Friday, January 19, 2018

Four For Friday - It's About "Time" - A Himmmm Blind Item

Tick tock, tick tock.  That clock is ticking loudly as a chain of events and a metaphorical deal with the devil can bring down this entire media corporation and their now-struggling studio within the coming year. This one has been a long time coming, and is thankfully about to come to an end for the perpetrators of some of the modern entertainment industry's worst long-time institutional abuses of underage actresses.  For many of the long-time CDAN regulars this one won't be a shock, although the details might.  Many people in Hollywood and out have been waiting to see when this Producer at this cable network is going to be called out, publicly accused, or charged for his many years of abuse behind the scenes.  Many have wondered why - with so many others being brought down - he's managed to escape almost unscathed? It's because of his Protector.  His Protector is the mega-wealthy big boss of the studio and corporate parent, and he wields a lot of power over many types of media, in both Hollywood and New York.  Many years ago the Producer got himself in serious trouble over his perverted abuses of several of his actresses.  Not just those he abused himself, but those he encouraged his writers, directors, and co-producers to sexually abuse.  This was not a one-time thing, but an ongoing constant pattern which led those actresses to drugs, self-destruction, self-abuse, mutilation, destroyed dreams, wasted careers, damaged families, and even insanity.  Made more disgusting by the complicity and apathy of the parents, "momagers", and guardians who just wanted fame and money.  All so that some jolly perverts could get their rocks off living out their sick unfulfilled tweenage dreams.  At that time, the Protector still had most of his marbles and was going to live forever.  Many believe he still may, although he's now alive in name only and the flames are lapping at his legs daily.  Back then he still had his iron grip on his business and he's never been afraid to sue, threaten, harass, or destroy others as his favorite sport. 

Back when the abuses emerged as whispers at the corporation, the executives and The Protector sat down with his corporate bean counters and realized the massive cash cow this Producer was for them.  Huge. Very huge and big in every way. In fact, probably one of the three biggest revenue generators in the corporate parent's entire history (especially in the coveted target demographic for ads, merch, and licensing).  When that much is at stake, they don't want to rock the boat or kill the golden goose (Or cow. Or even a giant pig.).  Anyway, on the other hand? It is a public corporation, and that means things can get leaked and revealed just through statements and financial reports.  What then evolved was a corporate game of chess that nobody could imagine.

The Producer was no dummy, so he personally hired investigators to provide ammo for his case.  He then hired top financial experts to lay out the revenue he and his cronies represented to the corporation both in the past and in future revenues.  So when the Protector summoned him? The Producer showed the Protector a huge financial report to validate his power and worth to the bottom line.  Then he showed a massive dossier of files going back 50 years of the powerful Protector's own misdeeds.  From New York, to Hollywood, to Boston, to London - a trail of abuses, perversions, thefts from his company, abuse, stealing from his own family, and even outright felonies.  By the time he got down the list to mention offshore banking, the Protector knew he'd met someone on his level.  Thus the two twisted men forged a strategy and agreement to protect each other and the corporation. 

The Producer surrendered his very expensive background report - and the Protector agreed to make all those "pesky" abuse whispers go away.  They also agreed to blame another big corporate executive within the corporation if anything ever did leak out and set him up as a fall guy.  The Protector even targeted one of his corporate underlings to shoulder the blame too, so he could claim ignorance.  None of this was simple, instant, and was NOT cheap or easy.  But the perverted Producer was smart enough to have limited potential witnesses by keeping his rapes/abuses down to he said/she said.  And for more than a decade in the pre-Cosby & pre-Harvey days a reporter, lawyer, or cop wouldn't accuse in such instances without hard proof. 

Parents were paid off in huge amounts.  As in "never have to work again ever" amounts that cover cars, college tuition, homes and all they want for now.  The parents and managers who "played ball" and went along with it? They were well rewarded.  Not just with big payoffs, but production deals, television shows, feature films, even music careers.  Many of the adults were even bribed with corporate stock.  The victims were told they "had no choice" and had to accept the deals, or they themselves could get in trouble.  So all that those actresses and their people had to do? Keep quiet, keep smiling and doing photo ops, and support the brands/shows/projects with positive PR.  The best part for the Producer & Protector? They managed to make even more money off of even those cover-up deals by making new shows starring once-unknown backing players who had been abused. Like two shows that starred the same actress  And on, and on, it went.  Leaving a trail of money and destroyed lives in their wake. 

Some of the young girls were just in their tweens when sexually abused and raped by the Producer or his team members.  One very damaged victim says she was even a virgin when the Producer went from hugging her in her trailer, to physically laying on her and forcing himself in her.  She turned to alcohol, drugs, running away, and anything that would allow her to numb the pain as her parents refused to give her money to live and refused to let her quit the business.  Eventually it became too much for her, and she had an epic meltdown.  Some of the victims were so exasperated by parents, managers, and even tutors refusing to believe or help them that they did quit the business altogether.  Still others tipped off gossip bloggers, industry insiders, online Reddit threads, anonymous Myspace chats, and anyone they could find just to try and warn others and get the story out there any way they could.  It worked to a small degree at least as people began to whisper.  Meanwhile, the Protector still enjoyed his own perversions with barely-legal escorts and their escort mothers; escorts who were paid by trading sex for production deals at the studio; actresses who skipped over the casting couches and went straight to his house to trade sex for jobs on his TV shows; and yacht girls whom he moved into his houses as his girlfriends/sugar babies.  All the while the Producer continued his abuses/crimes and even got bold enough to allude to them in his own shows.

As the years passed by, however, times changed.  Victims become emboldened and struggled to find a voice, and old people get older/sicker and lose their last few marbles.  Some even die and pass on. Those "girlfriends" of the Protector get greedy and sue for inclusion in the will.  Family members get scorned, disinherited, and others fight and claw to be named as the New Boss, as this one has. Which brings us to the present day, and the earth now quaking beneath the feet of the corporation/studio/network, the Protector...and definitely the Producer.  Several of the victims have begun to talk to lawyers who smell blood in the water.  The big Executive fall guy? He passed away.  They wanted to blame it all on him, since he's dead and can't defend himself.  Only two big problems: 1. In a major corporate shuffle in the past year or two, several executives/board members got pushed out and they want revenge badly against the corporation and against the Protector. 2. One of the biggest victims of the Producer has a LOT of proof against him.  Irrefutable proof that can bring the whole house down on them all.

The movie studio owned by the corporation is not doing well, and many in the industry have been reluctant to set up projects there because they're not sure if they'll ever get made.  Meanwhile, the corporations networks are also falling into trouble.  So even if everything behind the scenes were fine? It would still be a tough time there.  So if a major scandal were to hit the offices, studio lots, and networks? It would trigger a domino effect that will send shareholders running and talent fleeing.   

Because, you see #TimesUp is not just a movement, meme, or hashtag.  It's literally a thing.  Because time IS up for intimidation and silence of those victims.  One is no longer a girl, and is now a woman.  She's explored criminal charges, jurisdictions, statutes of limitations and exceptions to those.  She's livid at her parents for their complicity, and wants revenge AND a bigger payday through a lawsuit for the career and life that was stolen from her - but only AFTER she makes it all public.  So the time is up on the agreement her parents made, which doesn't apply to her now - as an adult.  She lawyered up and they've hired investigators, forensic accountants, analysts, and a security outfit of global repute who has even worked for government intelligence operations.  She's very serious about this - as are the other victims who endured similar abuse and complicity from parents, guardians, and managers.  Several have engaged the services of the same law firm who employ experts in the field of crimes against children with the feds. 

Also involved are the disgruntled former executives.  So much so that they've turned to the Protector's all-time arch-nemesis who is known by ALL and is the owner of a massive conglomerate stretching throughout the world to guarantee they'll get the coverage they need to air their accusations.  They also are getting friendly lawyers to protect them when they back the claims of the abuse victims (which otherwise could incriminate them for prior knowledge - but now indemnifies them since they are cooperating with the victims).  Everyone is pursuing this all before the Protector finally dies.  Then the studio and their assets (including a valuable back catalog/library of titles) can get gobbled up by another competitor.  In fact, as I write this I know several news outlets at work on stories about abuses at other branches of the corporation, and executives there.  So don't put too much faith in some strange movements and shuffling going on at the corporation/studio/networks - because it is just them setting up for future damage control and the scapegoating that is sure to come.  Don't think for a second that every day the New Boss of the corporation wakes up that the boss is not wondering if this is THE day that their time runs out.  The new boss is no dummy either, and knows #TimesUp for the metaphorical deal the corporation made with the devil all those years ago. Tick tock, tick tock.     
The Protector
The Corporation
The Producer
The Network
The Other Network in trouble
Deceased Ex-Executive
Victim 1
Victim 2
Victim 3
Victim 4
New Boss
Payoff Shows


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Alexandria said...

Schneider and Nickelodeon?

Alexandria said...

..Or else Disney and Ortega?

sandybrook said...

Dan Schneider Nickelodeon, Paramount,

Moose said...

Summer Redstone (Viacom) the protector?

sandybrook said...

Disney as the arch nemesis

sandybrook said...

Barry Diller has to fit in here somewhere..

Moose said...

Viacom owns Paramount Studios (the studio not doing well).

Moose said...

Yes, Sandybrook - Redstone and Diller were long time nemeses some years ago.

pwal said...

Protector: Sumner Redstone
Producer: Dan Schneider
Network: Nickelodeon

filmfanb said...

Jim Gianopulos just joined Paramount in March

Brayson87 said...

There's a lawyer goin' 'round takin' names
And he decides who to free and who to shame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a hmmmm post reachin' down
When Enty comes around

The hairs on your arm will stand up
At the horror in each blind and each hookup
Will you partake of that last cover-up
Or disappear into the plotter's ground?
When Enty comes around

Hear the trumpers hear the metooers
One hundred million gossips singin'
Multitudes are marchin' to the big blind reveal
Voices callin', voices cryin'
Some are bored and some are lyin'
It’s just entertainment's kingdom come

"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four bloggers
And I looked, and behold a pale site
And his name written on it was Enty, and hell followed with himmmm"

Alexandria said...

That one very damaged victim who had epic meltdown could be Amanda Bynes..?

Samantha Willow said...

Nemesis: Branson?

Nawlins Jim said...

Redstone and his ex girlfriend Sydney Holland as the Protector and Escort. New Biss is Shari Redstone. Murdoch is the nemesis. Network in trouble is cbs. Ralph Baruch or Brad Grey would be the decease exec-grey could make sense since he battled Shari for control of Viacom when Sumner’s health began to fail.

Don Kieballs said...

Sydney Holland and Manuela Herzer for the gf's getting into Redstone's will

pwal said...

Deceased Exec: Brad Grey

sandybrook said...

Well since Himmmm has always been attached to the hip of HaydenP on this site, I guess she is one of the victims

Lea said...

Victims Jamie Lynn Spears (& Britney?), Amanda Byrnes, Ariana Grande (in two shows)

Sara said...

Jamie Lynn for the one with irrefutable evidence

cheesegrater15 said...

Fucking finally. I want Dan Schneider's fat fucking head on a silver platter.

cheesegrater15 said...

And for some reason I was thinking Oprah as the nemesis.

hoagiefest 2020 said...

" One is no longer a girl, and is now a woman." That's a Britney Spears lyric reference, so I'm on board with Jamie Lynn.

Thursday November said...

damn just way too long to read today, maybe will come back to it tomorrow

Samantha Willow said...

Sumner Redstone is the majority owner and chairman of the board of the National Amusements theater chain (1.5k movie theatres across the US.) Through National Amusements, Redstone and his family are majority owners of CBS Corporation and Viacom (itself the parent company of Viacom Media Networks, BET Networks, and the film studio Paramount Pictures). According to Forbes, as of September 2015, he was worth US$5 billion.
Viacom Media Networks brands are divided into three groups: BET Networks, including BET and Centric; the Music and Entertainment Group, which includes MTV, Comedy Central, Spike, TV Land, CMT, Logo and VH1; and the Nickelodeon Group, which includes Nickelodeon and its related brands. - Wikipedia

Lurky McLurkster said...

Bynes has to be the "epic meltdown"

The Woodman said...

"they don't want to rock the boat or kill the golden goose (Or cow. Or even a giant pig.)."

Clues for ????

Alexandria said...

There was a rumor that Schneider got Jamie Lynn pregnant. Is this that irrefutable proof maybe?

Anonymous said...

Jeanette McCurdy must be one of the 4.

I don't doubt that Jamie Lynn was a victim, but I've always been skeptical of the claim that Schneider is the father of her kid. Her daughter looks way too much like her ex-boyfriend (Casey Aldrige) for me to believe that rumor.

Himmmmm, can you give us a rough timeline of when you expect more to come forward? Like Summer 2018, Fall 2019, etc?

SDaly said...

If Diller is the nemesis, it's only to protect himself. Diller is at the center of a separate web of abusers that he mentored and promoted into positions of power in the industry .

Samantha Willow said...

Another option for nemesis: John Malone.

Don Kieballs said...

Also Les Moonves as one of the execs and Patti Stanger for the victim with a lot of proof? She did provide them with women, maybe to gather proof?
Michael Ogiens for dead exec?

Lurky McLurkster said...

I think Jennette McCurdy has to be one of the victims. Sam & Cat and iCarly as the shows

longtimereader said...

Dan Schneider finally! *grabs popcorn*

Moose said...

Philippe Dauman and/or George Abrams could be the former execs/board members looking for revenge. Dauman was head of Viacom till Redstone orchestrated his ouster. He is back in the good graces of the corp, but who knows about some lingering dissent. Both have litigation pending against Viacom and Redstone.

Lurky McLurkster said...

Victoria Justice probably too. Zoey 101 and Victorious as the shows. She also put out albums.

Miranda Cosgrove started on Drake & Josh before iCarly and also put out an album

VC said...

Just came here to say about damn time. Way overdue if you ask me.

Hmax17 said...

Victim 1 is Amanda Bynes and Victim 2 is Jamie Lynn Spears, the child is her irrefutable proof

Moose said...

John Malone might be a good guess for the nemesis, but he said a little while back that he and Redstone had mended all the lingering problems from the Paramount battle in the 1990s.

LizOz said...

Wow. I mean we’ve been waiting for the Schneider takedown for a while (And one of us more than the rest 😂😂) but the details continue to horrify. Agree Amanda bynes and Jamie Lynn are in the mix

Anonymous said...

Pretty fucked up no? The blind reads like the plot for “death to smoochy”

Brayson87 said...

Nickelodeon sheesh, was every part of childhood pop culture corrupted, please let Mr Wizard be clean.

Schneiderisnext said...


Dan "Jabba The Slut" SCHNEIDER

Dirty Pearl said...

Dan S is the Producer. he got Jamie Lynn Spears pregnant when she was 16. there's her proof. Time's Up assholes.

Don Kieballs said...

Nemesis (based on "time") could be Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes. There was that big blackout of CBS programming on Time Warner

Jenko said...

Murdouch for the nemesis???

ImmodestyBlaise said...

Redstone is the only one with ties to Boston. Born there and started the National Amusements theater chain there, where it's still headquartered.

T. W. said...

Her child being the evidence.

Sallysal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

GO AMANDA !!!!! I've always loved her, digusted by what happened to her, now we know why she lost her mind. Bless her precious heart.
Take that you nasty fat ass motherfuccker !

one_eyed_bob said...

Lots of YouTube vids about Schneider and such video even quotes on old Himmmm blind from CDAN

Phelps said...

Fox Entertainment for the Nemesis. They are the only ones that come to mind that can put the coverage out (since they have half the news eyeballs.)

Unknown said...

Tail. Wag. Dog. Mass entertainment is an elaborate grooming operation aimed at diverting public attention away from the real focus of the enterprise: pedophilia. Creepy. Frightening. I pledge never to be mass entertained again.

Silent H said...

Direct Brittany Spears reference in here. And Producer/Protector definitely Schneider and Redstone at Viacom.

nonyabusiness said...

About fucking time. I've been waiting on this man to be outed for so long.

Don Kieballs said...

The Producer has to be Dan Schneider, for Nickelodeon under Viacom. Bynes had 2 shows and of course Jamie-Lynn was in his show. He also has made many sexual innuendos in his shows. The teens who are trying to get him fired/arrested have a full list of clips showing his highly inappropriate scenes for kid shows.

Missy Bigbritches said...

The Protector- Sumner Redstone
The Corporation - Viacom
The Producer - Dan Schneider
The Network - Nickelodeon
The Other Network in trouble - IHeartMedia
Deceased Ex-Executive - Brad Grey
Nemesis - John Malone
Victim 1 - Amanda Bynes
Victim 2 - Jamie Lyn Spears
Victim 3 - Selena Gomez
Victim 4 - Demi Lovato
Escort - Sydney Holland
New Boss - Robert Bakish
Payoff Shows - "The Amanda Show," "Zoey 101," "Wizards of Waverly Place"

SkittleKitty said...

Yep--immediately thought of Redstone and Schneider. About time.

Boldblonde said...

Fat Fuck!

jessorella said...

Rupert Murdoch for the nemesis. He’s faaaaar from being an angel himself, but God, let’s get the ball rolling on Schneider and get some justice for these young men and women.

usernametaken said...

I cut my cable years ago after reading all about Dan Schneider. No way in hell was I letting my kids watch Nickelodeon...

Marla Hooch said...

Jaime Lynn’s daughter looks exactly like Casey Aldridge. Maybe Bynes kept a receipt from the abortion

Unknown said...

Please be Schneider. We've been after this guy for MONTHS on our show Revenge Of The Cis! He is our great, white whale. No pun intended.

Scotty B said...

Thank you Missy Bigbritches. Much gratitude.

Don Kieballs said...

I'm reconsidering my guess for escort to be Diane Jenkins

GoogleSleuth said...

Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and “Wizards of Waverly Place” were all associated with Disney, so it can’t be them. I like your other guesses though!

nancer said...

the only one i know for sure is summer redstone. i've read a lot about him---vanity fair has done some excellent stories on him---and the protector is him. very nasty story there, and that's without THESE details. worth reading about.

Unknown said...

She’s the one who came to mind for the melt down to me too.

A dumb idiot said...

Regarding corporate shakeups:

OffWithTheirHeads said...

Lmao Nickelodeon, you're all gonna die.

IanPhlegming said...

Protector- Sumner Redstone
Corporation - Viacom
Producer - Dan Schneider
Network - Nickelodeon
Other Network in Trouble - IHeartMedia
Deceased Ex-Executive - Brad Grey
Nemesis - Rupert Murdoch (John Malone is not "known by ALL")
Victim 1 - Amanda Bynes
Victim 2 - Jamie Lynn Spears
Victim 3 - Jeannette McCurdy
Victim 4 - Victoria Justice
Escort - Sydney Holland
New Boss - Robert Bakish
Payoff Shows - From "iCarly" to "Sam and Cat." From "Zoey 101" to "Victorious."

Lots of creative hints here: "The flames are lapping at his legs daily," is a reference to Redstone barely escaping a hotel fire in his youth, which left his hand horrifically burned; "Cow or fat pig" refers to Schneider.

This can't happen soon enough. Dan Scheinder has destroyed so many souls, he must be stopped. But there is a huge network of enablers and co-rapists who need to go down with him.

Kate said...

Brit had an epic meltdown too! Started at Disney!

Kate said...

I applaud you

Lurky McLurkster said...

@OffWithTheirHeads unless Mr Krabs is assaulting Sandy, I think Nick will survive

Don Kieballs said...

I still think Sydney Holland is one of the "girlfriends" of the Protector get greedy and sue for inclusion in the will, not the escort. I am set on that being Diane Jenkins

Velobwoy said...

I have a question. What will it take for a fucker like Dan Schneider to end up in jail? Not just disgraced, in some pedo haven in Thailand or something, but actual prison?

Fann8& said...

Same, he needs to be taken down.

Anonymous said...

Agreed @Marla Hooch.

In addition to her daughter's striking resemblance to her ex, it seems Jamie actually wanted to carry the baby to term. If there was a chance that the baby was Dan's, I'm sure they would've had her aborted ASAP. Why would Nick let her give birth knowing that 1) it was going to end a cash cow, and 2) that it could be the father of Dan's, which could lead to scandal later on? Keep in mind that they had no intention of ending Zoey 101 until her pregnancy had come to light. Which tells me that the had the child with her boyfriend at the time. I believe most of the other Schneider rumors, but this is the one I have always thought was BS.

LLGator said...

The Protector- Sumner Redstone
The Corporation- Viacom
The Producer- Dan Schneider
The Network- Nickelodeon
The Other Network in trouble- MTV
Deceased Ex-Executive- Brad Grey
Nemesis- Rupert Murdoch
Victim 1- Amanda Bynes
Victim 2- Jamie Lynn Spears
Victim 3- Jeanette McCurdy
Victim 4- Ariana Grande
Escort- unknown
New Boss- Shari Redstone
Payoff Shows- The Amanda Show (Bynes), What I like about you (Bynes), Sam & Cat (Grande,McCurdy), Eye Candy (Justice), Zoey 101 (Cosgrove, Spears), ICarly (Justice, Grande, Cosgrove), Victorious (Justice)

Unknown said...

@Velobwoy, it will take victims willing to come forward, evidence that will convince juries, and investigators and prosecutors (meaning the DoJ and FBI here, basically) eager to do their jobs. In the past, at least two of those things were missing, maybe three. Now we'll see if they exist today.

theotherginger said...

Burn it down.

Snappy Dragon said...

Maybe the irrefutable proof is a video or some sort of recording. Maybe even documents some parents signed to keep quiet and take the payoff.

Snappy Dragon said...

I’m so excited over this!! I hope it’s true!

Unknown said...

Murdoch is just as accountable as the rest of them.

Itttt said...

The Protector/Ancient Evil Asshole Fossil - Sumner Redstone
The Corporation - Viacom
The Producer - Dan “Shitbag” Schneider
The Network - Nuh nik nuh nik nuh nik nuh nuh nick, Nickelodeon
The Other Network in trouble - MTV, VH1, BET, take your pick...
Deceased Ex-Executive - Brad Grey?
Nemesis - Rupert Murdoch

Smoking Gun Proof - Schneider rape victim Jamie Lynn Spears, or more precisely, her and Dan’s daughter. Paternity test will irrefutably prove Dan Schneider is the father, and his rape impregnating of JLS at age 16 will doom them all.

Bye bye, you horrific motherfuckers. If any of you were deluded enough to think this would end well for any of you, you were very much mistaken.

Chamomile Pee. said...

Watching this now, you've got a new subscriber guys!

Rinky said...

I hope whoever is gunning for them Nagasakis the entire network. Oh, this is gonna be GOOD.

SDaly said...

The "Time" and "tick tock" references are, I think, to the opening of the iconic CBS show "60 Minutes."

Halloweenie said...

How do these fame hungry parents live with taking money for the loss of their children's innocence and the breaking of their spirits? I started out reading this blind with my usual sense of dread bordering on panic attack but by the end my revulsion was replaced by joy. Let's goooooo. All systems goooooo. I pray for victory for these victims.

petty white said...

i haven't seen this mentioned here yet, and i've been watching for it to turn up, but did you guys know rupert murdoch was "injured" in a YACHTING accident this week (yesterday or day before)? so has been scarce in the media.

longlonglongtimelurker said...

Ronan Farrow is on this. He's doing a major profile for the NY Times and has been calling people all over the industry--causing a panic at Viacom and CBS.

petty white said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desi Derium said...

Please, every deity out there, please let this be Schneider! I'm generally not one to revel in the misfortune of others, but this piece of human garbage has had this coming for years, and I hope it hurts like hell.

mastik8 said...

Redstone/Viacom/Redstone's daughter, Shari, Phillipe Dauman, Fred Salerno, CBS and Les Moonves, etc. and Murdoch/Fox... Sounds like a web spiders would get tangled in.

Bia said...

Protector: Sumner Redstone
Corporation: Viacom
Producer: Schneider
Network: Nickelodeon
Other network: CBS
Deceased exec: Brad Grey
Nemesis: Rupert Murdoch (and his global media empire)
New Boss: Shari Redstone

cheesegrater15 said...

Wouldn't it be ironic if Woody Allen's kids brought down the massive pedo/molestation ring in Hollywood?

Jayne Townsley said...

I want the parents to fry, too.

Lea said...

I hope it is.

Snappy Dragon said...

Halloweenie - I’m with you on that... i recently discovered my now 21 year old son was molested as a child and I feel as though I can’t stop mourning the loss of his innocence more than anything else. I just can’t understand how a parent knowingly lets it continue and then takes money for it too!

Phelps said...

@cheesegrater15 You mean Sinatra's kids?

Sign Name Below said...

Me too

Lea said...

Mia Farrow's kids*

Anonymous said...

@Halloweenie - some people will do literally anything for money, and not just famous people. Watch how people act when someone dies and they go to literal war over the estate. Seen that happen way too many times.

Money truly is the root of all evil.

Halloweenie said...

This is why Murdoch is selling off everything like its a Christmas sale at Macy's. Except for his big ole money making cash cow Fox News, of course. Does anyone remember when Brittany spears music career was being launched and she did that pictorial in Rolling Stone that was a pedos wet dream? She was literally on a tricycle in a sexy revealing outfit with her hair in pigtails. And in another one wasn't she holding a lollipop? This is why when a young celeb is going through drug abuse issues or mental health issues aka Selena Gomez we should be maybe a little more gentle in our condemnation? Maybe that person is still in mourning for the childhood they lost. Brittany is a survivor and from all accounts a loving mom to her own kids. Survivors need a voice not judgement especially if they are self medicating with drugs and sex addiction. That's what helps broken people heal.

dyunker said...

Totally agree with both of you!

Junior said...

@LL Gator - like your guesses.

Dead Ex-Executive - Ralph Baruch
Escort - Syndey Holland

346NYC said...

Can anyone imagine being 12-13 years old and having that OBESE FAT F+CK force himself on top of you?
We'd all be Amanda Bynes.

What's amazing to me is that with all of the people WHO KNOW...
nobody did a G+D Damn F+cking Thing.
In all of these circumstances, nobody did anything.
We've all been brainwashed into submission.
Amazing isn't it?

For all of those mentions of Rupert Murdoch,
He is notorious for providing resources and cover for pedophiles.
His involvement in the Madeline McCann affair is disturbing.

Nemesis Report for future reference:
Ruport Murdoch despises Carlos Slim.
I worked closely with Carlos.

YummyBoogers said...

Bwahaha love the Johnny Cash "cover", Brayson!

Sign Name Below said...

The Protector -Sumner Redstone
The Corporation -Viacom
The Producer -Dan Schneider
The Network -Nickolodean
The Other Network in trouble
Deceased Ex-Executive -Brad Grey
Nemesis -Murdoch
Victim Meltdown Amanda Bynes
Victim 2
Victim (irrefutable proof) Spears' Paternity test
Escort -Sydney Holland
New Boss -Sheri Redstone
Payoff Shows -iCarly, Victorious snd Sam and Cat?

I believe it was Enty who suggested that Farrow is working on a CBS /Moonves story?

Anonymous said...

@Halloweenie Not sure what your statement on Murdoch has to do with this. The blind is about Sumner Redstone. Britney worked for Disney. I'm just happy you kept your political beliefs ou...........Oh I get it now. I see what you did there.

Salted Caramel said...

Looks about right. Damn. I was hoping it was Les Moonves lol

YummyBoogers said...

I agree with the Schneider guesses, but am not sold that he is the father of Jamie Lynn's daughter. Maddie looks EXACTLY like her father, and his family (many of whom have public facebooks btw).

Halloweenie said...

^^^^^^^Yep@346NYC. No politics just truth. This cuts across all political/ religious lines!

IanPhlegming said...

346NYC brings up Murdoch because he's being positioned as the nemesis who will take down Redstone/Schneider. But Murdoch is no better than they are. Politics has nothing to do with this. Pedophiles know no party, just their perversion.

Brayson87 said...

Well sure, of course he doesn't look like the one she kept.

Land Manatee said...


jwin said...

still waiting for the other hmmm nlind to pop. ATT dealt to buy timewarner and all the dirt that has been covered up there to protect rattner, singer etc.

lutefisk said...

I am actually friends with an adult actor from a Nick show. I am going to try to approach the subject and see if he tells me anything.

UnicornGirl said...

I love you guys for real. 💗 the first show you did on Schneider got me watching... People need to check them out

Anonymous said...

Please I hope if it is Dan Schneider that justice is served.

ICarly star Jeanette McCurdy's Vine about him was disturbing.

jwin said...

OMG. Nim and Tammy Bakker founded PINWHEEL, which was bought by warner and renamed Nicholodeon.

All these f@@@@kers are ALL IN IT TOGETHER.

Unknown said...

Oh my god,same.This is so overdue!!

Sadie Slays said...

How about Time Warner as an alternate guess for the nemesis? Time Warner owns HBO, which just signed a large deal with Ronan Farrow (who, according to that recent Hollywood Reporter cover story on him, is working on a another Weinstein-level takedown). Time Warner also owns all of Ted Turner's old channels, including CNN.

John Doe said...

These long and juicy blinds send shockwaves down my spine. Himmmmm, you are simply the best. I now declare you an 'untouchable'.

Schneiderisnext said...

@jwin +1000

Pinwheel was the flagship program of C-3, a children's network in Columbus, Ohio, in the earliest days of cable television broadcasting. C-3 soon changed its name to Pinwheel. In 1979, Warner Cable purchased the Sat-1 communications satellite from Jim and Tammy Faye BAKKER and rebranded the Pinwheel Channel as Nickelodeon, where it reformatted Pinwheel as hour-long episodes shown in three- to five-hour blocks, a format which would eventually become the model for the Nick Jr. programming for younger children.

.Televangelists affiliated with TRINITY BROADCASTING SYNDICATE.

Now known as TBN (TRINITY Broadcasting networks)

Unknown said...

What was his involvement with McCann... ? And what do u think happened to her.. ?

Unknown said...

Love you guys!!

jwin said...


did you read this it includes some stuff on Trinity Network. Look at who these people are related too. Look how they all connect with each other. Look at the pilesof cash POURING in and GREAT way to LAUNDER and hide HUGE amounts of money.

This is so much BIGGER than people seem to understand. This goes to MAJOR players IN GOVT etc working together over decades to set up phoney CHURCHES etc to operate child rings,drugs, control our culture and spread their operations throughout the world.

On the other blind about the oastor paying off kids he molested I posted several other links yo Miles Work around these "Religious Groups" it shows how it has been controlled and owned for a very long time by some powerful forces.

SecretGuesser said...

Clearly Dan Schneider - That fat bastard has been molesting people all the way back to when he lived across the street from Lane Meyer and tried to molest the young French exchange student Monique. (Amazing how convincingly creepy he was in that role!)
Great guesses - can't wait to see this crumble!

jwin said...

Also if you read the Mile paper above you will see for example that CROUCH share grandparents with Tom Brokow, Dennis hopper, francis ford seymour (jane's mum) dounder of Quaker Oats (LOL) etc.

If you read on Miles site the work done by kevin in 4 parts called 'Strange Relations' you will see hehasdone extensive geneology showing how many in Hollywood are related. With that understanding then as he shows in faith healers how the SAME NAMES keep showing up As CONNECTED to each other theough family.

M said...

There was an earleir blind about a tween actress that said no to a producer and was shut out. Popular guess was Victoria.

ShriveledBacon said...

Wonder if this is exposed before this proposed merger takes place:

MrsAmiss said...

About time Dan goes down!! My heart goes out to all the victims. And my wrath to the parents. Having two daughters I could not imagine wanting money and - can’t even type it. Nope nope nope hell no. The parents should go down with him. The parents who have become “conservators” of their daughters. They never protected them to begin with. They should rot in hell with him

MrsAmiss said...

I’m so sorry for you and your son. I’m happy he told you and turned to you.

carriestar said...

FUCK YES!!!!!!!


I know the only reason I know about any of this stuff is because I've been reading it on CDAN for years.
Thank you Enty for helping to spread the truth.

GingerGirl said...

I really hope this is true and anyone hurting children gets what’s coming to them. The absolutely worst part is the idea that parents would do this to their children. I thought Amanda Bynes had wealthy parents? Don’t some mental illnesses come out more strongly into adulthood?

Is Jamie Lynn Spears the only famous child actress to get knocked up? Irrefutable evidence certainly sounds like paternity.

Starry-eyed said...

Nemesis is definitely nemesis.

Cadmium77 said...

Kay said...

Please keep us updated.

Kay said...

@Sdaly Probably a reference to "time's up" campaign that's sweeping Hollywood.

Miss said... Twitter thread about evidence behind Schneider being a paedo.

Blanche Devereaux said...

Go Jamie Lynn, go! The years go by and I just feel so much more sympathy for these girls who had epic meltdowns. Can't believe I didn't see it at the time. I'm sorry, Brit and Amanda!

Freckles said...

Poor Jamie Lynn, you go for it girl! She not only lost her childhood but also had a child at 15 by an Asshole adult creeper

Schneiderisnext said...

If you want to help expose a Hollywood & Xtian church based sex trafficking ring, read the newest comments on "the CHURCHES MONEY"

The RED CROSS and a Xtian CHURCH are trafficking children.

The Church is in AZ

Land Manatee said...

Bidenema said...

And no clintons or obamas can protect you..oh myy

Chronically Savvy said...

This is awesome @Brayson87!

one_eyed_bob said...

Major kudos to Enty and all the Himmmms...they have been on Schneider for years. I looked back on this site and saw this post from 2014:

McCurdy and Cosgrove skipped Schneider's lifetime achievement award. The commenters as always filled in the details. And then the Himmmm blind where he/they called allegedly schneider a predator that is quoted in all these youtube videos. And then this current blind. You guys did the right thing when it was not popular to call out hollywood predators.

J said...

Great blind. Sounds glorious, but it also sounds like a money first approach which is a great way to bury key parts of the truth. #RootOfAllEvil #"Find" Madeleine

User C-137 said...

Did anyone ever consider that she got pregnant by her boyfriend ON PURPOSE to get away from all of the abuse? Even if there was some morals clause in her contract (take your time, laugh and get it out) but didn’t specifically mention pregnancy, the outrage from viewer parents alone would be enough to cancel the show.

I know I would look for any out I could if I were trapped in that kind of situation.

FeistyPanda said...

It's Britney, not Amanda, that gathered all the data to bring him down.

1 - epic meltdown
2 - "not a girl, now a woman" refers to her song that literally says she is not a girl, not yet a woman
3 - she "lost her life" because her father has had a conservatorship over her for 10 years. He choses when she eats, sleeps, and breathes. He also signed a super lucrative deal for a Vegas show that, I believe, was supposed to be wrapping up soon.
4 - she was never a star of a Nickelodeon show, but she was a frequent guest on All That, which is where Schnieder's abuses stem back to (20 years ago).

Irrefutable proof is her sister Jamie's baby, whom she conceived at age 16 and is alleged to be Schnieder's.

Also, her meltdown was Feb 2007 and Jamie announced her pregnancy December 2007. Britney may have learned about her sister being abused and now, being a mother, broke down from her parents never protecting them and actively handing them to their abusers.

FeistyPanda said...

Other victims include Byne's, Jamie Spears, and Jeanette Macgurdy.

Jenette is the one who got 2 shows (also Grande, too). She is the one who posted Vine videos pointing the finger at Dan.

Also - the thing he "slipped into the shows" is his massive foot fetish. It is all over Reddit and other places trying to out Schneider for the monster he is.

Unknown said...

Well said!

Unknown said...

The "flames are lapping at his legs" puts me in mind of the hotel fire Sumner Redstone was involved in, many years ago.

Unknown said...

OMG I just googled him and it's disturbing how many pics there are of him with children now knowing what he makes them do *grabs barf bag*

jwin said...

People Pay attention.

This goes deep. Think about it. How did the Bakkers, to name just one, have 100's millions of dollars,to buy all kinds of things. Private planes, houses etc? Sure their followers gave some of it but we are talking huge amounts. Where was the IRS?? where was the FBI. I do not care that they were pretending to be a CHURCH, any Law ENFORCEMENT, if not corrupt would be as,ing WHERE IS SLL THIS MONEY coming from???

SO you have to ask besides the so called CHURCHES, who was ALLOWING it??? THE answer is pretty OBVIOUS. Yes, I am beginning to think their HOUSE of CARDS is collapsing. THEY will sacrifice some PAWNS that seem LIKE KINGS. BUT they ARE not. AGAIN ASK who had the POWER to ALLOW and IGNORE so much MONEY being FUNNELED.

ScrantonYankees said...

Not gonna lie, I prefer the reveals. Also, big fan. Long time, first time.
Doesn’t this kind of put the victims in jeopardy? Alert the perps?
This is me going against everything I just said. I’m thinking Amanda Bynes for the meltdown.
If Himmmm is RDJ? Dude that’s awesome!

Unknown said...

The web bot, from Clif High, says that there will be "minders" on the sets to make sure no children or adults are harmed.

hopscotch101girl said...

"The flames are lapping at his legs" makes me think Hell is waiting....

Farmboy said...

Ben Stein has been abusing children for at least thirty years. He's not at the level of these guys, but he also has powerful protectors.

Unknown said...

Man their parents are disgusting! That poor CHILD was pimped out because it paid off for her sister and they got greedy!!

Unknown said...

Me too!! I loved her in What I like About You and her movies.

Your humble narrator said...

Omg, this is brilliant! I’m a huge Johnny Cash fan & longtime CDAN reader, & this may be my favorite comment thus far. 😄

Your humble narrator said...

This is going to be SUCH a huge payoff to see this monster finally get taken down. Far too long overdue. Can’t wait to see his victims get justice & hopefully a bit of closure.

Your humble narrator said...

Good catch! Britney’s tragic meltdown now makes SO much more sense. 2007 is when it really started, and that was when Jamie Lynn was pregnant with her baby... =(

Your humble narrator said...

I just subscribed too! God, it’s gonna be amazing to see him finally get taken down. And the whole damn lot of them, for that matter.

RedDawnHollywood said...

Side Note: Brian Peck Convicted pedo Nickelodeon acting coach pals w/ Sheen.

ThisIsHowITalk said...

Nice story putting it all together...

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I'm sorry about your son and how it made you feel, Snappy Dragon.

Amused said...

@angela Thanks for the link! I, personally, looked up Jamie's daughter without expecting to find a resemblance, but when I saw the eyebrows, I got goosebumps. I'm not convinced, but there are some doubts now. Here is a comparison that someone on imgur posted. The puffy part under the bottom lip is something that neither Jamie or her ex seem to have.

Schneider's face is so blobby, it makes it so much harder to compare details. I'm seriously considering photoshopping his face, just for some kind of an idea. His gross, puffy hair hides a lot too... I honestly hope he isn't the father. Ugh.

M. Simon said...

You will excuse me, but the entertainment business has been like this FOREVER. Anyone who didn't know how it works was willfully blind.

Parents used to warn their kids.

Carrie Fisher explained how it worked in two or three minutes at an award show (a comedy roast).

GuardianAngel said...

A reminder to all those "fans" who have been speculating and assuming RDJ is: "Hmmmmm".


Let us not forget: RDJ's family has been involved & part of Hollywood for a long time. Dealt with all the people we are now so openly calling "SCUM".


He was ARRESTED/CHARGED MULTIPLE TIMES, Broke probation, Had a serious drug problem.... Even woke up in his neighbors 11 YEAR OLDS BED one time!


He makes MILLIONS of DOLLARs within the very system being exposed.
He is doing quite well, enjoying all the benefits that Hollywood has to offer... "Playing the Game".


We have not seen him taking any "Pay Cuts" of Equality. He is not in Court Testifying against these evil bastards. In fact, he is remaining complicit, quite and enabling.

We are not "one of the Insiders" ... -> He is.
Think about that the next time you want to "BURN it ALL DOWN".

Will RDJ be one of those who should burn?

Jojo said...

DAN!!! Finally, but can anyone find anything on Dans early like? Wiki just says he was born in TN, his parents are dead and nothing else????
Victim 1- Amanda Bynes
Clue- payoff Amanda show
Clue- epic meltdown
Clue- she tweeted her parents wouldn't give her $

Victim 2- Jamie Lynn Spears
Clue- spears reference to lyrics of sisters song
Clue- virgin
Clue- irrefutable evidence her daughter
To anyone commenting on her looks, Id say she looks EXACTLY like Jamie Lynn.

Victim 3- Jeanette McCurdy
Originally Sam Puckett on icarly- Payoff was relaunching same character in new show Sam & Cat as a co-lead
But I have a theory that Jeannette leaked that photo to get the hell out of the toxic environment she was in. In a Hollywood reporter
article she responded to the scandal and said "I am proud that no one can call me fake or say I don't stand up for myself. I am proud that my friends and family would say that I'm a good person."
I think FAKE! is a directed at fake ass Ariana who I'm sure will never out Dan, not while she's reaping the benefits of her "hard work".
I also think her vine was an attempt at extortion.

Victim 4- Erin Sanders from Zoey 101
Clue-google her and dan and you'll see pics of her sitting his and other men's lap, it's revolting!!! She hasn't done much after zoey101
"Not just those he abused himself, but those he encouraged his writers, directors, and co-producers to sexually abuse. "

"They managed to make even more money off of even those cover-up deals by making new shows starring once-unknown backing players who had been abused. Like two shows that starred the same actress And on, and on, it went. "
This is of course the character Sam Puckett but also CAT VALENTINE played by Ariana Grande starred in Victorious, and the same character was recycled in a co-lead on Sam & Cat

Your humble narrator said...

Did anyone else remember that the logo for Nickelodeon for quite some time was... a freakin’ FOOT? Good Lord, was that some kind of sick homage to Schneider’s perversions? It
Google “Nickelodeon foot logo”

Your humble narrator said...

Anyone who hasn’t seen Jeanette McCurdy’s vine regarding Dan Schneider should check it out. Frankly, it gives me chills...

Anonymous said...

@NYC - Not sure why you brought up Carlos Slim? A little digging shows a connection with the other Boys Club blind, tho. Many thought the subject of the blind to be F Guistra. He donated $USD 100 million plus half of what he earns for the rest of his life to the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI). Carlos Slim matched this huge donation. And in 2010, Carlos Slim, Guistra and Clinton created a $20 million fund to assist small business in earthquake-ravaged Haiti.

Again, not sure why you mentioned Slim, though, unless you think they are connected to the blind?

Glad to see Schneider finally getting outed for his criminality and his protector as well. It is very sad how many children have had to pay the terrible price for "entertainment" of the masses.

Unknown said...

#DanSchneiderIsOver is now auto-filling in the search bar on Twitter. That hashtag is lit, guys.

Maude Lebowski said...

@KristyKreme holy shit, I do remember that foot logo!

Deryn said...

My money's on Jennette McCurdy being the primary force behind finally spearing that pig -- the one that's putting the legal team together. She's cynical, she's smart, and she holds a grudge.

LeahBryar said...

Jamie Lynn Spears. I don't think she had his baby. I think to escape she got pregnant on purpose, hid the pregnancy as long as she could, then told enough ppl so she couldn't publicly have an abortion. Her 'disgrace is what saved her.
Brittany had her meltdown early 2007. Jamie gets pregnant that same year giving birth June 2008.
Disgraced she was no use to them...

pwal said...

I'm of that mind too. Plus, I can't see her sacrificing her daughter's privacy, especially since she nearly lost her in that ATV accident.

Maybe Schneider thought that the child was his and sent messages and/or emails saying as much. That would be irrefutable proof, IMO.

Amused said...

@pwal I hope you are right. I can't imagine putting one of my babies in the position to be called a "rape baby," unless she really feels like she is saving other kids from a horrific fate. :/

molly said...

This blind reminds me of a rumor I heard years ago...don't remember the names for sure it was so long ago. AT&T had overbuilt like space satellites.they sold out to Viacom. George Bush Senior brokered the deal. (he had been accused by many of being a violent pedophile himself) This caused a lot of anger because millions were lost for those with stock in original company. After I heard the rumor, I googled...the information could be found on the internet then. The Biggest Protector is the US Govt.

DaToneBone said...

There have been a few guest celebrity appearances over the years on those shows but the one that brought up red flags was an iCarly that had Jack Black as a guest. Have nothing but my gut to go by so it might just be me but I'm an adult who survived multiple predators from kindergarten up through middle school and my radar has been on high alert all my life.

BigMama said...

Long Time coming..... Details are going to be horrifying. Hopefully they can keep most of them​ out of the news.

IanPhlegming said...

Jack Black, yes....the same Jack Black who said he sold his soul to the devil on a talk show and "Hail satan" on an awards show....who worked with a ton of kids on "House of Rock"....and on a bunch of kids' animated movies, making him appealing to the younger his first film role in Tim Robbins' "Bob Roberts"....we could got on and on....

Anonymous said...

Great work everyone.
FINALLY. This sicko needs to go down.
Is it possible he also molested Britney? The song reference could mean britney, as well as Jamie?

DaToneBone said...

Jack Black gives off a Guy Fieri vibe to me, kind of Fieri Lite. I find him funny more often or not but not so much lately. Even his latest movie relates to kids. Anyway I saw him on iCarly while my nephew was watching and thought to myself "this looks a little off to me" and this was before any rumors of Dan. I hear things about Tim Robbins but lots of shit gets tossed around. Can't say that my gut is always wrong about people though. I find some people "tell" themselves over time.

Dumblesnore said...

THIS... the parents should be held accountable for allowing this. Imprisoned.

Kim said...

To be different I say it is CNN Producer Jeff Zucker --
CNN owned by Disney as well as NBC Universal and ESPN

Protector Ted Turner

jessorella said...

Those who mentioned Jack Black- Miranda Cosgrove was one of the leading kids in School of Rock.

just sayin' said...

Podcast on this blind on "Revenge of the CIS". Start listening at the 1 hour, 7 minutes, 44 second mark:

Episode 66: #DanSchneiderIsOver 

If you hate my comments you'll LOVE these guys.

(To my liberal comrades: haven't lost my mind, these guys and I agree to disagree about politics and political correctness since what we care more about is outing pedophiles.)

Anonymous said...

just sayin' - sexual abuse is non-partisan. I agree. I am liberal and I listen to them because of the work they are doing, especially outing that pervert Schneider. Sometimes you have to put politics aside.

Anonymous said...

Jack Black says stuff like "Hail Satan" because it's a running gag/theme with Tenacious D. I've heard a lot of things about Jack, from people who have worked for him/with him, and he's mostly a pothead, not a pedo, and that the only thing on set in danger from him is the catering table.

Alexandria said...

Thank god, I see Tenacious D sometimes at rock/metal festivals, I held my breath for a moment, when I saw his name here.

IanPhlegming said...

I don't know anything for fact about Jack Black, just that he exhibits a lot of the circumstantial qualities that would suggest he's involved in child abuse. The Rock got away with saying "Hail Satan" too on SNL in a jokey manner. Of course you can't say say something like that seriously and hope to hold on to a mainstream career. But it definitely scores you points with the man downstairs if you can get away with it in any fashion. The reminder that Miranda Cosgrove was in "School of Rock" only amplifies my radar. Can we at least put Jack Black on the "watch list," please?

PotPourri said...

most certainly Jamie Lynn Spears' child

ThisIsHowITalk said...

One more link...super creepy ass YouTube video from 2011!!! Calling out DS

Schneiderisnext said...

On January 11, blind gossip posted a blind 1 step removed.

This takedown of Redstone and Schneider will likely destroy the conglomerate.

Disney and Fox are circling vultures ready to scavenge the pieces.

Colonel Blake said...

OK, everyone dust of their crystal balls:
If this IS Schneider do you think he'll talk and take everyone he knows down with him? Just curious how he operates if he's the type who would just admit to it once confronted or say "Yeah, I did it, but so does ___________." Or if he goes through the court process and is found guilty do you think he'll tell on others?
Just curious.

Natasha said...


That was frickin brilliant!!

(Love that song anyway)

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