Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

August 4, 2011

I don't really like to name my blind items. I hate anything that makes me sound like Ted C. Oh sure there is Coke Mom and The Director's Wife. I have missed stories about her, but there is a reason. Just cannot say because then it would give it away.

Anyway, today, I wanted to call this something like, "If she only knew." Within the past five days this B+ movie actress who started on television and has hit the cusp of A list a few different times was on the red carpet with her nemesis. The thing is our B+ actress ("No Clue")has no clue about her nemesis. The nemesis ("Nemesis") is a C lister who has aspirations of higher lists but no one can stand her once they spend more than five minutes with her so that is probably not going to happen. Anyway, in the past the nemesis hit on No Clue's ex boyfriend who is also a B list movie actor who was in one of my favorite movies of all time. Hit on him hard. Hit on him so hard that they ended up f**king for three days straight at a hotel. No Clue knew about the cheating because he is a serial cheater but had no idea about Nemesis. Fast forward a few years and Nemesis has tried on two different occasions to hit on No Clue's husband who is also an actor. Nemesis has hit on him hard. Done everything possible, but so far he has resisted. The thing is, this is not a coincidence. Nemesis is bitter about a role that she thinks No Clue stole from her which made No Clue a star and Nemesis still clawing her way up the ladder.

No Clue thinks Nemesis is her friend. Nemesis wants it that way so she can stay close and keep trying to screw over No Clue anyway she can.

No Clue is a serial cheater in her own right. Has child(ren). Doing very well for herself right now.
Nemesis has a fairly brief tenuous connection to Jennifer Aniston and not the way that tenuous is normally used in these hints.
The two currently share something, but not usually at the same time except in On Demand.


Unknown said...

WTF!!! Tenuous but not the way that tenuous is normally used in these hints!! How in the fuck do we know how enty normally uses tenuous in these stupid almost reveals??? I'd love to see who blind is about but this shit is getting old!!

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

So I guess reveals are no longer going to be real reveals.

Must be costing Enty at work.

Diamond Girl said...

No Clue = Jennifer Garner? Role being Alias. That's all I have...

Simon said...

Today has been the worst to date. One real reveal about Kelly Osborne who no one gives a crap about...this non reveal is ridiculous,,tenuous but not the way tenuous usually means? WTF!!??

T.R. Slyder said...

I like reveals, ergo I almost-like almost-reveals

hollywood dime said...

Are there several definitions to tenuous? Maybe DON'T use tenuous! How about the actual...I fuck it I give up.

Unknown said...
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Bri said...

Gwyneth Paltrow as No Clue and Wynona as Nemesis

jane3113 said...

I think No Clue is Claire Danes and the role is Angela Chase. (or maybe Juliet from the Leo R+J)

Connection to Jennifer Anniston in a different way probably means they didn't star in something together. Maybe they dated the same person?

No guess for Nemesis yet.

Cheryl S said...

I thought January Jones for the nemesis, and the connection being Jason Sudekis. Not sure who the No Clue is.

msgirl said...

Oy. Tenuous being what they share On Demand? Tenuous seems to be The Word for these almost reveals.

I've found I haven't been coming much here anymore.

Unknown said...

no clue reese witherspoon - doing well (children from 2 different men)

connection aniston _Stupid romantic comedy- says Gwineth Paltrow (nemesis)

Unknown said...

they share good ratings on demand for "stupid romantic comedies"

Seven of Eleven said...

Let me tell you a story. I'll try to tell it without naming names but since that's impossible and I don't want to sound like Ted C because he'd sue the bacon off of my persona, so I'll use some actual names that will give you a tenuous context. This swoosh-list actress, we'll call her Nike because she likes to "just do it" (see what I did there?). One of her friends and frequent co-stars, we'll call her Adidas, though she really should call herself "I did its" because she's done every guy in town. At one point, both of our actresses found themselves with the shoes on the other feet when they were both sleeping with each others boyfriends at the same time on adjoining lots. No, not a four way because that's disgusting and only perverts do anything but missionary in the dark with the lights off and pants on. But they were in their own trailers and snuck the other's boyfriend in on lunch breaks. The guys knew about each other and swapped track stories over beer and gatorade after they were done.

Nike is known for a very huge role as a goddess of victory. She is a serial cheater, has children who work in sweatshops, and is doing very well for herself.
Tenuous connection with Keds.
No connection with Reebok, although he tried.

timebob said...

every actress in Hweird tries to screw each other over.

Throw a rock there is your answer

Patty said...

I have never seen tenuous used on this blog until today. And I've been coming here since almost the beginning. The Enty de jour needs to check his/her notes so we can at least get back some continuity on his site.

House said...

I think Nemesis is Emmy Rossum, the tenuous but not in the normal connection being that they both dated Adam Duritz of Counting Crows.

No clue on No Clue but maybe AnnE?

House said...

Oh wait, I think jane3113 might have it...Emmy's on Shameless and Claire's on Homeland, both on Showtime (hence On Demand).

Sophie Helene said...

YEs this is Winona and Gwyneth Paltrow. Winona shared a kiss with Jennifer Aniston in one episode of Friends and Gwyneth is said to have stolen her role in Shakespeare in love from Winona.

jane3113 said...

But Winona was a huge star. This blind makes it seem like someone who s clawing their way to the top, not BACK to the top. Winona was bigger than Gwyneth for a while.

Tigercat said...

Slight change to @jane3113 and @House, the other actress considered for Angela Chase was Alicia Silverstone.

Unknown said...

Enty hates Ted C. now. He was kissing his ass when he was fired.

Unknown said...

Patty - just started using it a little while back with some the these almost reveals. Today has been the worse though- no one knows how tenuous has been used since non of the almost reveals has been revealed. It is f'ed up.

Its just U said...

Clare Danes/ Jared Leto/ Fight Club/ Brad Pitt/ Jennifer Aniston.
That's tenuous right? Or did I use it the wrong way? Who knows anymore.

hothotheat said...

Jennifer Garner, premier of Dallas Buyers Club was a few days ago. I don't know of any other actress that she was sharing the red carpet with though. Annabelle Wallis of The Tudors was there but I think she's too young to be nemesis. The Garner-Afflecks have been married a long time.

Bri said...

ENTY- you are like the trolls! Look what you are doing to your message boards. A HOT DAMN MESS! Clean it up!

Thank you, XOXOXO

Topper Madison said...

Where oh where is VIP to make sense of this for us?

jane3113 said...

Sophia Bush was cast in Terminator whatever but then recast with Claire Danes. Sophia Bush is, to me, the very definition of a C list actress trying to climb the fame ladder. Silverstone and Ryder were huge stars in the 90s.

None of the other clues fit, though. It just seems that Danes is "No Clue" to me.

Enty may not like naming his blinds but it sure makes them a lot easier to read.

Lily said...

All of these are disappointing. Wtf!

Lily said...

All of these are disappointing. Wtf!

Anonymous said...

I definitely like the Claire Danes/Emmy Rossum guess (both dated Adam Duritz). Ex boyfriend was Billy Crudup (serial cheater). The only thing I'm questioning is the 'big role,' because Emmy was ten years old when Romeo & Juliet came out.
But MAYBE she's talking about the movie Stardust, where Claire Danes literally played a 'star' from the sky. I could see that being a role Emmy Rossum would think she should get.

PS said...

Kate Backinsale? I think Claire Danes is A list tv, at least. Kate actually had some tv miniseries and movies at her start. Maybe Emmy Rossum hit on Michael Sheen? And, she dated Durtiz like Anniston...

jane3113 said...

Gytrash - I like it. "Made her a star" being the literal interpretation and not the fame making meaning. Emmy has a gap in her resume around that time, too. It's a strecth but if someone finds a pic of those two on the red carpet, I'm sold!

jane3113 said...

Hey Look what was posted from the Showtime party on 8/3/2011!

Steven Flores said...

This is Emily Rossum and Claire Danes for sure. Way back when Emily was on the "cusp" of being big movie star but a couple of bombs ended that. Remember the rumor that William Macy , her costar on Shamesless, called her out for being a bitch on the set? The word Emily is a big time diva and probably blames Claire Danes for taking her would be A- /B+ career from her.

jane3113 said...

It seems crazy because Stardust was a bomb. But if you're a vindictive person, it wouldn't matter.

Russell said...

If No Clue's husband is an actor, that rules out Paltrow.

I like the Danes/Rossum guess.

Sherry said...

I must politely disagree with you Jane3113. No name you could ever use would make this incomprehensible mess any better or easier to read.

jane3113 said...

True but reading the Almost a-lister and the C lister with b list name recognition is tougher for me to decode than No Clue and Nemesis. It's all still a huge mess, though.

audrey said...

I still think one of our Enties is indeed Mr Casablanca. The blinds of late have become a muddle of on run sentences that need flow charts to keep everyone on track. All that is missing is the stupid cutesy nicknames and I think we are close to getting those every day with all these lame clues and half reveals.

Shark Week said...

Geez... why not throw the fucking towel already, "Enty"?

OKay said...

I would LOVE for Ted C. to be an Enty! I miss him. If we start seeing the word "tres" a lot, we'll know for sure. LOL

CanadianMiss said...

Katherine Heigl and T.R. Knight?
Genders have been fudged.

Gypsytrill said...

If he keeps this up (or whoever is "he" these days) I am outta here. Between the annoying ads and the items with bad grammar, these "almost reveals" are too much trouble to even read. Bah humbug!

Unknown said...

Chill out! He gave another hint about On Demand, I still just have no idea who this is. Clearly, complaining about almost reveals doesn't stop them so save your blood pressure and just relax.

delete account said...

Somebody find Ted C so we can sick him on Enty and stop these awful "almost reveals!"
"Almost reveals" are like "almost pregnant," "almost had sex," "almost ate," "almost drunk," "almost high," "almost hungry," et al... Do you see my point, I "almost" have a point, but dont!
Anticlimactic, thats what these almost reveals are.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deryn said...

LOOK, YOU COMPLAINY COMPLAINERS: No one is buying your "wahhh, this is too boring/incomplete/incomprehensible/unEntylike and this site is not like it used to be and if it doesn't shape up Imma not come here anymore AND I MEAN IT" whines. Especially when they're repeated over and over and over and over and over again. Obvs you ARE still coming here. So - either leave, or get over it, willya? You're peeing on everyone else's good time, and getting in the way of the commenters who kind of dig attempting to figure out what in the hell Enty's trying to say now. Thank you. Love, Me

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

I just couldn't even bother reading all of this. Barf

D Brown said...

Jennifer Aniston "dated" Gerard Butler who "dated" Ashley Greene.

Eros said...

Lmao! Yup couldnt have said. Hilarious to read your comment as the first btw because that is exactly what i was thinking: WTF??!

Eros said...

I really like your guess.

Gayeld said...

That was awesome.

crila16 said...
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crila16 said...

Can't be Gwyneth.

Gwyneth – Never started on TV
Gwyneth – Not married to an actor. She's married to Chris Martin.

ecua said...

No Clue-Megan Fox
Ex BF-Shia LaDouche


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