Monday, April 03, 2017

Blind Item #3

That break between the B+ list actress beard and her A list athlete guy she calls her boyfriend is getting longer. Looks like things might be permanent between the pair.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Olivia Munn-Aaron Rogers

  2. Hot Farts12:39 AM

    P A T H E T I C PAIR

  3. Sd auntie1:20 AM

    Was wondering why they have not been photographed lately. Maybe he will come out soon? Athletes are so insecure especially in the locker room.

  4. castinggirl3:07 AM

    Did I miss the true story of why he estranged from fam? If she is a beard, the story about it being her fault can't be true...Are they homophobic family???

  5. Honestly Olivia Munn does not need Aaron Rodgers anymore she got what she wanted a higher profile and publicity in Hollywood. Olivia is straight and I sense she is tired of being Aaron beard. They both are banging men on the side. Blind Gossip beat Enty with a blind last week about Rodgers. Aaron had sex with a male escort this year and the guy recorded it. Aaron paid the male hustler $20,000 to keep his mouth shut. But the guy has a second copy. Olivia move on be with a straight guy nobody is buying your fake relationship with a closeted gay man. As for Aaron I am disappointed in him he can be a hero to LGBT community yet he chooses not to.

  6. Yes the Rodgers family are homophobic that is the reason Aaron no longer talks to them. But Aaron brothers Luke and Jordan are users thru have both used Aaron fame to get publicity and media attention. Jordan never would of been cast on the Bachelor if he was not Aaron Rodgers brother. The odd thing Enty ignores if you google Kevin Lanflisi the ex boyfriend of Rodgers he is seen in photographs with​ Aaron two brothers. The brothers know Aaron is gay they met Kevin. As for Aaron parents the father is a Republican and I read online he is homophobic. Guessing Darla the mom is homophobic too.

  7. CrashC5:34 AM

    It's the complete opposite. When he was dating KL, you would always see him with the family (to include mom and dad) sitting right next to each other. I heard his family wants him to "come out" and be happy (they know Munn is an opportunist and such a horrible actress that SHE can't even convince people he is straight while getting paid for it and only makes it worse by the stupid idiotic replies she gives during interviews when he's brought up. Which begs me to believe Andy might be right. She's about had it or is putting his PR team in a very bad position). However, his PR people won't let him (and he doesn't want to), so he's privately miserable. His falling out with KL (and his fake relationship with Munn), stemmed from KL about to "out" him so they won't have to hide anymore. This was during the Kerry Rhoades fiasco when KL was sending cryptic posts online (and based on KL's relationship with him and the entire Rodgers family, there would not have been no doubt in its validity). On top of that, he paid KL off and told his family KL asked for money to keep quiet (which he never did, but it had got the family upset because they loved KL, but they found out the truth later). Munn knows he's in the twilight of his career (and money will be dwindling) and won't get pregnant or married unless there is a ridiculous payday in it for her (retirement money, which, even by "beards standards" the amount is delusional). She feels she can still make a lot more money bearding for another 5-7 years with different celebs and don't want to settle down.

  8. Luke Rodgers is a trump supporter and a Republican. Jordan Rodgers has made homophobic comments in the press. The family knows Aaron Rodgers is gay I believe that. The father according to Datalounge is a homophobe. I do agree though the family does not like Olivia Munn she seems to have power over Rodgers. I wish Aaron would just come out as a gay man. No point in hiding being gay anymore.

  9. CheeseFries4:19 PM

    From what I've heard his family is ok with him being gay, it's more about the opportunistic people around him manipulating and using him for personal gain. They've driven a wedge because it profits them. A lot of bad people in his ear including Munn. Hard to speculate what's really going on though. I think he's a very confused and unhappy person. Doubt we'll ever see him come out.

  10. Lauren3:32 AM

    Believe it or not there are republicans who are ok with people being gay. There are even gay republicans. Weird but true.



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