Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blind Item #14

Apparently this now deceased former A list teen actor was a subject in a never completed documentary about the movie business and specifically starting off as a teen. There is about two hours of footage with the actor and according to the producer who is trying to bring the project back to life, the actor says some not kind things about a presumed actor friend.


  1. Corey Haim re: Feldman

  2. Not shocking, anyone that watched them knew that there were times these 2 really went at it, and a time when Haim really disliked Feldman because of how he felt he was being treated.

  3. IF this ever comes out I hope it will wipe forever that repulsive smile of his ugly "troll" face!

  4. Yup just came to say the same ...

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I hope this documentary gets released.

  6. Weren’t they on bad terms when Haim died? I watched a bit of their reality show and they were painful to watch together.

  7. Anonymous12:26 PM


    Feldman was no friend to Haim.

  8. I wouldn’t be surprised it Haim didn’t like him at all. Does anyone like him?

  9. I'm sorry for Feldman's abuse and pain, but I have always disliked him as an actor, person and story character. He was always just too much and reminded me of Danny Bonaduce. Both were these weird little old-man/child types. Honestly, I'm shocked any pervy-pedo would be attracted to either them, they were such a little repulsive trolls.

  10. Also guessing Haim was at least bisexual and Feldman openly admits his own homophobic reactions. He seemed more horrified by the m/m thing with Haim’s early experiences being taken advantage of than he was with Haim being taken advantage of. Full stop.

    Granted, THAT is a product of the time, place, and environment, too. I doubt Sheen would have turned out so messed up if he’d grown up in a more open time and place.

    1. YES. Feldman has not been shy about his gay-shaming. Or whatever you want to call it. And that was just publicly. Who knows what he was like to Haim in private. But also, that could be the bidding of Judy as well. Piece of shit mom that she was.

  11. Oh this needs to come out to shit Feldman riding on the back of Haims coat tails once and for all.

  12. I agree @Han. There were several accounts of Haim hooking up with men as a an adult. Apparently Charlie Sheen, too. Feldman tries really hard to be this super straight lady-killer so I can definitely see him being homophobic to Haim even though he actually encouraged Haim to have sex with men when they were both kids.

  13. Maybe Haim foresaw Feldman marching his corpse around for sympathy money.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Orangesoda I love your fizzgig picture 😊

  16. I don't think Haim was bi-sexual but I suspect he used his good looks to his advantage as he had learned to from his early abuse in the industry.

    Haim and Feldman have a LONG history and were tight as brothers. Yes they had a lot of conflict, particularly when Haim was deep in the drugs. I'd take anything he said about Feldman with a giant grain of salt depending on the time (and his condition) when this footage was taken.

    Haim had quite a few longterm relationships with women which don't get much press unless you read his in-depth wikipedia or other stuff so I don't believe he was gay or even truly "bi" but sure he probably used that pretty mouth when he had to, he was SO ADORABLE and also quite damaged.

    Corey Haim was my childhood crush big time, can you tell?

    1. @hunter

      Your comment unfortunately demonstrates why Haim, if he was bisexual, felt he couldn’t be so openly.

      Your childhood crush and his relationships with women have nothing to do with whether he was or was not bisexual. They do have everything to do with the pressure the Hollywood Machine places on actors to be perceived as nothing but straight.

  17. Feldman might be homophobic because of the abuse he endured.

    Something weird about their relationship. Feldman claimed Haim was always horny and repeatedly tried to have sex with him. Feldman claims to have responded by finding adult men for Haim.

    I have heard rumors Feldman had a hand in Haim's death. I suspect a lit of deaths attributed to natural causes are really not so.

  18. +1 @Someone Else -- You surmised how I feel about Feldman perfectly!

  19. Definitely Haim about Feldman. I hope this gets out. Sick of seeing Feldman still dragging Haim into everything he does for money, he even wrote a tweet the other day about Corey Haim and then in the same tweet asks everyone to go see his new movie. Like what does Corey Haim have to do with his new movie. Feldman would dig up Haims corpse and charge people to look it. He needs to just go away.

    Considering Feldmans so homophobic I've heard lots of accounts about how he and his ex wife used to swing with both men and women and that he has bisexual threesomes now at his weird sex parties. He's a little cockroach.


  21. Alot of people want to get back at Feldman, taking old footage of a drug addicted frenemy is dirty business. Discrediting Feldman, doesn't make them innocent, just takes the focus off them.

    1. Feldman discredits himself with all his money grabbing schemes, wacko claims (that he was stabbed by some wolf pack with syringes) videos/ performances. Pot meeting kettle regarding drug addicted frenemy because Feldman has been running his mouth and basically using Haims past and death for sympathy money. It wouldn't surprise me if half of what he's saying is bullshit or half truths anyway. Feldman is being paid off and controlled by the elite in Hollywood. I think he talks bullshit when he claims Haim got raped and he didn't. I think they were both raped and abused by the industry as children and now Haim isn't around to credit anything Feldman is saying. It feels like he's just threw all the abuse claims at Haim and made him the poster boy for child sexual abuse as he doesn't want to admit to the world what really happened as he projects being homophobic and he seems to think that would make the world think he is homosexual or atleast bisexual, look at how he projected Haims abuse to the world.

  22. I always thought it was shady and disrespectful the way Feldman would always emphasise in interviews that Haim got raped and he didn't while Haim was still alive (and probably not wanting his business used as tabloid fodder). It's like he thinks it was his triumph and Haim's failing.

    Assault on a child in whatever form is not in their control and definitely not their fault.

    As for Feldman growing up in a time when homophobia was alright - he didn't. Nobody did. If it was the prevailing attitude, well attitudes change, no excuses.



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