Friday, April 07, 2017

Your Turn

Did you buy or bring your lunch to school?


Just4Fun said...

Usually we brought it, but if the entree of the day was something we liked, like pizza or sloppy joes or hamburgers, we bought it as a treat. Turns out, money was a little bit tight.

sandybrook said...

I walked home in JHS and ate there. In HS I bought, in grade school I ate in the cafeteria everyday but sometimes I brought it and sometimes I didn't.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...


I'd also flash the thong I wore under my uniform to get my butch classmate, Sonja Van De Weghe, to buy me a Slim Jim

WickedBee said...

My parents were crazy hippies so made us bring healthy food.
Pitas with sprouts, hummus (before it was cool) and sometimes these weird teff cube things my mom would make to be like "chicken nuggets". Right...

Yes, I got made fun of. A lot.

Uhh... said...

Did you just out her?

Also did anyone else just look up that name on Facebook? No, just me? Ok.

SarahS said...

It's weird how much I can't remember. I think I brought my lunch? I have no idea who made my lunch, but I would assume I made it myself? I think I bought my lunch a lot in high school because I began working at 14 and paid for my own tuition and any non-essentials that I wanted.

BadgeBunny said...

My mom made the exact same lunch for me and my dad. That means my lunch consisted of a sandwich with various Italian cold cuts and sliced banana wax peppers. Oh, and an apple.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

Did I out Sonja? She outed herself in 8th grade when she told Sister Constance Marie that she was the one who bought Michelle Designore a strap-on for her Secret Santa gift.

8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob said...

I ate at home. Our schedule was 9:30?-13 & 15:30-17, and I did not need to eat anything in between, because I am not a fat American.

James said...

I did both mystery meat Monday *shudder*

Velvet Elvis said...

Bought. My mom had 5 kids and was not about to make lunches. Anywho, lunch was $.25. In high school, we could leave campus to eat. Yeah, I'm an old.

Cherry said...

In grade school I brought my lunch or went home for chicken noodle soup. Except for once a month when we had hot dog day. My grade school did not have a cafeteria. We ate in the gym at the tables that pulled down. In JHS and HS ate in the cafeteria.

Eh?? said...

No, you're just a loser.

Cookies said...

We had to make our own lunches from the age of four, so it was mainly peanut butter or Vegemite sandwiches. On a special occasion we might have had a lunch order or have money to buy a treat from the tuckshop.

Even in HS I mainly took lunch. My parents didn't have a lot of money and I'd rather save my pocket money.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

In America, cafeteria lunch (and when my mother asked me whether I asked the lunch lady for white or chocolate milk after school, I'd always lied at told her and say I asked for the one that's better for my teeth). In Southeast Asia and Holland, bought.

I can't stand eating food that's been put in a plastic container for that long (I can't stand the smell—makes me really nauseous, recently went bonkers when I found out Starbucks was selling a glass tumbler and bought one for myself before they sold out).

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I've never had Vegemite before... And yet I've heard so many things about it.

OKay said...

Everybody brought their lunch or went home for public school and junior high. We had a cafeteria in high school but I usually brought my lunch except on turkey sandwich and fries for $2.00. I am so old.

Hortensia said...

I'm from the olden days when the lunch ladies actually cooked the lunch from scratch. Friday was my favorite: tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Sd auntie said...

And a jerk

Cookies said...

It's disgusting, I can't eat it now!

fogcitykitty said...

Through elementary school, I brought every day except Friday (pizza!). In high school, my mother got very ill right after freshman year, and died mid junior year, so most days I bought lunch. I got 5 bucks as my per diem.

david said...

I grew up poor.
I had to brown bagged my lunch -- which was usually a single slice of bologna with two slices of day old bread and some bad tasting mayonnaise with a bruised apple.

Jennifer said...

Neither. I just stole Dee's lunch.

Bubbles said...

It amazes me what crap passes for a nutritious meal in American public schools. No wonder so many kids grow up the have the most hideous eating habits.

My mother started making my lunches and I was so lucky that I knew what quality was. When I was in 1st grade and psyched about eating in the cafeteria like the big kids, I wanted to eat the schools lunch to feel grown but that didn't last long. That spaghetti concoction smelled like "Janitor in a Drum". Those of you of a certain age will get that reference. When my mother wasn't making me ham, turkey or roast beef subs and sandwiches for lunch, she was sending me to school with leftovers. Pork chops, bbq chicken, ribs, meatloaf. Tis why I am a food today.


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