Thursday, February 08, 2018

Blind Item #8 - He Hit Me

This permanent A list singer is not being allowed to go public with her story about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her A list ex. She says at least once every couple of weeks he would hit her or grab her by her hair and throw her to the ground. He said she was ruining his career and taking all the attention. Several times throughout her career she has thought about calling him out for it. He threatened her once when she told him she was going to do it and the threat was scary enough that she backed off. She was going to have others do it for her but they were too scared she would not back them up when the time came. Now, she is ready, but her own people won't let her because they just want to let it go and not have a bunch of other dirty laundry come out that she would not be able to control. This is as close as they will let her speak for now.


Tricia13 said...


Mah said...
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Fann8& said...

Carrie Underwood

Chelsea said...

Mariah Carey/ Tommy Mattola

Sagan said...

+1 Tricia13! That's the first couple that came to my mind, too.

Samantha Willow said...

Madonna/Sean Penn?

Anonymous said...

Madonna? Used to deny Penn abused her. Maybe ready to tell the truth, but has amassed some secrets of her own during the years that would get exposed as well if she comes forward.

Brayson87 said...

Oh Britney, you go girl!

Anonymous said...

I thought Carrie Underwood but is hse already perma A list? A list for sure, but has she earned the right to be called permanent? She's still fairly new to the scene; Brit brit and Madonna are way more deserving of the perma A list status.

BeaBorges said...

Hmm is Carrie U. "perm" A list though? don't think so.

Belinha said...

Mariah and Motolla

one_eyed_bob said...

I can't imagine anyone being intimidated by Timberlake, man, woman or child

Nonya Bidness said...

Not Madonna. She would be perm A+, and I don't see her being intimidated by either Penn or her mgmt.

Britney, however, does not have that kind of confidence. Assuming this means that if she did speak up, JT would bring up her drug use or mental issues. I hope she is at peace with whatever her decision is - I can't imagine it is easy leaving that abuse buried.

Jwill said...

Who is Carrie Underwood's A list ex? She is still married to the hockey player and I just read an article where some are saying they are trying for another baby.

The A List said...

The partner is also A list so not Carrie Underwood (hubby is a b list hockey player in the hockey world and probably D list in real world.). Madonna/Penn.

HGEHEHEH said...

If JT, then JT and Bruno have a lot more in common than I thought.

Brayson87 said...

Is no one going to mention her debut single?

Newbomb said...

I thought Mariah and Mattola at first, but the "ruining his career and taking all the attention" probably wouldn't apply to a behind the scenes guy. I would think it means both are performers. I'm going with Brit and JT also.

Rafael said...

Jenifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

filmfanb said...

Jtizzle and britney. I have a weird feeling the tide is going to change majorly against Timberlake. Especially with the release of the new album

Don Kieballs said...

Carrie's song Dirty Laundry makes me think it's her. Plus, I think if Britney, she would have said something when she was going through her struggles

Anonymous said...

Britney/Timberlake based on the “He Hit Me” baby one more time

Unknown said...

Miranda & Blake

ImmodestyBlaise said...

On the Brit/Timberfake train. Wasn't there a blind or comment recently that implied JT coerced Britni out of her virginity?

Sara, Making It Work said...

Britney/ Justin seems plausible.
Her people won't let her? Since when have her people ever had her best interests? Talk, girl, but get the soft focus TV interview or the Ronan Farrow type article. Don't just call him out on Twitter or whatever.
I've never been a fan, but she deserves so much better. I hope she has someone in her life she can trust.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo. Carrie also dated Tony

Anonymous said...

This is Janet Jackson. Clue: "control". The secret is the baby from long ago.

Unknown said...
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Karma said...

What EXACT color of ashen grey was Justin at the Superbowl? Stunned eyes, pudgy, could barely lift his legs for the dance moves. Thats an opiod addiction look for sure! Could she talk about the nasty sexual things he did to be in a boy band and get hits or would that kill his apron string momma? Justin knew Brit had been abused by handlers, producers, and who knows else and said & did nothing. His marriage is a beard sham... #times.up.timberlake

Moose said...

Britney doesn't know what time of day it is on a regular basis. I can't imagine she has the mental wherewithal for something like this (that is, if she is even capable of recalling details).

Sd Auntie said...

Well that explains Justins nasty disposition and overinflated ego. Glad his superbowl appearance sucked and he needs to realize that he needs Nsync,He is not Michael Jackson or Bruno Mars. Brittany is an icon and yes she cheated. Pick yourself up and move the hell along. Tony Romo and Carrie is a good guess too!

hothotheat said...

Brit is usually refered to as a "singer". Not convinced this is her. carrie isn't perm.l, I think this is Mariah.

Sagan said...

I change my vote! Sorry Tricia!

+1 lab lover -- Miranda and Blake

Wonder what the "other dirty laundry (could) come out that she would not be able to control" could be?

No wait - I'm so confused! It's Brit and Timberfake and Miranda and Blake!

*running screaming towards the river with hair on fire*

Moose said...

What about Rihanna/Chris Brown - she's never really gone public with the abuse stories, and I am sure there are plenty. At the same time, I am sure there is personal trash Brown and his people have on her, which would explain the final sentences of the blind.

Bklynbaby said...

Miranda permanent A lister?? hahahahahahaha

Off With Her Head said...

Fergie and Josh?

Monsieur Pocketrocket said...

YES! @Tricia13 as soon as I read about the "stealing all the attention", they were the first to pop in my head ��!!! Maybe that helped her along in her breakdown ��...

Unknown said...

Mike Fisher can't care that much about the spotlight, he plays hockey for a living.

(I say that as a hockey fan)

sandybrook said...

Janet Jackson and either Rey Elizondo Jr. Or El DeBarge, I'm leaning to DeBarge mostly.

Leeroy_Jenkins said...

I don't think the blinds about Carrie Underwood are about her husband hitting her. The other blinds that seem to be about her sound like she has a substance abuse problem, she found out her husband was cheating, and she hurt herself while intoxicated.

cheesegrater15 said...

Lol, you are so wrong for that.

longtimereader said...

Timberlake/britney. Madonna recently covered for penn in legal case.

Halloweenie said...

I feel STRONGLY that this is Britney Spears and Justin Timberdouche. He is an attention hog and stabbed many people in the back to claw his way to the 'top'. I saw a vid once of Britney being forced to say how much she loved Justin's new album ( his last one) because they have the same record company, I have never seen a more pained, more fake smile. I root for Britney, who has obviously been through a lot. It also could be Mariah or Janet.

joshg g said...

Hit me baby one more time

SeijnSei said...

Shania Twain / Mutt Lange

Jwill said...

Yes, Tig Lilly, I would say Lambert is a permanent A lister with the number of awards and platinum albums she has. She's kind of a force in country music. Even a Gwen Stefani fan like yourself would have to admit that.

Jwill said...

Mutt Lange always avoided attention, though, didn't he? Isn't kind of known for being a hermit?

Colonel Blake said...

The song was "Hit Me Baby One More Time" and it's about "Call me one more time." "Hit ME" being a "Phone Call." The song was offered up to another singer, forget who, but refused it BECAUSE it could've been misconstrued as physically hitting. But, for whatever reason Brit's handlers scooped it up.

AtlantAnne said...

Well, we know it ain’t Taylor Swift. LOL

How about Katy Perry and John Mayer?

Unknown said...

I like the JT Britney guess,. Common sense tells me it is Janet and DeBarge, because I remember the rumors waaaaaaay back when, that hinted he was an abuser.

Sign Name Below said...

Mike Fisher as ex who is worried about having spotlight taken makes no sense

Guesser said...

Britney and Justin fit best, the others wouldn't be taking attention from them. Justin was upset with people thinking he was celibate or gay, because Britney was assumed to be a virgin. She has the most that she wouldn't want out,and it may hurt her mental state.

Guesser said...

Tony Romo would be Carrie Underwood's ex, but her problem is supposedly her husband.

Unknown said...

What did Bruno do?

Paint Chips said...

I keep hearing that it's about to be Sean Penn's turn in the barrel imminently. I've been hearing this since probably early December, still nothing. I really think there are stories being worked on at some newspaper about him.

Kate said...

Could this be Miranda and Blake? Though she looks like she could turn into Hulk after a few shots

Kate said...

And they aren't exes yet

Kate said...

Dirty laundry would be her drunken escapades and some shady music dealings ... but damn I love her

T. W. said...

Not Mariah, she has spoken about the abuse she suffered when she was married to Mattola.

Could be Janet, but I don't think so. She kept her marriage secret for a long time.

Britney is most likely. I think her management won't let her talk because the information that could be used against her will discredit her even further.

Sofie said...

Not Madonna/Sean I think. She recently submitted written testimony in some court case that he never physically abused her. Of course she could've lied, but she might actually get in trouble if she came out with a different story now.

T. W. said...

@Moose, "supposedly," Chris went off on Rihanna because she gave him herpes. Rihanna came out smelling like roses because Chris hit her.

Unknown said...

It's Reese Witherspoon. She alleged abuse but didn't go as far as stating that her ex beat the crap out of her. That could have been her people letting her reveal some info but not all of it.

T. W. said...

I doubt it is Madonna/Sean Penn. Madonna doesn't get mad, she gets even. That is one woman you don't want to cross.

jessorella said...

You go for it, Britney - if ever the time was right for this to go public, it’s now.

Anonymous said...

I used to like him.
Is there anyone decent left? :(

plot said...

"Her people won't let her? Since when have her people ever had her best interests? "

Britney's people have done an amazing job of protecting her interests, particularly her father who dropped everything, ended his business, to sort out Britney's life and restore some order.


Reese is a VERY interesting guess!

Gilded bee said...

How could it be Reese Witherspoon it’s a singer. The clues are that it happened a while ago. With the singer wanting to mention it throughout her carrier on different occasions. The singer obviously isn’t in a good place with the other celebrity because they threatened to expose the singer’s previous antics that could paint them in a bad light. It’s saying now she is ready. Maybe with all the Me Too stuffor maybe she’s in a good head space. The bit that is confusing is “This is as close as they”ll let her speak” has she already spilt some tea. Who knows.

Gator said...

Mariah/Tommy Mottola. She has briefly spoken about the abuse before

Jennifer B. said...

HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT THE GUY, but didn't Taylor Swift have an album called Speak Now. Ending with that.

Kno Won said...


Kno Won said...


Kno Won said...

I like this guess.

amused bush said...

He is a fucked up individual. Nothing can excuse what he did to Rih Rih, or anyone for that matter.

Krusty Demon said...

It's not funny but imagining Marc Anthony throwing someone to the ground makes me giggle. Looks like a light breeze would knock him over.

Land Manatee said...

Wasn’t there a recent blind reveal that mentioned JT throwing a hissy fit at his bday party because other (more popular) guests showed up and were taking the attention and focus away from him? That would fit the ‘taking all the attention’ bit.

trufflepig said...

Do people really think Britney wrote 'Hit me baby one more time'?

Peopleknow86 said...


Peopleknow86 said...

Good guess but is she permanent A list?

Court b said...

Yes, she did go public on oprah

RDMum said...

JLo and Marc Anthony?

Hanniam said...

@Blaise There was a blind about that back in the day, too. Did it get that well buried?

BMBT said...

Yep, it’s not difficult. Plus, it was explained to death when it became popular.

Original Unknown skeptic said...

I doubt that would be a shocker to anyone. She’s never really denied it and those stories have been around. He did get arrested for it if I remember correctly. At the very least those details came out during their divorce. I think if you were born before a certain time you are well aware that Sean Penn abused Madonna.

Angela said...

Joan Baez/Bob Dylan/David Geffen/Pizzagate/Deep State/Chris Cornell's widow/Rose McGowan/Matthew Morrison.

Madame_ovary said...

I'm intrigued by the Spears/JT guess. I'm obviously new here. Has there been other talk of JT being a giant a-hole? I've always assumed he might have a giant ego. I wanna say I recently read an article that claimed Jessica Biel had been spotted acting really submissive, head down, going along with whatever she's told.

T. W. said...

@Madame_ovary - yes. People here call him Justin Timberfake.

kitten1979 said...

She lost her virginity to ben Affleck you didnt see that blind jt isnt that kind of person its all bout trying to bring him down are you kidding me

taurus1987 said...


Anonymous said...

kitten1979: She lost her virginity to her high school boyfriend before any of us really knew who she was.


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