Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blind Item #8

This pay cable show is a big hit, but behind the scenes, it is one of the worst places to work and unless you are one of the stars, you never want to go back. Unless things have changed, the producers are just playing roulette at this point as to when they will get sued for hostile work environments. The producers tried to go in after scenes, sometimes a week later to try and get actors to sign nudity riders and releases in an attempt to cover themselves.

There was that scene filmed in an actual mausoleum where the people in charge had to be warned against trying to make the actors touch each other's genitals, especially without barriers. Several crypts were damaged because the actors were painted head to toe, sweating profusely and given no breaks. They ended up leaning against the crypts and the paint would smear on the crypts. Oh, and don't forget the lit torches that were held and lit for hours which caused temperatures to soar even higher and caused multiple people to pass out from the heat.

Oh, and don't forget the guys who kept wandering on set and pleasuring themselves in the corners to the scenes they were watching. Several high level crew quit that day because of the conditions. 


  1. James Franco’s show?

    1. You just love being the first to guess, right, that's your schtick? Because it's clear you don't read the blinds: have you seen a lot of crypts in "The Deuce"?

    2. Leave her alone. Tricia is awesome.

    3. Shut the fuck up derick

    4. Hahah... ah I love the word schtick (so underused🙄🙄) also sounds a lot like “dick”.

    5. Ps-sorry James F/“sg”if I DARED to make a connection between your name/delinquency/and sexual misconduct, you tosser.
      What’s up? 15 year olds no longer DMing you ?

  2. What the actual F**K is wrong with these people?

  3. Sounds like Franco's MO - taking advantage of day workers and non-union cast.

    1. Yep.... or GOT
      But it sounds like that hard on Franco

  4. Does The Deuce have naked scenes in mausoleums? That sounds like some True Blood rip off.

  5. Westworld

  6. "I don't think that's intentional. We just wanted to create a palette that was very sensual and very dark and not particularly rote or done. We housed this scene in a mausoleum in Compton. That's where we found this location: a very narrow building where essentially 40,000 bodies are buried aboveground. It was a strange place to begin with. It had a very haunting flavor to it, right from the get-go. (Laughs.) It was very surreal."

  7. Why is it after all the #MeToo and #Time'sUp hype, it seems like conditions on film sets just get creepier and seedier?

  8. Sounds like the Westworld orgy scene from season one. People were painted gold. They already took a PR hit from that one when the casting notice surfaced and shut down production for months.

  9. Westworld. There was something in the news recently where one of the produicers said they were trying to make the nudity evenhanded.

  10. Yep this is definitely the Westworld orgy scene. It's OK though because it's not porn it's HBO!

  11. For most people Westworld is what they watch in between GoT episodes.

  12. @just sayin', maybe they think all the #MeToo and #Time'sUp hype satisfied everyone's outrage, so now thanks to the public's short attention span, it's back to business as usual. I don't know that they're wrong, but we'll see.

    I'll just be glad when we hit peak "dark and gritty" and head back the other direction. When even Star Wars is bragging about being gritty, it's getting ridiculous.

  13. The Deuce is NOT a huge hit by any standards. It barely got greenlit for season 2.

  14. GoT doesn't film in any mausoleum.
    It's Westworld.

  15. @just sayin' @Cail Corishev

    Real justice doesn't happen in an instant. It takes time, a lot of time, and witnesses who need a huge degree of privacy and protection. One outcome of having so much media exposure is that more fragile victims are afraid to risk their lives, their work on themselves, to the intrusion of constant interference.

    While media can help gain support for victims (see the women's gymnastics team) it hurts others. Some cases take a long long time to sort out. Let the public drift away, it will come back eventually. Everything is cyclical.

  16. @Cail and @just sayin' - This is not AFTER #MeeToo. It's the first seasons of Westworld, shot long before #MeeToo and #Time'sUp even started.

  17. Westworld was bad. Not watching Season 2 to see if it's still bad.

  18. @DDonna


    Really bad show. Does not deserve the hype.

  19. showtime's the affair is famous basically for having tons of sex scenes

    1. I've watched GoT for the sex scenes. 👍😃

  20. I'll just be glad when we hit peak "dark and gritty" and head back the other direction.


    1. +1000

      Dark and gritty is the route you go when you’re not talented enough to be memorable for anything else.

  21. Insult to injury time: how much people got paid for simulated sex acts in the background scenes of Westworld

    ‘Westworld’ Extras Paid $600 For Simulated Sex Acts On HBO Set

  22. I watched the first episode of the new season last night. There's a scene that gave me the creeps: A robot/host makes a male human take off all of his clothes until he's in his underwear. Then she makes him get completely naked while the camera is on him. There he is, standing fully nude, dong hanging down. It's like they were saying "we have to show that we won't only make the woman do nudity. We have to show we are edgy and pushing boundaries." The scene was unnecessary and it gave me the creeps.

    1. And HBO is stupid for that reasoning, OZ was one of their first shows leading up to the Sopranos "prestige" run and that was almost exclusively male nudity, and there's been plenty of random penii scattered throughout their series ever since

  23. I don't know why they call it HBO anymore, it's GoT TV, nobody is watching that network for anything else since the streamers started having their own nudity, cussing and violence.

  24. This is definitely Westworld published an article about the extras getting paid $600 dollars a day BUT extras felt exploiter by thé producers.

  25. Dear god. I looked up the article and the show, and it’s even worse than I thought. Rape and violence and more sex and violence and another side of rape. It sounds like the show is trying out for Headley Lamarr’s Gang of baddies in Blazing Saddles.


  26. Definitely not GoT. I have friends who work on Thrones both as actors and backstage and all of them say that it's a very professional atmosphere despite criticism they've received over certain scenes from the media. The outrage is all hype.

  27. Westworld sounds like a pure trash show. Now by no means am I a prude but there's no talent in depicting the overly graphuv8and explicit. It's just extravagant laziness, trusses up to look like "dark, gritty edginess." REAL darkness and grit takes a long look underneath the surface to expose the unspeakable truths we all know lie there but are too afraid to admit. Now THAT takes talent.

  28. People going around masturbating in corners. At work. My god, does EVERYONE in Hollywood have the mentality of a 15 year old boy?

  29. @NicQuerica

    "It's just extravagant laziness"

    Well put! That goes for a lot of current programming.

  30. Gotta give you props for "penii", Manuel.



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