Saturday, December 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 23, 2017

This permanent A list singer should look no further than the guy closest to her in her life for what went missing. He is always complaining she doesn't give him or pay him enough so he took matters into his own hands.

Mariah Carey


Do Tell said...

Well, the sex better be damn good.

Unknown said...

Damn good and several times a week.

Snit said...

Money be damned, he's got to be better than James Packer.

Unknown said...

So Bryan Tanaka stopped having sex with her till she gave him more money?

Rosie riveter said...

Mariah doesnt have sex so much as she orchestrates a whole dramatic scene

sandybrook said...

She's probably so plastered by time she's ready, she either just lays there in a stupor while he screws her or passes out.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Does nobody genuinely care about her apart from what they can take from her?

Cinabun said...

+2 and then some!


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