10,000 cleaning bill when she recently left her apartment in the middle of a lease. She could not afford to pay the lease and owed the cleaning bill because apparently she could not be bothered to ever take her dog outside and was very bad at cleaning the messes up.

Mischa Barton


  1. That is disgusting & I feel bad for the poor dog :(

  2. This was the consensus guess if I recall, and yes it's gross and these are the dog stories I hate to hear as a dog owner.

  3. Sounds like an episode of Hoarders. Mischa, you're nasty and should not be allowed to own any animals.

    A $10,000 cleaning bill? That steep a bill means that she never took that dog out. The cleaning crew probably had to put on masks and boots.

  4. gross. I wonder how long she & the unfortunate dog had been living there before she moved out? Can you imagine the smell. No doubt she got used to it but ugh, to walk into that as an objective set of nostrils. bleh.

  5. Thanks for the Twitter and CDAN reveals today, Enty!

  6. gross. I thought Mischa had "cleaned" up her act. I guess not.

  7. why does this not surprise me ... all the bacteria and parasites ... ack!

    thanks Enty!

  8. The poor dog! Dogs don't like to crap where they live so it puts the dog several levels higher than Mischa. She should not have the pleasure of a dogs company.

  9. This morning is not working out for my can you live in poo

  10. Yup, everyone guessed this one

  11. Can you imagine be the neighbor to that smell? The urine and feca matter would also rot out the floor.

  12. That's disgusting. Poor doggie! People like that make me sick. Pets shouldn't have to live in their own filth.

  13. that wasn't a cleaning bill. that was a replace the carpets, sand the floor, repaint, and leave the windows open for a week bill. I worked in property management, animal waste is the hardest smell to get rid of.

    1. Right, we recently purchased a house and to replace thae carpet and subflooring both in the lr. And these people cleaned up after their pets' accidents.

  14. That dog should be seized by the SPCA that's abuse. Now I have the lowest opinion of this idiot.

  15. wasn't she depressed or something for quite awhile? if you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of a dog.

  16. If anyone wants to read some stuff about old Hollywood, there is a piece in the DailyMail today that is kinda controversial. "The bitchiest man in Hollywood: Frank Langella launches a withering attack on the showbiz A-list"
    Nothing really shocking, but talks about a lot of old Hollywood being dull and having huge ego's. Kinda interesting.

    Good story there about Tom Jones and the beginning of his career too.

  17. Poor dog. I've heard the same thing about Britney Spears, that she just let her dogs poop all over her house because she couldn't be bothered to take them out. (Doubt that's an issue anymore, I don't think she's got any of her dogs now...poor itsy-bitsy Hollywood dogs, being trotted around for pictures and then dumped when the celeb gets tired of them.)

    Anyway. I seriously don't know how anybody could stand to engage in this behavior. I've got a puppy right now who is not quite housebroken and when she has accidents in the house the smell is disgusting! How on Earth could you let that keep happening on purpose?!

  18. Like all the dog owners on here have said, this is disgusting and she should not be allowed to have a pet. Parasite Hilton did this too and it just disgusts me. Dogs are just like 4 year old children in needing a high level of care, oversight, and affection, so if you wouldn't treat a child this way, don't do it to your dog!

    Admittedly, I'm WAY over the top when it comes to my little pooch and her care but I'd rather be too much than no where enough.

    (wanders off mumbling to self about vapid, useless idiots.)

  19. So forgive me if this has been brought up 10,000 times, but if Enty is doing all these reveals now, what happens on July 4?

  20. Thought of that myself Krab. And with how big the blinds been as of late, will any of those be revealed?

  21. $10,000 cleaning bill? Sounds like a hoarder. Since when is Mischa B list?

  22. Disgusting. I am a pet owner and all I can say is that my pets get treated like roayalty.. Pet's do not get to choose their life... It makes me sad that some get stuck in certain situations like this, or worse. :(

  23. Why did she get a pet at all?

  24. Wow. That is so gross!

  25. Why can't these people hire dog walkers? Jeez!

  26. Krab, I think Enty is only revealing "old" blind items, so the July 4th reveals will be from the prior 6 months as usual.



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