Friday, January 19, 2018

Blind Item #5

I wondered what this A list everything in her mind actress/singer would do the first time she caught her former A list boyfriend cheating on her and not just rumors of him cheating. She did nothing. She got mad for a day and then acted as if nothing had happened. 


MontanaMarriott said...

Jlo and A Rod?

Jimbonius said...

IMO, if they're not mad as a hornet it's because the relationship is a business arrangement, or they're guilty of doing the same thing.

fustian said...

Jimbonius: "if they're not mad as a hornet it's because the relationship is a business arrangement, or they're guilty of doing the same thing"

If you're a woman that goes for celebrity men who are players, they have to know that this just goes with the territory. I think they expect this behavior, and will look the other way if they can.

Samantha Willow said...

Exactly, @fustian. That's why I never date performers or athletes.

timebob said...

I think Jennifer is more interested in staying relevant than fidelity.

IanPhlegming said...

Wasn't there a blind from a couple years ago that A-Rod was in love with a transsexual? Whatever happened with that?

Anonymous said...

Cameron decided she wanted to be female after all

longtimereader said...

It's like dating affleck then complaing that he cheats , oh wait...

americanpanda said...

those two are meant for each other.
She can't be alone she needs a body by her side always.

Brayson87 said...

She knew all along, they usually do.

Kate said...


Mstyles said...

Just a desperate middle age attention whore.

Kikibunny said...

When a woman gets mad for a day and then acts like nothing happened she is usually either busy looking for a replacement or emptying the bank accounts and plotting her revenge...or both.

Fifi LaRue said...

They look so good together!

texasrose said...

Jlo has consistently been described here as "this A list everything in her mind actress/singer". I mean every damn time. Why even make this a blind??

Freckles said...

Well we know her priorities, so not surprised. She probably told him to be more discreet. Oh, Jlo

Scandi Sanskrit said...
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Scandi Sanskrit said...

That's how my mother behaved when she was planning to leave my father (she's usually angry all the time, but she appeased him until it was finally time to pack up and move).

Sd Auntie said...

Jlo wants Ben..nobody else


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