Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blind Item #3

Speaking of singers, this A list singer, who is probably headed towards permanent A list status soon is in real danger of getting dropped by her record company. Despite her popularity, no one is buying her records. Her most recent one was a bomb. She spent way too much time partying and traveling the globe and the results show it. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I mean there was literally a bbc article yesterday quoting sources at Katy Perry's label about how poorly her last l.p. is doing.

  3. Could be Gaga too. IMO, she closer to perm A than Katy and her last album didn't sell as well

    1. Her last record was nominated for 2 Grammy's

    2. Her last record was nominated for 2 Grammy's

  4. Yes, "Woke" Katy isn't clicking to much

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Dumbass celebrities. If I’m a talent manager my advice to my clients is stay the fuck away from politics.

  5. Anonymous7:13 AM

    My very first comment just to say she is a mess.
    There I said it.
    Kisses from France you truth tellers !

  6. There is a story she is having g trouble with American Idol as well.

    1. I'd love to read it! Got a link? My little girl is Luke Bryan obsessed. And she is not liking the AI thing very much.

  7. I think it is Katy, too, although I hesitate to call her Perm A List.

  8. I hope it's Gaga, who seems more damaging to the culture than Katy Perry, and who I would call closer to perm A-list than Katy, especially with a Bradley Cooper movie in the making. But close-cropped dye-job KP singing about cannibalism is off-putting on many different levels. She's gone from quirky to creepy.

  9. I am also on this Katy train. IMO she appeals to a wider audience and Gaga can sometimes turn a lot of people off, not that Katy can't too, she is just someone easier to like/understand.

  10. Katie may need to go back to kissing girls (and liking it)...

  11. Gaga’s last cd was decent but confusing for her fans. People that liked her Pokerface hits, she’s not making superficial music like that at this point. If she’s going to be a hit maker she needs to dumb it down and stick to the formula.

  12. Enty usually references Gaga's acting when it's her. If it's Katy Perry hopefully she can bounce back.

  13. when I read the first 25% of this BL, I immediately thought Lana Del Rey.
    Nobody else?

  14. Take a page out of Taylor's playbook and keep your politics to yourself. Shutting up is free.

    1. Haha shutting up is free. Stealing it!

  15. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I think it's Katy. I wonder if the issue is that Capitol records is lacking rights to her ticket sales and merchendise and public appearances (i.e. lacking a 360 deal). And yes, being super political is a great way to lose half of your potential paying customers as an entertainer. I mean, you may sleep better at night, just in a much smaller mansion.

  16. "Take a page out of Taylor's playbook and keep your politics to yourself. Shutting up is free"

    You're just a butthurt Repug who wants her to shut up because her politics are different than yours. You didn't attack Scott Baio for speaking at the Republican convention.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      What the fuck is a repug. A born again pug? You’re trying too hard.

      Open your mouth about politics you lose half the market share. You have

  17. Katy’s politics wouldn’t matter if her last album wasn’t trash

  18. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Not Gaga, her last album certified platinum in the US and has done well everywhere but France. Her tour might be lagging, but her record sales are not in a place where she'd get dropped.

    Perry's album hasn't certified, but she had a 10x platinum single with Roar, 4x with One That Got Away, 1 million with Rise, and gold on the other two. This is not label dropping numbers. She's not selling as much as she used to, but she's selling plenty. And she's touring, which her label gets a piece of.

    Now Miley...She's got a stack of platinums in the past, but the new album hasn't certified for gold, and she has one 1 million (Platinum) single for Malibu, isn't releasing more singles from the new one, and isn't going to tour for it. That can't make her label happy, as they get a percentage of her ticket sales. She had a two year break before this one, too, and has been in the tabloids constantly partying around the globe, despite her new "wholesome" image. Her last album to go platinum was Bangerz, in 2014, at 1 million. She's on the Voice, is engaged to Helmsworth, and that alone would make her perm A list. She's more famous for being famous, than she is selling records.

    Compared to Perry and Gaga, Miley isn't selling shit. I'm going with Miley.

    I'd consider Madonna perm A list already, so I'm not considering her. I don't have a good feel for A list and singers, can I drill down to singers like Shakira? Is she A list, soon to be perm?

  19. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Oh, and I would not consider Perry's or Gaga's latest "bombs". They've done well, considering the market these days.

    If we're considering Madonna, her last album only sold 3k. That's the live album. The album for that tour, Rebel Heart, only sold 230k. She hasn't had a hit since leaving the US. Her last certified album was a gold, in 2012.

    Clear up A list for me. If Madonna isn't perm A list already, I'm going with her, over Miley.

  20. Madonna is permanent A list, without question.
    The author of this blog, in the past, has not considered Gaga A list.

  21. Hey there! Long time reader, first time commenter.. doesn't it sound like this would fit Rihanna?

  22. It ain't Madonna. She's as permanent A list as you can get. Plus her deal is a 360 deal that mainly focuses on touring, which is where the real money is.

    Don't think it's Gaga, because because she's usually "former A now A-/B+ singer". Plus "Joanne" didn't do as badly as some other recent releases, and I think she's already recording a new album.

    Katy's not a bad guess but I don't see her as headed towards permanent A list status yet. Same with Miley. Of the two, though, I think Miley's was the bigger bomb, and Miley has a smaller body of actual hits. But isn't Miley usually "former A= tweener turns A-/B+ singer"?

    I would think Mariah is permanent A list by now, but if not, maybe her? Last album did dismally, parties around the world, and her current company, if I'm not mistaken, is not one where she's gotten a lot of big hits (unlike Katy and Capitol).

  23. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Rhianna's last album did very well, and she's considered one of the top selling female artists of all time. Doesn't fit her at all.

    BTW, Perry is also on the list of top selling artists, too. She's a monster, when it comes to record sales, she's over 100 million worldwide.

    Gaga is also one of the best selling artists of all time, and Joanna is nowhere near bomb territory. Not even close. She also hasn't spent the last couple of years partying, she was on TV working, since her last album.

    The only recent album by an A lister that hasn't done well is Miley, if you discount Madonna. Key word here, "bomb". None of the artists mentioned have bomb region albums, except Miley.

  24. Whoops...just read the prior blind...Mariah's definitely permanent A list so she's out.

  25. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I would consider Mariah perm A list already. If not, she's a good guess, her sales fell off a cliff in 2009, and she hasn't done much since. What would be causing her transition to perm A list, if she isn't there already?

  26. Politics does matter even if you are selling records look at The Dixie Chicks their career was ruined for speaking against Bush.

  27. Of course talking politics matters! You don't get to speak your mind and then demand everyone shut up about it. This is America where there are consequences to your actions. Jesus. Go look at Michael Jordan. Who gives a crap if he speaks about this or that? And if you do, good for you!! Unlike a 4 year old, if you start yapping, you best be prepared for blow back. It's not tough to comprehend.

    1. Exactly what I said about Paula Deen whining a few years ago.
      Live by the public, die by the public.
      There are plenty of people in the entertainment industry who don’t publicly air their every thought.

  28. It wasn't just the politics that took down the Dixie Chicks. They broke with their amazing team of songwriters and producers and only recorded their own "ideas". Big mistake. They were supported by some of the most talented people in country music and they jettisoned them.

    Also, there are three of them. All three of them were married and having babies at the same time. They lived in different parts of Texas, too, and sometimes LA for Natalie Maines. The Dixie Chicks functioned best when they were all single, all touring together constantly and committed to nothing more than their band. Life happens and they seem to have drifted apart.

  29. Katy Perry’s last album flopped but she’s sold so many records she’d get another chance before dropping her, they’d just make her go back to her old formula.

    Maybe Nicki Minaj? No hits lately and her solo project keeps getting delayed. I don’t know if she counts as almost permanent a list however.

  30. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Katy's last album did NOT "flop". It's sold 800k copies so far, and is on it's way to platinum in the US. That is not a flop by any stretch of the imagination. Flop would be failing to certify even gold.

  31. I just went to Katy's concert on Sunday night. Such a fun show! Only played 1 night in a big city but the stadium was filled.

  32. It will be very interesting to observe what happens to Katy career-wise over the next year or two...

    It just blows my mind the amount of coke these sigers do and still manage to function

  33. I’m on the Katy Perry vote bandwagon also. Her last album sucked! And since she’s chopped all her hair off she’s become.. dare I say, boring.

  34. definitely gaga
    Joanne = total bomb, & honestly Artpop was a bomb as well, first album of hers to flounder.

    she travels and wears her fashions but doesnt bring in $ or make hits.

  35. katy perry wouldnt be 'near permanent A list' even tho everyone knows who she is. I remember gaga used to be called 'the biggest pop star on the planet' in a much bigger than taylor swift or katy perry sort of way. 2008-2012 gaga owned. artpop killed her consistency w/hits.

  36. Meghan Trainor

  37. i'm guessing it's probably katy, but i can see it being miley. honestly, it could apply to rihanna too but i think ANTI sold well. i just know she doesn't put much effort into live performances recently, and kinda just wants to live her best life. i love her but it's true



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